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Posts posted by zeppelin03

  1. 43 minutes ago, fox said:

    No those are divided up into individual levels and not an interconnected map.

    That's the differentiator I would use too.  Shantae is the only game I can think of that bridges the gap.  Pirates Curse had regular side scrolling areas and dungeons that expanded based on abilities.  Guacamelee does it a bit too on the overworld. 

  2. 21 hours ago, ICrappedMyPants said:

    Is there really any benefit of the Pocket for someone like myself who just wants to play Gameboy games on his tv if I already have a GCN Gameboy player and official component cables?

    Are you worried about using original carts, flashcards, or the inevitable jailbreak firmware with an SD card?

    You're current setup could use the Gameboy Interface software. Just need an action replay to load the homebrew. 

    If you use ROMs over carts I always bring up MiSTer.  GB/GBA look great on a flat panel with it.  Its another FPGA project that has so many cores.

  3. 23 hours ago, ICrappedMyPants said:

    My 3 year old has asthma and is prone to hospitalizations from catching colds. We are being extremely careful. Some of my family does not understand and it has been a point of contention. My wife and I feel like everyone thinks we’re neurotic. Yes, we’re being overly cautious. If our kids were normal, healthy kids we would not be this way, but my son is traumatized from getting IVs. It’s really bad. I don’t want to put him through that again because I’m being too casual about this. It’s heartbreaking to see him hurt and to feel like shut ins to try and protect him.

    My sister has some recurring health issues and both her young children had a few ailments along the way.  Now she is pregnant and due late July.  She is handling it very seriously.  I have seen her once or twice in months and have seen my nephews on the other side of a patio door.  Nothing wrong at all with being cautious.  I'm sure we would all rather feel like we wasted a year sitting at home than being complacent and something much worse happen.

    I have visited everyone in my family at least once since this all started.  I've been a little under the weather so I keep taking my temperature and all is well so far.  Between that and word of increases in Ohio I am trying to lay low more and more.  It's just not worth it.  I will let others in my family return to bars and restuarants.

  4. All these rom hacks being shown really have me considering a playthough.  I might start with the map patch then try the health one over it.

    I try to stick to the original vision but this year realized I would rather mod a game to get it where I need it.  Once I heard Hollow Knight has some strange mapping choices related to charms I modded that to resolve the issue.  No regrets making minor adjustments to enjoy a game on a first playthrough anymore.

  5. There are enough Metroid games but I could definitely go for more Castlevanias.  Symphony of the Night is when the genre really took off in my eyes.

    Can't have enough of these kind of games.  There are diverse settings, music, abilities, and enemies across the genre.  I can't see anything wrong with options.  Some of my favorites are recent titles.  Guacamelee, Hollow Knight (need to finish that one), Shantae (Vania light), and of course Bloodstained. 

  6. I've played a bit of this version and wasn't impressed.  The remainder of my experience is watching speedruns after deciding I will never play the game.  I can agree with @fox on the zones feeling the same after a bit.  The music doesn't do anything for me either.  Also I have zero interest in drawing my own map.  Blindly going through mazes is frustrating at best.  The game just doesn't have much character to me.  I get it might be going for a desolate feel but its just dull to me.

    More recently I beat Metroid Return of Samus on 3ds and enjoyed it.  What I played of the GBA Metroid remake was good too.  The refinements that came after are the experience I would rather have. 

    4/10 - MEH is about right. 

  7. 1 hour ago, BortLicensePlate said:

    I don't know much about the subject, but there's different variants that are worth more than others, I'm assuming this is an earlier one? I cant see the photo, because Canada. Price charting would also probably be off because the large sales would've been on heritage auctions.



    That makes sense. I haven't been collecting at all for a couple years and never followed this kind of stuff. Thanks for the info.

  8. I regularly tell YouTube I am not interested in RGT85, Spawnwave, etc and they never listed.  I don't like the daily news/ drama channels. I watch some computer and tech news, small video game channels, and history stuff. Keep the rest away.  If anyone knows how to get YouTube's not in nyereted and do not show this channel to work let me know.  I may just switch to newpipe in the meantime.

    I miss years ago when small YouTubers were making fun reviews and doing collaborations. Now everyone seems to treat it like they want to make a career out if it. Few enjoy it as a hobby.

  9. 14 minutes ago, ICrappedMyPants said:

    I’m totally unsure which console to get at this point. I have noticed that I’m moving away from online play and FPS, so that makes me lean towards PS5.

    However, I’m not big into open world games or these interactive cinema type games. With that said, the Demon Souls remake is right up my ally. I do enjoy the the Souls style games, some fighting games, and the smaller scale action adventure games like Arkham Asylum and City. I love the Switch for retro and simpler games. Nintendo hits the sweet spot for me with quality games that aren’t cumbersome.

    With PS3 and PS4, most of my gaming experiences felt like a chore or a job. It’s fun to play with friends or my brothers online, but we have families and other things that take precedent over playing hours/days of online games full of grinding. Those games just aren’t very fun playing with ransoms for an hour here or there. I’m afraid that Xbox caters towards that type of audience. I’m also afraid that PS5 is too much open world time suck. I like JRPGs and will let those be my time suck on occasion, but I really need a game like Prince of Persia Sands of Time, RE, or Dead Space to fill my playing time.

    I was big into Call of Duty and big open world games( Elder Scrolls, Fallout, etc).  I'm getting worn on a lot of that too.  With that said I have favored Switch mostly recently. Xbox has FPS games I don't want and Sony is narrative driven that bores me often enough. Thankfully the new consoles will likely have a drought of new and interesting stuff giving us all time to consider our console choice.  Cross gen will likely carry us for a year or two.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, DoctorEncore said:


    The XSX hardware is definitively more powerful and not by a small amount. Sony tried to swing their variable clock rates as a good thing, but in reality it will make performance and temperature profile much less predictable. This is problematic for cooling and is probably the reason they had to go with that wacky, huge design. Sony does have an advantage on the SSD and while that may lead to faster loading, it seems unlikely it will lead to any significant performance advantages in-game. I'd expect exclusives to look and play great on both consoles, with a resolution and framerate advantage going to XSX for third party games.

    In terms of backward compatibility, MS is way ahead. Sony's messaging has been muddled at best and it remains unclear what will be available from the PS4 generation. I suspect they considered PS/PS2/PS3 backwards compatibility, but nixed it as costs for the console inflated. I consider this a HUGE advantage for MS, but the average gamer probably doesn't care much about playing 360 and original Xbox games. That being said, it's nice to know MS will have essentially all Xbox One games working at launch while Sony is still "testing" for compatibility.

    Smart Delivery is a great marketing term, but, as you pointed out, it doesn't really mean much without universal adoption from third party publishers. Also, it's not new technology as Xbox already has this function for games that are Xbox One X enhanced and Sony has it for Pro enhanced games. This is just the first time that it is advertised as a cross-generational function. It is cool that you won't have to worry about getting the wrong version of a game since the box will basically just say Xbox One/XSX and the console does the rest.

    As for games, well we can't say much about that until after the July showcase from MS and the launch lineups are announced. I will say that my most anticipated games so far are Halo, Hellblade 2, and The Ascent. I thought Horizon 2 looked cool from Sony (I still need to play the original), but other than that, I wasn't impressed by their very family-friendly, indie showcase. Also, it seems likely that most big Sony exclusives won't launch until 2021 or 2022. I'm not huge into the big Sony single-player experiences, no matter how expertly crafted they are, so you can see my bias here.

    If I had to guess, I'd say Microsoft's launch lineup will be better (similar to Xbox One vs PS4), but Sony's first-party stable will swing the advantage towards PS5 as the generation evolves. That being said, I'm really looking forward to hearing about all the XGS games and I hope they offer a big variety of experiences rather than just a few AAA games. A new Fable would be cool, although I'm lukewarm on another Perfect Dark.

    So basically I'm pretty fired up about a new generation! I will definitely buy and enjoy both consoles.

    Microsoft has been doing backward compatibility well for years.  I look forward to Sony clearing up what their offering will be.  Until it is explained I am not really considering it a factor.  Sony saying they have tested games and have a number of titles working is a lot different than telling us how it works.  Are we relying on downloads of the titles from a server or is it going to install off discs?  Will they allow games to run that aren't optimized?  How many gens are supported?  I hear people say full backwards compatibility, but I'm still waiting on concrete details from Sony.  Hopefully soon.

    I think Xbox will show us quite a few exclusives next month to even things up as far as titles go.  After a conference I always check what platforms are getting a game I am interested in.  A good number of those games from the Playstation reveal where multi platform.  Keeping that in mind they only showed a few games that are true exclusives.  I'm not sure how Horizon, Ratchet, Spiderman, and Demon Souls are a lot more exclusives than Xbox is bringing.

    The whole lead in to next gen is even as I see it.  Each console has some perks but devs will likely standardize as @RH said.  The treatment of exclusives will definitely be interesting.  My only concern is switch.  A large chunk of their 3rd party is last gen ports already.  Once next gen gets rolling I expect new 3rd party to dry up outside of indies and older titles.  I'm ready for the Switch 2 already.


    • Like 2
  11. 31 minutes ago, avatar! said:

    Xbox did say the will have time in July to focus on Xbox Game Studios titles.  I'm really hoping that is a strong presentation.  They have so many new studios.  This is their chance to get a good start into next gen.  Otherwise I think its another big lead for Sony.

  12. 1 hour ago, phart010 said:

    Holy... I could not pay more than $200 for a cd from that era because of the cd rot that seems to have affected many games..

    Hopefully Limited Run will get their act together and start remaking these expensive Saturn games

    I know what you mean.  If the artist for the manga wasn't one of my wife's favorites I wouldn't have dropped $300-400 for the game a few years back.  It is more of a display piece than anything now.

  13. 17 hours ago, The Strangest said:

    Pokémon Unite was announced today, the reaction is “Well why the hell isnt it DPP remakes?”

    I read this an DDP and thought people wanted a Diamond Dallas Page x Pokemon crossover.

    I don't think this is anything new.  Now it is just easy for people to share their opinions online.  I recall plenty of conversations among friend complaining about games growing up.  We just didn't jump online to share it.  Now it takes 10 seconds to reply to a tweet or dislike a video. 

    Here are my tips for avoiding the outrage. 1) Don't go on Reddit and other similar sites 2) Never read the comment section of Youtube 3) Never scroll under a tweet to see what people are replying 4)  Mute or unfollow people feeding it. 

    I have plenty of people sharing COVID, BLM, and other social issues on social media.  The constant flood of news can be tiring.  I have no interest in adding peoples complaints about hobbies.  There are more pressing things to worry about in life than waiting an extra year for the next title in your favorite series.

    • Like 1
  14. 16 minutes ago, DoctorEncore said:

    I think backing anything on Kickstarter is a fool's errand, but I let my nostalgia for SotN get the better of me and I joined the fools on this one. I will never back another. As per usual, promised content didn't make it, the game launched unplayable on Switch, and backer rewards were made available to all buyers after launch. But that's how Kickstarter goes and I really should've known better.

    That being said, I'm not sure how the rights played out with this being made by another studio completely, so it probably has nothing to do with the Kickstarter at this point. Either way I'm excited for this one.

    I didn't mind backing it myself.  My expectation was just to preorder so the game could exist.  I can understand if people expect bonuses to be exclusive that it can be frustrated.  I'm just happy we have gotten two good games in the series so far as a result of the Kickstarter.  Looks like we are getting a third too.

    • Like 1
  15. https://www.cleveland.com/datacentral/2020/06/ohios-disturbing-new-trend-of-increasing-coronavirus-cases.html


    I didn't realize there has already been an increase in cases over the last week. I recall seeing that SW Ohio is showing more.  Hopefully the trend drops off but I have my doubts based on the public. Chatting with a friend and I hear Michigan isn't any better.

    Meanwhile my household is continuing to roll back our activities.  I grocery shop twice a week so we can have fresh produce.  Everything else is switched to delivery. No more restaurants and carryout. My wife prefers my cooking anyhow.  Family visits are going to be reassessed too.

    • Like 1
  16. 18 minutes ago, Gloves said:

    Interesting; thanks. 

    It may be something to do with that specific widget. 

    I don't suppose you could give me a screencap with the offending topic circled so I can investigate?

    PM sent with images and other info. 

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