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Posts posted by Sumer

  1. 4 hours ago, Tulpa said:

    I still insist it's a pretty good drunk party game. There's a reason it made its debut in a bar. 😛

    Exactly!  It will always be more of a bar game (ala Golden Tee, Capcom Bowling) then a proper "arcade" game, much less a "fun home" game.

  2. Shark Shark is a great game.  INTV's Burger Time was superior too, at the time.  It also got an official "Burger Time Sequel" that no other system got in "Diner."

    I never had one growing up, but one of my good buddies had one and extolled its virtues over the 2600 (which I had).  The sports titles were also very fun, but, like someone said, it didn't have the library that the 2600 had and the 2600 version of Space Invaders was THE killer app of 1980...right when the INTV was going to full market retail.  If Bushnell got his way and shelved the 2600 at the end of 1979, the INTV might have stood more of a chance.

    Either way, there is a STRONG, devoted fanbase for the INTV over at the AtariAge forums and those guys are making some great homebrews for it.

    • Like 1
  3. So, here is my surprising vote:

    Atari Jaguar

    I was a little surprised I picked this myself, but then realized, for that generation, the only sports game I cared about and played then was NBA Jam.  The Atari Jag, in my opinion, has the best version of NBA Jam Tournament Edition of all the consoles of that time period.

    I didn't start getting into Madden until, probably, the early 2000s, and Tecmo was on the older consoles...so, yeah, I guess the Atari Jag for me for the ONE sports game I enjoy from that generation (to admit, though, I have not played many sports games between the Tecmo Bowls and the 2000s Maddens during that time frame).

    • Like 2
  4. 4/10 for me. 

    I was pretty psyched to get it for our new Sega CD back in the day.  After playing it for an hour, I was thoroughly bored with it.  BUT, the Sega CD soundtrack IS very, very good.  

    I still own my copy for the Sega CD and pop it in once every 5 years or so.  Just to hear the soundtrack and the ambience is good too when you first start the game.  However, after about a half hour with it nowadays, I just turn it off.  I don't have the patience for it, I guess. 

    Also, I was a teenager when this came out and I think I was getting out of console games by this point in the early-to-mid 1990s.  Maybe I didn't give it a fair shake since I was becoming an "exclusive" PC/DOS player at this point with WIN95 on the horizon.  Didn't come back to consoles until the GameCube.

  5. 9/10.  Still phenomenal today.  Of course, Ms. Pac would be a 10/10, and possibly Jr. Pac as well.  I love having to memorize and mastering patterns in vintage arcade games.  But, as many of you know, I am an arcade nut.  

    I have a Pac-Man's Arcade Party cocktail cab in my basement arcade and gets A LOT of play.

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  6. I gave it a 5 as well.  Today, nowadays, you certainly have to be a bit tipsy with friends for it to hold its own.  But it IS a fun, drunk party game...especially if you have a Quadra Pong arcade unit.  

    I still want to get Pong (or, more specifically, a Pong clone due to the cost of everyone wanting an Atari one) cabinet for the basement arcade.  Williams Paddle Ball is good, but Chicago Coin made a decent, easy to service cabinet as well.

    For the dedicated home console, I actually have an Atari Pong console (the very first one) tucked away in my storage racks in my basement.  I got it when I was college and did have those wild, drunken playthroughs of it.

  7. 3 hours ago, arch_8ngel said:

    Not having a pre-named cast of player characters is NOT the same as lacking a story.

    The vast majority of the best console and CRPGs do NOT have prenamed player-characters.

    I would even go so far as to say that it may actually strengthen the story to provide your own name...as it becomes YOUR story.  But yes, FF1 had a story, and I appreciated it much more than the modern JRPGs that, in my opinion, have "stories" that typically don't make any sense to me.

    • Like 1
  8. So, speaking of this, I just bought Railroad Tycoon II for PS1.  I always wanted to play it and can't play it on my computer since I have a Mac.  I haven't started the game yet, but does anyone know if it plays well on PS1?  I bought it, but not sure if I want to sink a lot of hours into it if it is too "held back" on the PS1 controller and interface compared with a computer and mouse.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, MagusSmurf said:

    Praising FFVI in posts in which FFVIi is bashed for deviating from the series has me kind of confused. FFVI had already pretty much junked a lot of the then-traditional RPG settings and trappings before FFVII did, the main part of what FFVII added to that was the 3D stuff and all the minor mini games. And then praising FFIX...Its setting is more like the older games the game is a tribute to but the pacing, storytelling, and characters are clearly more like FFViI’s.

    I liked 6, but I don't generally praise it like others do.  My favorite of all of them to this day is 2/4.  That game will always get praise from me.  Like @Tanookimentioned above, the story just flows better and the mechanics derived from Ultima and Wizardry still persist in it.  Above all, it didn't (and still doesn't) feel "JRPG" to me...it still feels like a Western CRPG with some Japanese "foibles" (Chocobos, Airships, etc.) to it.  

    Someone mentioned above that FF7 is where the story starts to go off the rails in typical JRPG fashion.  I actually think it started happening somewhat in FF6 (Killer Clowns from Outer Space) and I remember telling myself at the time, "Hmm, this is decent game, but something just seems off from what we got in FF 2(4)."  And then FF7 hit and I stopped with the franchise mostly, until I gave 10 a try and disliked that one too after a few hours.

    My preference will always be Western RPGs, whether they be old school CRPGs (Ultima) or modern ones (Mass Effect, Skyrim).  I guess I just relate to those better.

    But now, I seriously would like to give FF9 a try one of these days.  Maybe after the holidays!

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, fox said:

    every negative post reads like

    "yeah...well, it sux cause FF (whatever number) is totally better!"

    I guess...but like I said, for me, it just was not what I was looking for and pretty much ruined the FF series for me.  It started my dislike for JRPGs.  And I understand many of you love JRPGs, and that is fine too.

    In the other thread("Highly Acclaimed Games--That you just don't like" thread), someone said FF IX was more like the older games.  I have never played it, but if that is the case, one of these days I may site down and play it.

  11. I gave it a 2.  Yep, hate on me, but at least I didn't give it a 1, because I know many love the game.

    But, this game ruined FF for me.  As a 40-something, I grew up playing the Ultimas, Wizardrys, and the old school FFs that were Japanese love letters to those two game series.  We already talked about why I hate FF7 in another thread ("Highly Acclaimed Games--that you just don't like!" thread), so you can go over there and see why.

    I think the only other person who may agree with this low of a rating will be @Tanooki!  😄

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  12. On 4/25/2020 at 8:27 PM, Estil said:

    1. Pac-Man on the Atari 2600 is actually an okay game - I mean you do basically the same thing you'd do in a Pac-Man game right?  Eat all the (in this case dashes), avoid the monsters/ghosts, eat energizers (no not the batteries) so you can eat the ghosts/monsters for bonus points and get as high a score as you can.  The main reason this game gets so much grief is that it's "not like the arcade"...well the first time I tried this an a Atari 2600 in general (1993) I was not at all expecting it to be like the arcade!  I mean if the NES version couldn't quite get the look/feel right (the Tengen Ms Pac Man OTOH most definitely did).  At least I could pick up and play this game as opposed to some of the other cartridges where, without the manual/overlays you have no idea what you're doing.  Thus I strongly disagree that 2600's Pac Man is anywhere close to being among the worst among 2600 games.


    You know...now that I think about it, I tend to agree with you here.  As a kid, this was the only home Pac-Man I had and, yeah, I could tell as a kid it was a bit disappointing, but it was all I had!  That is, until Ms. Pac-Man for the 2600 came out, which is a good rendition of that title.

    I totally skipped Pac-Man on the NES.  I think having the experience on the 2600 made me aware at that point that, most of the time, arcade games could never be as good on the console as they were in the arcade.  Notable exceptions, of course, to Space Invaders for the 2600, as you mentioned, and Contra on the NES.

    I don't think I bought a "home Pac-Man" again until Microsoft put out those Return/Revenge of Arcade Windows 95 software compilations.  I did salivate over the mini Pac-Man arcade that Coleco put out.  Never got one.  😞

    Here is an unpopular opinion: Donkey Kong on the 2600 is fun for what it is.  This goes back to the whole "it was the only DK I had at the time," though!  🙂

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