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Everything posted by Rhapsody98

  1. I was confused at first, too, but I think you can pick it up pretty quickly once you're in the thick of it. Basically the town has to vote the werewolves off during the day (but they don't' know who the wolves are), and the wolves will kill a townie each night. The town wins when the wolves are gone, the wolves win when they kill enough townies to equal their population.
  2. Ok, So I did a bit of Googling, and I think it was Survivor's guitarist at the time Frankie Sullivan. But either way, it was a good concert.
  3. So, when I was in high school, way back in 1997, I belonged to a group called "Explorers", which was basically Boy Scout Cops. I joined to spent more time with my dad, and for a while figured I end up doing this for life, but didn't (which is a story for another time). But one of the perks was that they used us as Rent-a-Cops for events. One of those events was a concert for Starship and Survivor. So I got to see both of those bands in concert from the front row, because I was in uniform, keeping the crowd from jumping on stage. Survivor opened, and they were ok. They did a lot of jazzy stuff I don't think was ever on the radio, and wrapped up with Eye of the Tiger. Then after a very short break, Starship came on and played most of their old hits, minus the ones they needed for Grace Slick. About midway through the concert, I realized that the guitarist was the same lead guitarist for Survivor. I don't know which band he actually belonged to, if he was filling in for someone or what... But I nudged my partner (whose name was literally, actually, on his birth certificate Junior, welcome to the South), and said "Hey, isn't that the same guy who played for the first band?" And he must've been a hell of a lip reader, because he took a second to make eye contact with me, take his hand off his guitar, point at me, and nod. And I've had questions ever since.
  4. I only ever played Pokémon Go, and sometimes listened to the Alona series because my son was watching. But the basic rules of the game won’t change because of the theme, right?
  5. You have to segregate them, or they'll cause the rest of your collection to lose value. /s
  6. I believe the medical terminology for that is "Being an unscrupulous greedy fuck nugget."
  7. Just as a measure of how much VGS is better: @darkchylde28 never invited me to look at a thread, or talked to me about the people on NA (that I can remember). Granted, I came in here in a round about way, through playing games instead of collecting, playing Minecraft, and then Game Night. But without those things, there wouldn't be the the sense of community, and there wouldn't be people I feel are my friends now, I definitely wouldn't be here. I got all excited about the Werewolf game and spent waaaaaay too long telling my mother about how it worked, and how much fun it was. I have gotten so much enjoyment and fun out of interacting with you guys. I gather that NEVER could have happened on NA.
  8. Game night is the Highlight of my week(s)!
  9. https://www.forbes.com/forbes/2004/1227/156.html?sh=1e5684592e07 Just dropping this here, the important information being the following; Heritage was itself the subject of a 1997 complaint by New Orleans dealer Blanchard & Co. The dispute stemmed from a $2.5million loan from Heritage, made in 1992, stipulating that Blanchard had to buy two-thirds of its coin inventory from Heritage at prices Heritage claimed were fair market. Blanchard sued Heritage after learning the firm had sold similar coins to other wholesalers at prices far below what Blanchard had paid. An arbitration panel ordered Heritage to pay Blanchard $23 million; Blanchard settled for less. Halperin says the companies continue to do millions of dollars in business a year.
  10. Can confirm. When my dad died, we tossed a three foot square box of 5 1/4 floppies into the dumpster. (I still get flack from it from @darkchylde28, but no one even had a machine to read them anymore!)
  11. It's ok. One day, I will need everyone's help appraising all of the junk in boxes strewn through the house. Because I will not be asking the crooks at WATA.
  13. Also, in light of this whole debacle, Thank you for all you do, Gloves. I'm sure keep looking at your screen in increasing horror.
  14. That's quite the mental image. My view of the thread went kind of like this:
  15. My Drama-Llama says "Yes, oh yes!" But my chores list says "Oh no!"
  16. You don't even have to care about collecting to have a blast here!
  17. That business statement is all kinds of revealing.
  18. That's your take away? He was doing well, so he could afford to lose the money? If he'd ever heard the concept of a "bubble" I'm sure he'd have stayed away, but he had no idea the price was going to drop out from under him. And that's why scams like this succeed, because there's always someone ignorant enough and gullible enough to be the person holding the bag. Also, he grew up literally dirt floor poor. Extreme poverty, especially for people in the Great Depression, causes PTSD and trauma over money and resources. I don't blame him for always looking for ways to provide for his family.
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