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SpoonMan Abrams X

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Posts posted by SpoonMan Abrams X

  1. 9 hours ago, DarkTone said:

    Dont know about pairing Edge with Orton. RKO. Punt. Both moves that fuck up the neck. 

    On the contrary, Orton apparently has the rep of being one of the safest pairs of hands in WWE, as well as the RKO/Cutter being one of the better moves, especially compared to some of the other ones out there. They also have the benefit of having worked together previously, obviously lol

  2. 12 hours ago, DarkTone said:

    It's my favourite event of the year. The mens match was meh. Brock added nothing. Great to see Edge, but Titus had a better chance of winning, and he wasnt fucking in it. Only reason I'm not pissed that Drew won, is because if that cunt of a company will put the belt on miz and jhinder, they would for Drew too. 

    I have to completely disagree with this, in it's near entirety;

    I'll reiterate, the Men's Rumble match was arguably the best in at least the last 5-6 years. Was it the best? No, that honor still goes to probably 2004 or 1992, but it's a contender for #3 in my opinion.

    Despite the lack of build up to it, Brock actually added a unique dynamic and was booked in it about as great as one could hope; He absolutely made Keith Lee and Drew Macintyre in that match just by his interactions, and the rest of it before his elimination told a great story. Again, it would've been better had they bothered to build it up more then a couple promos of Heyman spouting his usual schtick (which I love Heyman but like, it's getting a bit old at this point), but the build issue can be said of just about literally everything else on the card.

    Yes it was great to see Edge, but how would you have rather had him booked? Because to have him return then win and instantly be put into a World Title match with (probably) either Lesnar or Wyatt would just be weird, and make absolutely no sense, and that's not even considering the issues WWE still has with relying to heavily on it's established stars and reluctance on building new ones based entirely on the whims of how Vince feels for the day or if he has a bad burrito

    Also I can't tell if your actually happy or mad that Drew won lol. Like, ideally, he will go on to be WWE World Champ, but this is WWE, no guarantees that is going to happen lol. We've all seen them feeding "bigger" stars then Macintyre to Brock for seemingly no reason then the lulz. So yea, they would but doesn't mean they're going to even though I sincerely hope so.

    7 hours ago, guitarzombie said:

    You would be a terrible booker.  You build Brock in the match, so when Drew eliminates him, it means something and builds Drew.  It did and got a huge pop.  Of course Edge wasn't gonna win, but what would you rather have, him come in for a min then get dumped?  They put him in at the end mostly for Orton and to further their story.  Jeez, this stuff isn't that hard.

    This entirely. The only change I would have probably made in the Rumble is a bit different order, and having Edge eliminated by someone like Corbin.

    3 hours ago, DarkTone said:

    OR.............. not have him in the match?

    You know, I'll agree with this. Yadda Yadda the build etc, but frankly it really couldn't have turned out much better... and frankly I'm much, much less against it then I was for it, even in hindsight.

    • Like 1
  3. I mostly disagree with the OP, but in some cases yea, sure, the early adopter gets screwed;

    If a console fails out of the gate essentially like Virtual Boy or Dreamcast then yea, the consumer kinda got proverbially kicked in the balls, but thems the breaks as well unfortunately.

    As @fox kinda established early 3DS adopters also got kinda ballsed, but at the same time (as also has been said) they also got some reimbursement as well in the form of exclusive/limited release games, but that's also an outlying case.

    In an ideal world we would get (back) to the point where a Console is more like a PC and is upgradeable/replaceable on a part by part basis; that way I wouldn't need to worry about updates to tech in the future and the playing field for early and late adopters would be evened out a bit more.

  4. 17 hours ago, Bearcat-Doug said:

    The Rumble last night was one of the better PPVs in a long time. It was good to see Drew Mcintyre win since I hope it means that the WWE is finally willing to give someone else a chance.

    Seconded. This could've been a contender for best Rumble of all time had they bothered to build it up at all outside of the odd "I'm announcing my entry into the rumble match!" promo

    16 hours ago, DarkTone said:

    Hated the Rumble. FFS Vince.

    What Boosted asked, mild curious as to what you disliked

    7 hours ago, Boosted52405 said:

    Curious what you disliked?  I'm not super deep into these convos, but really enjoyed the Royal Rumble.  Well..I did not like the ending to the Women's Royal Rumble, felt a bit tacky (the huricanrana or whatever they call it with the random legs around the head throws feel crazy overplayed IMO in wrestling right now).  But I loved the Men's Royal Rumble, especially when Keith Lee leveled Brock and the Claymore not long after.  Felt really good about the winner - he's really becoming a great all around wrestler (mic and wrestling skills feel heavily improved in last 12-18 mos).

    Women's match was probably the weakest match on the card but still by no means terrible... just odd and disappointing choices

    7 hours ago, SuperJimtendo said:

    Anyone else get random speed ups and slow downs other than John Morrison’s entrance?

    Brock vs Elias soon as brick started to give chase was at least double time. Or was that just our signal 

    Probably just your signal, friend.

    1 hour ago, guitarzombie said:

    I kinda casually watched it as I did other stuff.  They did the right things.  I dug it.  Glad a lot of people did too.

    Same. Actually looking forward to Wrestlemania this year

  5. I'll echo the sentiment that there are worse games for rubber-banding mechanics out there, though I don't think Mario Party is like that; moreso just nearly 100% luck based mechanics lol


    On 1/23/2020 at 4:56 PM, zeppelin03 said:

    DKR style would be a great change of pace. Even a return to double dash gameplay would offer some variety.  Mario kart suffers the same as smash for me.  Each one gets better than the last but becomes more of the same as it goes.


    This is the destination of pretty much any "Triple A" franchise at some level or another... though to Nintendo's credit they're generally pretty good at bucking trends when needed

  6. Unless we start hearing about the dead rising and feasting on the flesh of the living, I'm personally not too concerned. I felt like we were overdue for a mass viral pandemic panic, and sure enough here we are.

    On 1/24/2020 at 7:40 AM, Wandering Tellurian said:

    You may be overestimating the ability of modern medicine to cope with  a widespread outbreak (of any disease) - it takes time to develop, produce and distribute a vaccine - assuming one can be discovered (if at all) in a practical time frame,  And there is an extremely limited number of total hospital beds to treat severe cases - especially if you have to institute isolation of sick individuals - and there is always a danger of medical personnel getting the very disease they are trying to deal with.

    I assume they more meant the capabilities of "modern medicine" such as preventive measures/treatments/etc and not just medications. We've come a long way in 102 years.

  7. On 12/4/2019 at 3:06 PM, MuNKeY said:

    Eh fuck pay pal, they have me by the balls for around $300 over a completely different matter that went down a few months ago. Once I settle it I am permanently done with them.

    I second this. PayPal is a pain in the ass to deal with. I lost about $100 due to PayPal fucking up and continually charging me multiple times for a subscription I had cancelled. Had to call four different times, two of the times after they I was assured they would stop the charges (then didn't) after the first couple times.

    7 hours ago, Nes Freak said:

    months of fighting and i finally connect to someone that took care of the issue in 5 minutes!  5 minutes!  let that sink in

    This outlines my philosophy on dealing with any sort of "customer service" now; simply keep calling back until you get someone who actually fixes the problem. Anyone who tells you they cannot do the thing is a lazy jerkass who doesn't want to do their job. You just need to eventually find the person who is willing to help you.

    Glad to hear you finally got some good resolution, OP

  8. Spoiler

    On 12/13/2019 at 8:53 PM, drxandy said:

    Big fan of Jack's, thin crust does well frozen

    I also like to add my own toppings to them, the half cheese half pepperoni is my go-to blank canvas, might add fresh jalapenos, onions, mushroom, p much whatever on hand

    On 12/14/2019 at 1:13 AM, Jeevan said:

    jack's pizza is a very cheap and quick pizza.  I especially like the mexican one.  My mother bought mexican pizza as a kid and its pretty decent.  Also digorno stuffed crust is a decent little pizza.  Both go well with 👑  !!!!   Helps to sober u up and not get a hangover 🙂


    On 12/14/2019 at 3:14 AM, twiztor said:

    Jack's is my go-to for a quick easy frozen pizza.

    there's a newerish brand "Lotzza Motzza" that has a buffalo chicken that i really dig.

    huge shout out to old school Tony's with the pepperonis that curled up when heated.  the grease that pooled inside was godly.  @Quest4Nes knows whats up

    On 12/14/2019 at 7:41 AM, skinnygrinny said:

    Everybody jocking jacks 🥜

    I like the totinos ones.

    On 12/14/2019 at 7:43 AM, Jeevan said:

    jacks is cheap @skinnygrinny and pretty ok on the taste too 🙂  I mean 2.50 for a nice little 'za is not too shabby really and it is a 12" pizza!!!!

    On 12/14/2019 at 8:38 AM, skinnygrinny said:

    Oh ya I like jacks too.

    im swinging off those 🥜 like Tarzan! 

    On 12/14/2019 at 4:43 PM, Boosted52405 said:

    This is my kind of thread, I like the following...

    Mega-Cheap: Totinos Party Pizza, just had some with my kid last night

    Cheap: Jacks Canadian Bacon/Pepperoni

    Semi-Cheap:  Digornios Hawaiian Pizza - bomb diggity

    Mildly Pricey: Screamin Sicilian Meat One

    Pricey:  Lottza Mottza Meat One

    Great alternatives...Red Baron, Tombstone, Sam's Club ones @ Walmart.

    Avoid...Roma & Walmart's knockoff Totinos

    On 12/17/2019 at 8:20 AM, CodysGameRoom said:

    Jacks, Red Baron, and Tombstone taste better than a lot of actual pizza places. I go for those.


    Came here for Jack's love and was not disappointed 😄


    On 12/14/2019 at 7:35 PM, Reed Rothchild said:

    I don't know, but in high school I made a mean Pizza Hot Pocket




    On 12/17/2019 at 9:59 PM, CMR said:

    Totino's, though I wish they were still round.

    You ain't been looking hard enough friend. I see Totino's all the time lol
    The store (chain) I work for does these 10 for $10 deals on things about once a month; Totino's Pizzas are pretty much always one of the items, and I always pick up a couple 👍

    On 12/18/2019 at 10:54 AM, DoctorEncore said:

    I'm partial to these bad boys, although my hard palate doesn't appreciate the third degree burns. Only problem is that I always want a third one.



    Classics_Family Size_French_Bread_Pizza_Pepperoni_9pck_0.jpg


    A solid choice! And I also agree; 2 is just never enough

    Not a frozen pizza but Aldi's Ready 2 Bake Pizzas are a fair choice when you're looking for decent Pizza on a budget.

    Also shout outs to Little Sleazer's Ceaser's Hot n Ready Pizzas...

    @Foochie776 should just turn this into a Pizza Appreciation thread lol

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. 9 hours ago, Bearcat-Doug said:

    Did anyone catch NXT: Worlds Collide last night? That was one of the best wrestling shows I've seen in a while. Hopefully the Rumble is decent. I hope CM Punk comes back, but if I had to pick a winner, I'm taking Drew Mcintyre.

    I did. It was a fantastic show. Dat #DIY vs Moustache Mountain match, and the Imperium vs Undisputed Era. Both strong contenders for WWE Match of the Year already

    Also holy hell the Rumble was good... better then it had any right to be. The Men's Rumble Match itself was easily the best in the last 5-6 years if not decade. Seeing this guy win



    was great. Unexpected but very welcome... and this return



    Amazing. The pop was surreal. If you don't have network or w/e, hear it for yourself



    Just. Wow.

    8 hours ago, Bearcat-Doug said:

    I thought they might go with Keith Lee, but since they just put the NXT North American title on him this week, I'm guessing he stays there for a while. He will probably be one of the yearly post WrestleMania call ups.

    8 hours ago, B.A. said:

    I bet an NXT guy wins, they seem to want to push that show quite a bit lately. 

    You'd think, Keith Lee would've been the pick imho, have him go against Lesnar, but not this year. I hope they save him til next years Rumble, have a nice run in NXT with the NA then Main NXT title 👍

  10. On 1/22/2020 at 11:03 PM, DarkTone said:

    Number 1 is a great answer. 2 I cant follow.

    Imagine Snitsky died and the roster came out and kicked fake babies into the crowd. Thats not what I want to remember them for.

    it was just his primary piece of merch at the time... and it kinda got over as a bit of a catch phrase? Weird shit happens all the time like that. Heck Tommaso Ciampa gets "Daddy's Home" chants currently lol (granted in context it makes sense, doesn't stop it from being a bit weird lol)

  11. On 1/22/2020 at 7:59 AM, DarkTone said:

    I've been thinking about Eddie Guerrero recently and I have 2 questions. 

    1) Why did Eddie and Rey fight at Mania?

    2) Why did everyone wear the "I'm your papi" shirt at his remembrance episode?

    1: They were tag champs and Eddie needed to prove himself against Rey for w/e reason. This was before (and what actually almost directly led into) the Dominick storyline when Eddie turned heel on Rey.

    2: His shirt from the Dominick storyline, which was the last big storyline he had before his death (he was just beginning a storyline with Batista which rumours say he was going to win the World Heavyweight title, when Batista went out with injury)

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