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Everything posted by Krunch

  1. With all these early scores I’m just gonna phone it in this week and start on adventure island
  2. for me it is and it comes down to intuitiveness, while Tetris is undoubtedly hard it is more accessible, anyone can understand Tetris. It’s kind of a day to learn lifetime to master game. By that rubric Tetris is a much better game (and more balanced), but Yoshi’s Cookie isn’t as accessible and it has that “Nintendo hard” aspect that Tetris maybe doesn’t. Tetris is definitely way more fun for me anyways
  3. yeah that’s the thing. I suffered that a lot. It’s hard no matter what approach you take. I tried both approaches, big early combos and long game and wasn’t really successful with either.
  4. With 9th place I don’t think I really have a chance at the puzzle genre now. Yoshi’s Cookie to me is a brutal game. Maybe the hardest puzzle game on the NES? The time sink, asymmetry of the board and abrupt lose condition are majorly punishing and demoralizing. So I’m gonna start playing adventure island - hope it’s 1 life
  5. Nice score. I hadn't taken your score into account going through scores earlier, guess im 6th now. Bad start for the puzzle genre on my end, but this game just frustrates me too much I cant even play any more. I always seem to not be playing the years we get Yoshi
  6. oh yeah, im all about the bong these days but used to always roll joints, or spliffs with ground-up vanilla pipe tobacco. Unorthodox but delicious
  7. Whoa thats a nice deal. Those look like pretty good fat joints too. The ones at the stores here are Trailblazer brand and they're not great, too much filter and although theyve gotten better they still dont burn well. They're like 7 or 8 bucks apiece too. I always just opt for 1/8's. A discord server specifically for the contests would be pretty hype. Specially if everyones getting baked
  8. 41,480 I wanted to do better, and I actually did on an earlier run that I didn’t snap, but honestly this game is just too long for me to want to really sink into
  9. Wow what a superb score! I would love to know your strats for the early levels, it seems really hard to set up the killer combos. The biggest problem seems to be that when you make a shift you have to take into account the other shifts
  10. ^Hahaha, love the writeup. I'm here and I've been playing.... but waiting for a score I'm proud of before posting
  11. I can actually play with an original NES controller on my computer, since I have a USB adapter from RetroUSB, however I cant do it on my Macbook which is what I currently use as my main computer since it doesnt allow controller support on Nestopia. I can do it on my old computer (a PC), all I need is to get a cord for it so I can boot it back up again. Just been a bit tardy on picking that up since the early 2020 roster wasnt slanted in my favor anyways. My other set of options is to simply use my Powerpak with my AVS, but I dont have a CF card currently so I'll need to do the whole ROM with CF card thing and thats a pain in the ass which I dont enjoy - and I'd prob want to reboot my old computer for that anyways. Maybe I'll do that later in the year. It's funny, when I started in these contests it was rare that I didnt have a game since I was so heavy into collecting, but over the years I've sold off nearly all but my favorite stuff.
  12. For me Yoshi is more fun because its more fast-paced but its also one of my favorite NES games, I know that most people arent a fan of it. Yoshi's Cookie I never got into as much, just from reacquainting myself with it for a half hour its obvious that is beneficial to go for the slow grind. It reminds me of the 2014 contests when NA member SpaceJockey was grinding out 4+ hour runs in the chat back then. The point valuations in yoshis cookie are quite interesting, certainly much more dynamic than in Yoshi. I wish I had a physical cart copy... I always used to look at a particular CIB at a local shop thats been there forever but it just wasnt good enough condition even though I was racking up big trade credit at the time. Either way ill be playing with a controller by then, this keyboard sh*t is getting old
  13. I guess you need to get interceptions? I just cant seem to pull it off, got a few fluky ones. Ive had enough but maybe if the leaderboard is looking thin near the end i might go for a hail mary attempt.
  14. Heh, I don't but I think I'm done with this game. I cant really say copycat because I didnt have any success till I copied you (handing it to bo.) I should probably pick a game to start practicing myself. Probably Adventure Island Edited half an hour later: Just played some Yoshi's Cookie, im digging it but hooo boy that ones gonna be a slow grind.
  15. Yeah I think I'll have to do the same because I can't even win a game. Tomorrow I'm going to buy a cord for my non-Mac computer so I can use my authentic NES controller with adapter (Mac doesnt allow you to use controller accessories with Nestopia). But really I dont think it'll help that much in this case, I can move around okay with keyboard inputs but I just cannot stop the computer team from scoring. Thats okay - there are plenty more games coming to excel at
  16. You'll be well-prepared for the next contest then! I'm not really having much success with Tecmo Bowl
  17. Lol, two scores in and there's already an exact tie with both tiebreaker conditions also tied I'm definitely picking San Francisco, they're clearly the best (irony!!!)
  18. Yeah not every game will bring that spark, I like this game enough but I'm also taking it easy this week, content with participation. There's some good ones comin up... Adventure Island, TMNT3 Donkey Kong Mario Bros. Q Bert and Micro Machines are highlights for me. And then you got some weird stuff like Kiwi Kraze and Krazy Kreatures, I mean you know its krazy because there's so many k's. Monster in my pocket is one I havent played that I bet'll be good. Contra force will be.... interesting
  19. LOL motion controls hahaha, yeah I’ve culled the collection big time so I’m missing many essentials, though not essentials to me, I can emulate too but switch is a good option because I need to get a charger on my PC cause my fiancee’s MacBook doesn’t allow for USB controllers in the nestopia app
  20. Are we allowed to use the Switch ports on the NES collection for these contests?
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