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Everything posted by Jeevan

  1. Happy Birthday @Gamegearguy and @TylerBarnes ! Hope you had a good one!
  2. I mean, I'll take the imp. Love them all!
  3. imma ship it to Australia, then France is where shmup will send it, and if he knows someone there they can send it to sumez, and then back to me where I will send it to Dave and he can hand deliver it!
  4. you better choose right this time
  5. time to visit the post office with my ass kicking boots on!!! we shall see if we can get some money refunded and make you even more whole opty!! I now know who NOT to goto when I go into the post office!
  6. You got it, along with everyone else, if not shoot me a message! Thanks again for partaking all! Was a blast to see the participation!
  7. Alright, The names are drawn!!!!!! I felt weird only giving out 2 gift cards, so I went and got a third for you all to spread the love a little more! That being said, the following folks got a $20 nintendo eshop gift card! @ZeldaFan042 @LutherDestroysTheGond @JamesRobot I will be pm'ing you all with your digital codes and if for some reason you do not want it, let me know and we can do another draw for the next person! Thanks again for joining in, I will be getting your charms out to you shortly! --Jeeves
  8. you should probably blunt/cut off the pointy part nerd also, take the tesla, let it drive and lie down lol
  9. get nekkid, errr......remove Don the hobo outfit put on pirate Pete outfit
  10. Alright folks, It's bedtime, I will tabulate anything you all do up until 11:59pm. 4am comes early and I need my sleep before I goto work. Have a good one and I will see you all tomorrow. I can theoretically tabulate submissions up at work if I get some spare time, but if not, I should be able to have everything tabulated by 8pm or so tomorrow and get the winners chosen! Afterwards I should be able to get the charms handed out shortly thereafter. Night and hope you all had some fun! Look forward to American Thanksgiving folks!
  11. Sorry for your loss Hope the kitty was a good one.
  12. I meant the decorations, not the kids
  13. Woo, getting near time, i will be sleeping when it happens, but I will get it all done and over with tomorrow after work, and you all will know who the "winners" are, but we all know the real winners are all of you for the charm you will receive from @CasualCart Rather, the one he made and the one I will hand out to you! Anyway, keep it up and keep the submissions coming and I will mark them off as I double check and all that tonight/tomorrow!
  14. I believe this is your "year round" drink as you post about it quite often
  15. left 4 dead 2 isnt more kuz 2 teams? i thought it was more with zombie vs survivor.
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