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Posts posted by themisfit138

  1. 35 minutes ago, DarkTone said:

    OSW is the only one I currently listen to. Its a wrestling podcast by 3 Irish lads. Talkradar, back when they came out too. 

    Same. New Generation Project Podcast and Attitude Era were pretty good also. New Gen was almost as good as OSW. 

  2. Resident Evil 2 is finished.

    Sorry @Jeevan I couldn’t resist. I just picked it up at a good price, and haven’t played it before. I have only played the 1, 4, and Code Veronica.  

    Quite good. It took me a bit to get used to the controls. I had to replay the intro multiple times. Then after that it went pretty smoothly. My rank is terrible, but for a first play through it’s to be expected. 


    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  3. 40 minutes ago, Jeevan said:


    @themisfit138  Here is my copy!  You can't see it but the label has something that looks like either a)  chili  or b) vomit on it.........

    Let's hope its a 🤣  

    Question to anyone of ya guys, what is the best way to clean a label without taking the color out of it?  I don't wanna damage it but would love to touch it up a bit.


    Label looks pretty good. I had got lucky and found two good copies at a local gameXchange a few years back. Sold one of them to @OptOut.  

    I have been cleaning the carts with damp paper towels. It has worked well so far. 

    • Thanks 2
  4. 12 minutes ago, Bearcat-Doug said:

    Kaboom, Frostbite, Enduro, HERO and Pitfall II are some of my favorite Activision games. Atari had plenty of good first party games like Space Invaders, Jungle Hunt, Berzerk, Breakout and Missile Command to name a few.

    Jogging my memory, it has been awhile since I played Atari.

    I have never played HERO, but all the other you listed are pretty good. I would add Defender and Yar’s Revenge to that list also. Thinking about it I should have went 8. Atari does have quite a lot of good games. 

  5. On 3/12/2021 at 7:34 AM, Bearcat-Doug said:

    The Activision games alone still hold up for the most part. As basic as the games are, I think there are several that are still fun. 8/10.

    River Raid is still a good time. 

    7/10 for me. I played a lot as a kid. I even had a bunch of games that I collected at yard sales. Besides the Activision games, Dig Dug and Donkey Kong. There isn’t much I would go back to play today. 

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