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The Count

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Posts posted by The Count

  1. So, the lot was $400, however it included NES carts and a few systems along with some Atari boxes and some other goodies. I should add it also included this stuff:




    Sorry for the orientation, still not sure how to rotate pics on the site. @captmorgandrinker, sorry, buddy, I have to work so I can't attend MGC this year, but I hope to see you next year, Dave! To add, I'm not particularly attached to any of this stuff so send offers if any of you guys want anything. Thanks again!


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  2. My issue with LRG (and Panini for that matter) is that they keep promoting and selling games while their backlog for getting games delivered to paying customers is so lengthy. My last purchase, Castlevania, took eight months to arrive. While the games are great and all, I just wont support this kind of business practice anymore.

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  3. 5 hours ago, B.A. said:

    I used these as well, though they get spendy quick.   Sams Club has some very similar ones for a few bucks cheaper.  They don't mix/match very well though (I bought some of both) as they have slightly different dimensions. 

    Costco sells 27 gallon black & yellow totes that are frequently on sale for ~$8. Very sturdy and stackable, I've used them to move my collection before carefree. 

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