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Posts posted by zeppelin03

  1. 19 minutes ago, Boodead said:

    Just curious where did you order all of this from? There are plenty of boards it seems to convert into consoles, but I can never find cases, etc.

    NeoGeoFanClub and Roozla for the bios parts.  Sticks were ebay from Japanese sellers.  Lions3 had some plexiglass shells so I ordered one.  Flash cart was directly from Terraonion.

    • Like 1
  2. 14 minutes ago, ZBomber said:

    Honestly I'm surprised the PS4 is that high in sales. I mean I have one and I like the library a lot, but it never seemed like an "essential" system. PS2 was a DVD player and Gameboy/Wii was a cultural phenomenon... but PS4 just felt like another game console to me. Maybe just because the XBone and Wii U were very unpopular that more people picked that one up? I mean everyone I know has/had a Wii, even people that aren't gamers... how did PS4 surpass that in sales?


    I think Switch could hit 100 million by the end of its life. Solid library, unique concept, popular in Japan and the west, and I'm sure we'll be getting some revisions that will result in multiple Switch purchases for  some consumers. I don't think it will beat PS2 though, just because so many people bought it because it was cheaper than a lot of DVD players for awhile.

    I think it's more a matter of Xbox taking a few years to rebuild goodwill. The PS4 is a good console but I wouldn't consider it innovative in any way.  Just the next gen bump.  I'm honestly interested to see if Sony gets overly confident and does something to kill their momentum going into next gen.

    The Wii U+3ds comparison is fair. I think this thing is going to sell big.

  3. 2 minutes ago, acromite53 said:

    Exact same roms in cartridges. Just a different label. The BIOS chip of the console determines what language/mode to play in. And all systems are region free. Sometimes there are differences like changed blood in fighting games. Games are mostly the same in both modes.

    Awesome! I'm in Japan in a week. Will keep an eye out for some cheap MVS stuff.  Already going to look for some of those bean arcade sticks.

  4. I just saw an article that the Switch has reached 41 million units sold as if this quarter end.  Apparently it might outsell the Super Nintendo by the end of the next quarter.  It's just crazy how well this system is doing.  It's a few years old and quite a bit weaker than the competitors but it's sales just keep improving. I wonder how many more consoles it will outsell.  Will it reach the level of the PS4/PS2? 

    All I know is the last few years have been a blast after returning to Nintendo during the Wii U years.

  5. Here's what I've pulled from the thread.  Feel free to list more as you come up with ideas.

    Ready Player One

    Console Wars

    Masters of Doom

    Blood Sweat and Pixels

    The Witcher

    Zap! The Rise and Fall of Atari

  6. I actually ordered an MVS-C, 2 AES sticks, Universal Bios, NeoBios Masta, Case, and NeoSD a while back. Waiting on a supergun to be built for me. 

    Can't wait to learn about the system and start collecting carts.  I know it's pricy but will be an interesting search.

    • Like 1
  7. I started with a nes hooked up in my parents bedroom.  We only had Super Mario/Duck Hunt. 

    Things took off with the N64.  That was in an amoire in the living room.  My family still has the armoire so I used it for my gaming setup until about a year ago. 

    Next gen I had a TV in my bedroom with Gamecube, PS2, and Xbox.  The other corner had a computer I bought.  Between all that and a stereo I was set for high school.

  8. 5 hours ago, RalliArtEvo said:

    Any thoughts on a book choice for November? I think Super Mario is a good choice for a starter book, but open to anything. Still need to look on Amazon for more books. Been a busy week, but I'll try to look tomorrow.

    Same. Life's been crazy.

    Let's go with Super Mario: How Nintendo Conquered America.  I understand it is likely short notice for people but we hope you can participate. 


    I can check into clubs this evening.  Might be a good place to post.

  9. 5 minutes ago, DoctorEncore said:

    Absolutely. My limiting factor used to be money, but now it's time. If it was up to me, all games would cap out at 20 hours for the single player portion. RDR 2 was such a slog and took me months to finish. I DON'T NEED TO WATCH MY CHARACTER POUND IN THE NAILS AS HE BUILDS A HOUSE

    Haha.  I enjoyed that game but they could have shaved a good 15 hours off and been no worse off.  I almost quit RDR2 on a few occasions.  Took me a while too.

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Gloves said:

    Virtual Boy for me. I had the "pleasure" of trying the demo at blockbuster and it was pretty rad. We was po, though, so none of that for me. 

    Now in adulthood of course I see it for the gimmick it was and lacking a decent library of good games means it's fallen off the radar. 

    Maybe one day, if just to display. 

    If you ever find a damaged one the Virtualtap makes the Virtualboy a lot better.  RGB output to your tv.  No shoving your face into those lenses.

    For me it's Sega Saturn or arcade stuff.  Both I was only mildly aware of and now that I'm older it's all so expensive.  Mostly off the table for me.


  11. Maybe I'm just old now but I can't seem to play the same stuff I used too.  I start an RPG and a few hours later decide I don't have time for it.  Open world games are started and not worth the effort.  Lately I'm playing smaller metroidvanias, platformers, and adventure games. 

    It's a bummer to look at games like Cyberpunk 2077 knowing I'm going to be busy with work and life.  I guess it saves me money and I have enough of a backlog as is. 

    You guys have to go through this same shift or still playing the same genres as always?

    • Like 2
  12. 33 minutes ago, Aatos said:

    That's a sweet deal, you're on!


    ❤️  Thank you so much guys! I also noticed there was still a fresh Google cache of my first feedback page from NA, at least was able to capture that to remember all the great people who've helped me along the way. 

    Not wanting to dwell on GoCollect too much, but does anyone else find strange there's not a single actual post from any user besides their mod? Panic lockdown to avoid all the WTF happened threads? It must be weird day for your average NA lurker too, wondering what the heck happened.. hope they find their way home.


    Awesome! Feel free to reach out if your looking for anything.  Can get it sorted out for you.

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