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SpoonMan Abrams X

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Posts posted by SpoonMan Abrams X

  1. Brought it up in a different thread (Top ten RPGs iirc) but;

    Super Mario RPG

    I love this game. I can play it anytime 100%. I will never get tired of it.
    I love the Paper Mario games, but I would love a proper sequel completely in the style and gameplay of SMRPG more then anything. Maybe someday...

    • Like 4
  2. I'm interested in several lost show pilots and things. In particular a recent pilot that was lost to the ether was Marvel's Most Wanted

    I'm a huge superhero/MCU fanboy and was real disappointed that the pilot never saw the light of day unfortunately... I'm quite surprised that it was never released as a bonus feature to like Agent's of SHIELD DVD or something... maybe in the future.

  3. On 2/7/2020 at 4:09 PM, G-type said:

    Does anyone just watch wrestling as a fan anymore? Every single person I have ever encountered has always been talking about how so-and-so is "getting over" and "got a good pop" and "why doesn't WWE book it this way, do they want to ruin the product?!!"

    Present! I don't watch much if any wrestling to analyze or critique it, though obviously I have and will participate in "smarky" discussion... but my qualifications for pro wrestling (with basically anything else I watch for amusement or otherwise) was whether I was entertained or not; which the question is, does discussing whether something worked or not inherently make it smarky? Every other kind of media and entertainment has it's critics, regardless of if it's real or not. Is it so bad about being critical about pro wrestling too?

    Even with how vocal pro wrestling fans are and how much it lives and dies by its fan interaction/acceptance, it's not any better or worse imo than other fandoms.

    I thought the Royal Rumble was great.

    Hell in a Cell was pretty awful.

    Looking forward to Wrestlemania this year more then I have in a few at least.

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  4. I just bought it finally during the New Years steam sale and have been really digging it. It's got a bit of everything I like from various games, a great amalgation. A bit grindy but a solid game.Worth it imo if you like sims, adventures or rpg games

  5. On 10/22/2019 at 7:57 PM, Ausden said:

    Let’s discuss all things RPGs and Strategy games. Who loves them?

    Present! I do love me a good RPG to sink my teeth into once in a while. Most recently was on a Pokemon kick (and no not Sword/Shield... as I don't own a Switch atm :classic_sad:)



    Which system had the best ones?

    it's a pretty close race between SNES and PS1 imo... and as much as I am a Nintendo Fanboy and SNES has some of my all time favs (and my # most fav game) on it... I think for RPGs that goes to PS1


    Favorite series?

    Paper Mario Series.


    Top 10 all time?

    Super Mario RPG (#1 all time favorite game)
    Paper Mario TTYD
    Pokemon HG/SS
    Legend of Mana
    Final Fantasy 9
    Final Fantasy 11
    Pokemon XD
    Legend of Dragoon
    Disgaea 2


    Which ones do you love/hate?

    Shout outs to Castle Crashers... it has its RPG stuff and I love it to bits buuuuuuuuuuut it's not very RPG esque otherwise lol

    Never could get into .hack, though my brother did love those games.

    Also shout-outs too Mega Man Command Mission, Final Fantasy 12 and Final Fantasy Tactics, #s 11 12 and 13 easily

    Also anyone here familiar with a game Thousand Arms? like I mean actually played it? lol

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