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Everything posted by bertsampson

  1. Yeah, if you farm at all (I did not), you should be able to beat my score. I completed it a few times. My lowest was just under 4 million, so my high score isn't that bad...
  2. 4,420,593 No play time for me today. Happy Father's Day to all you dads!
  3. Well @Bearcat-Doug. Bring on the BS. There's no way I'm beating @Kid Dracula today. I did beat the game, but with a pitiful 4.4 million. I hang my head in shame, and will have to reevaluate my life choices. This may be the end.
  4. Me too! I wanna see ol' skinman hold onto his Shooter bragging rights.
  5. Easy way out? Be content with your no tournament "championship?" You a funny guy. You should have stayed retired with your fake championship. I'm tired of your broken record, so I'm going to start playing some Recca now. What button does what now?
  6. Oh, I don't want you to lay down. Give the spectators what they want! Score big! And when I score bigger, you'll be eating all the BS you've been spoutin'.
  7. This year will be my first and only tournament with the lackluster bearcat able to compete. You really should start your break now. You're going to need all the time you can get before the tournament.
  8. That sounds like fun. I'm sure somehow I'll still outscore @Bearcat-Doug.
  9. The lack of tournament had nothing to do with your insignificant point lead. If you're talking overall wins, I have more than anyone. And, after this year, I'll have the most championships as well.
  10. Championship you never lost? You still have yet to get one. No tournament means no championship. You cry about my tie wins, and you're pathetic with your default championship that you haven't earned.
  11. Not my words, I just didn't argue, and no, I don't need Viagra. Your mom can attest to that. Your piss poor score getting you in the top 8 is a joke. I've been waiting for a real challenger for 5 years. @rdrunner seems happy with his effortless wins over you, and after this year, I will be too.
  12. I know, all those people without scores up yet should be kicked out of the weekly contests and banned from ever playing a NES game again! I haven't played yet.
  13. I'm sure it did. Not so much with the speed, but the ability to do several attempts. When I got 184, I got it my first try for that go around. I did a few more attempts and wasn't able to hit 184 again. Did the same thing with my 198. Preworkout helps with endurance and less burn out.
  14. Lol, no. I guess it would depend on your reaction to alcohol, but I don't think that would help. I got slightly jittery off some preworkout.
  15. Cool! Thank you so much. I have to confess something though, I did use some performance enhancing substance...
  16. No silly, Kid said he made lunch. I made tacos while I farmed.
  17. I'll post a score up when I get around to playing this week. One and done. Just haven't given it the time yet.
  18. Well then...that's 10 minutes I'll never get back. Is all of Wrastling this boring these days? If you are planning on trying a sucker punch to take me out of the tournament, good luck with that. This CM Punk fellow looks like a real loser. Funny how you try to equate yourself to him.
  19. Padding stats is done after you've already won. If that's what you mean, I'll get right on that.
  20. No practice needed, just winning. Actually, I couldn't get into Recca, so I'm taking a break until the tournament. You know, so I can hang out in the weekly games until the tournament and put up participation scores because then I won't have to make excuses as to why I can't get a good score. Sound familiar?
  21. Participation is right, but you spent all day on it.
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