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Posts posted by hyrulevyse

  1. On 1/19/2020 at 5:16 PM, TDIRunner said:

    Funny thing is that if you don't like the rubber banding, than MK8 is the one to play.  It is without question, the most difficult to come back from lasts place to first.  In most MK games, the person in last place gets all sorts of good stuff.  In MK8, you can be hanging out in the back and still get stuck with single bananas and ink blots.  

    100% this.  And unpopular opinion coming apparently, but the lack of rubber banding (and the track design) is what makes it the worst one in the series.  Hell, even falling off the track in MK8 barely affects your position when it used to be a death sentence.  Rubber banding = chaos, and chaos = good times.   Who in the world is playing this if they're wanting an 'authentic' racing experience anyways?

  2. On 2/1/2020 at 9:39 PM, DefaultGen said:

    Yep, purple Elmers gluestick and a toothpick. Bigger issue on older 8 bit stuff. I can’t imagine why anyone would be mad at this unless it’s poorly done. What cart is so important that it needs to remain in its untouched, crappy falling apart condition rather than stuck back down?

    Enjoy the restored designation on all your Heritage consignments you monster.

    • Wow! 1
  3. On 2/2/2020 at 11:32 AM, scaryice said:

    No way have that many SNES games been thrown out, they were $60-70. I'll say around 1/3rd thrown away, and I'd be very shocked if it was over 50%.

    Of course, I'm sure it varies by game and genre. Sports game, ok, those are probably over half. But a game like Wizardry, probably something really low like 10%.

    That's an insane number imo.  Like you said it's different for each title but in general things get tossed when they're no longer being used, especially toys.  As @Tulpa mentioned parents threw a bunch of stuff out when their kids were no longer using them, it takes a lot less effort than boxing it up and finding a place to store it.  As a parent myself I toss my kids crap all the time.

    • Like 1
  4. I've always considered Pac-Man to be Namco's mascot, but I'm not really sure when that became a thing.  Air Zonk was TTI's mascot when turbo transitioned into the 'tude era', and I always considered the running man guy (coincidentally also called jumpman sometimes) to be Intellivision's.

  5. 1 hour ago, Bubbapauls said:

    I also remember Johnny Turbo for the Turbografx who looked like a fat Sgt. Slaughter.


    Hell yeah, here to warn kids about the evil corporation of FEKA!  Quit spreading those lies about Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective being on your platform first.

  6. 12 hours ago, PineappleLawnchair said:

    Lets be real here, the wii u was a big risk because of their own incompetence. If the library wasn't made out of shovelware, games like Hashtag Fire Emblem, Paper Mario Color Splash, Game and Warrio, or 3DS ports, and they didn't confuse people into thinking it was just a Tablet accessory for the Wii, maybe, just maybe, it would have been successful.

    Yeah the name was the Wii U's biggest sin for sure.  I'm sure they just wanted to capitalize on the Wii's popularity in some way but assuming that's true Wii 2 or whatever would've been better.  Even my regular gaming friends were confused by this thing so I can't even imagine what the general public thought.  Deserved a better fate imo, basically a switch with the guts in the dock instead of the tablet.  This meme is an oldie, but a goodie......and completely accurate.



    • Haha 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, ALTQQ said:

    I've only encountered a recycling bin full of nes tapes once. I'd imagine a ton got thrown out but I think most unwanted ones cycled through a garage sale, got donated traded for store credit or are just stuffed in a box lost in an attic/garage/basement/closet long forgotten and waiting for an estate sale.

    They were garage sale fodder for sure but I don't think trading them in was even a thing until the mid 90's.  I could be wrong but high school for me was the earliest I can remember used game stores or whatnot.

  8. 23 hours ago, silverjazzzoo said:

    Do American garbage yards dig into piles like they do in Mexico? I am talking about 30 years ago, but I would think that a person would sell a game rather than throw it out. 90% retention rate for every game made for NES and 16 bit era? Or am I nuts?

    yeah I think that's nuts. I have no idea what the right percentage is but it has to be under 50.  These games weren't always 'worth something' and with no internet click bait articles around to educate people, most just threw em away like any other toy that gets outgrown.  

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