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Posts posted by zeppelin03

  1. 8 minutes ago, Skorp said:

    Sheesh that price is just NUTS. Already missed out the Fox collectors edition from them anyways, so probably will let this one just go.

    $60 for rom sets is a tough sell to me.  I can understand the Konami or Genesis ones selling for $20. Physical is worth a few extra dollars but not that much more.

  2. On 11/23/2019 at 5:49 PM, fox said:

    Think you need to adjust your bifocals 🤓 

    Higher quality models and assets, better particle effects, better lighting systems like ray tracing, jump in overall resolution and performance, better draw distances with less pop in, faster loading with ssd.  These improvements make an impact.

    Go back and play some of those games on older systems.  You are going janky looking characters and environments and some the fakest fire and explosion effects.  They look a lot worse than you remember.

    This generation always seemed like a jump to me but it really stood out when I beat Red Dead Redemption 2.  I went back to the original through Xbox backwards compatibility and it looks rough.  Just take a look at a character models last gen compared to this gen( Horizon Zero Dawn, Spiderman,RDR2).

    This gen has so much refinement. Partical effects, lighting/shadows, detailed textures have made things much more immersive.  HDR and 4k have really been great technologies to support this.

    • Like 2
  3. 33 minutes ago, DoctorEncore said:

    I'm loving Outer Worlds right now. It would be awesome to play on Switch since it's slower paced, but it's a great looking game on the big screen and I didn't want to wait. I also just downloaded Subnautica, Minit, and Afterparty to play as pallette cleansers between big games. That's probably my favorite part of Game Pass (beside saving money); alternating between big budget, full-scale games and indies.

    I really like that Outer Worlds feels like a contained fallout.  It's great not feeling like I'm going to get lost for the next 100 hours.  They only put the best ideas into it and it shows with how much character the world has.


    Gamepass is great for that.  Perfect balance of AAA and short indie stuff. 

    • Like 1
  4. Gamepass is fantastic.  I played Minit on it a while back and am working through The Outer Worlds now.  I love it at $1 but will likely keep it once the prices change.  It's much cheaper than playing a game, letting it sit on your shelf, then deciding to trade it in for $5. 

    • Like 1
  5. 10 hours ago, DoctorEncore said:

    I've not used the Quest, but I have a Vive and I've dabbled with PSVR. In my opinion, VR is only worth the hassle if you can go wireless (Vive has an adapter) and room scale (Vive and Oculus). When you add in the immersion of an environment you can explore and move within, it's truly awesome. Things like Unseen Diplomacy and Budget Cuts are really simple, but will make you believe VR has a chance at showing us something new.

    Did you get the adapter and if so how do you like it?  I haven't used my vive in a long time.  Getting tangled in those wires got annoying after a while.

    • Like 2
  6. Looking to sell a couple items.  Both are in clean condition and should have all add ins.  Shipping included in continental US.  Open to shipping international.

    I am Setsuna Asian English & Sealed Soundtrack (Game, Case, Inserts, Soundtrack) - $65





  7. The Sims.  I had all the expansions for the first game and put tons of hours into it.  I built up a couple huge houses, had maxed stats, and reached the top of my career path.  I built custom vacations and city locations as well.  Earlier this year I watched a speedrun of the game and was reminded how clunky that game was.  Glad I have never gone back to play it and can stick with the memories.

  8. 7 hours ago, Tulpa said:

    You might look into a roller mouse. My assistant at work got one when she was developing RSI (carpel tunnel and tennis elbow.) She got used to it quickly and now won't use any other mouse.

    I have to conisder those. My plan was to get a larger mouse since the ones we are issued are small logitech wireless mice.  Prefer more of a palm grip than those allow.

  9. On 11/15/2019 at 11:10 AM, Gloves said:

    I have pretty bad carpal tunnel because I sit on a computer all day coding, and then when I'm done I continue sitting at the computer playing pc games. That's kinda like an injury. 

    My mouse hand gets real bad from clicking around in Excel all day.  Add smart phone usage and gaming in my freetime.  I've had to buy grips for handhelds and try to favor certain controllers on console/PC.

    • Like 1
  10. One of our PCs is a 6700k and 1080ti.  I replaced the founders cooler with an evga radiator kit.  The other is a 6600k and 1080.  Both have 16gb of ram, boot ssds, 1tb game ssds, and a couple tb of HDD space.

    I want to upgrade the 6700k to a 3900x or 9900ks.  A 2080ti would be cool too.  We use that system on our 4K OLED so I don't mind spending some money to make the most of it.

  11. They seem to work well from my limited experience.  You could through the disc in so any patches download when you buy it.  Hopefully they aren't huge and it could cover a good chunk of your library.

    Personally I've started rebuying some of those titles on Steam/GOG. It's the generation where patches, etc have made me question owning physical.  Sold my PS3, 360, and the PS4 might see the same date after another year or two.

  12. I heard it's mostly walking and balancing packages on your back. The cinematics and technology behind this are inpressive.  I can't help but feel like he should have just made a CGI movie. 

    When it drops to about $30 I may try it out.  Weird carries me through a 2 hour indie, not a 25 hour AAA title.

    • Like 1
  13. For those not into twitch finding the right "shows" makes a huge difference.  I can't watch people do a blind playthrough of a game either.  A few recommendations are below.

    Brossentia hosts Kusogrande.  It's a bad video game tournament.  1 hour mystery game matches between two competitors.  Brossentia and the GM(game selector) on commentary.

    Spikevegeta and Jhobz do speedrun Underground.  It's a weekly speedrun showcase. 2 speedrunners race while Spike/Jhobz commentate.  You learn a lot about the game and run while having a good time. Donated bits go to a prize pool for the contestants.

    You can't forget the Super Bowl of speedrunning, GDQ.  Always fun to catch that.

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