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Beat the SNES Library - 310/714

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7 hours ago, Andykin Skysk8r said:

Super Return of the Jedi is done.


The best of the 3 games imo, although the high points of empire shine a bit brighter. People's main complaint about this game seems to be the first level sucks, and it does but pretty awesome game after that. 

Yeah, I always liked that one best of the trilogy as well. Not an easy game, but a little less difficult than the others, I believe. I think I've beaten it once, but usually I get stuck on that last level, trying to escape from the Death Star.

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21 hours ago, cj_robot said:

Yeah, I always liked that one best of the trilogy as well. Not an easy game, but a little less difficult than the others, I believe. I think I've beaten it once, but usually I get stuck on that last level, trying to escape from the Death Star.

I found it a lot easier than the other 2 games. There wasn't a single major roadblock I got stuck at while the other games had plenty. When youre escaping from the death its all about adjusting the angle with the L and R buttons. At the final sequence look out for what looks like metal waffles on the left and right side, they just look like part of the background but they are the obstacle you are supposed to be dodging.

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Just noticed that SFC and PAL games won't be part of the normal list, bonuses tracked separately, but since I was asked to check in here for Soulblazer, played that in french thus PAL, will do the same for Mystic Quest (Mystic Quest Legend - france) just so it is noted, if it will be, if not disregard.



Edited by MeganJoanne
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Just beat Secret of Mana. What a wonderful game. If only there weren't this many bugs. It happened several times during this playthrough alone that I got stuck and had to reset the game after beating a boss. But I still love the game. And somehow the endings of games in the Mana are usually very sad and melancholic. I think most Final Fantasy endings are a bit more upbeat and positive.


Secret of Mana.jpg

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3 hours ago, Reed Rothchild said:

The Lion King.  That only took a thousand attempts over the last five years

Nice, that game is tough. I've beaten the Genesis one, but I could never get through the SNES version, always got stuck on that level with the lava. Can't remember what the difference might have been, I think there were some jumps that just seemed easier to make on Genesis for whatever reason.

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I beat Super Valis IV and have thereby finished the whole Valis series. The fourth game looked mostly pretty decent, even if most levels were a bit dull and repetitive, and it sounded quite good. The controls feel more responsive and there are more subweapons which come in handy during certain encounters. So it might seem like this game is a major step forward, but unfortunately there were a few design choices that dragged the game down a little.

I have already mentioned, that the levels were repetitive. In some levels I didn't mind it as much since they were nice to look at and decent to begin with, but the seemingly never-ending, always the same looking castle interior of level 2 or the overly long psychedelic hallways of level 6 weren't particularly great. The levels are also rather long consisting of three areas before you encounter the boss. And if you die at the boss you have to repeat the whole level over again, which is a huge pain. In the earlier Valis games you had several lives and were set back to the beginning of the current area or maybe directly in front of a boss with a few power-ups at your disposal. You only had to redo the full level if you lost all of your lives and something like this should have been implemented here. But they didn't. I guess it was because they introduced some strange kind of timer. At the bottom of the screen is an HP bar of the boss and it gradually fills. So ideally you'd want to rush to the end as fast as possible, so that the boss doesn't turn into a horrible hit sponge. But if you rush you will constantly run into enemies or miss critical jumps, which obviously sucks. But even if I learned the level and made my way through it relatively quickly, the bosses were still quite the hit sponges (the later ones easily take 50+ hits). This didn't matter so much with some of the earlier bosses since you could use your powerful items or spam long-range shots at them. But the later bosses had to be hit from close-up with your sword and some of the patterns were too random for me to really master the boss encounters.

And then there's the final level. This one was awful and frustrating. It was basically a short buss rush with three out of six bosses and of course they chose the most difficult ones. In-between were short areas where you could refill your (now useless) subweapons or gather health refills. After that it was time for the final boss. This one may not have been all that difficult at first glance, but he takes an awful amount of hits and after he has lost about half of his health, he will use his special attack. He is literally throwing blue balls at you. And when they hit they draw some hit points off you and restore the boss by a large amount! And his blue balls have different patterns, which makes it difficult to evade them since you never know quick enough which trajectory they take. Due to that the defining factor regarding whether or not I won or lost was whether I was able to avoid getting hit by his energy draining balls. I once had him almost dead, but then messed up, got hit a few times and he almost had half of his max HP back. This was so frustrating and that boss encounter alone almost ruined the whole game for me. Did I already mention that after dying you always start at the beginning of the level? Well, that means that you have to beat all previous three bosses as well! It's like in Joe & Mac 2, but with power-ups and much, much harder bosses. Also, one life only.

And what was the reward for this? Our heroine saved the day and returned to Yuuko during a short credit scene and that's it. The Valis games were never rich in story, but they still at least tried and always had one or two good moments in every game that had an impact on me. Here it's really just go and defeat bad guy, then the final boss is like "I will kill you" and Lena says "No, I will not die. Not before I restore love and peace to the world". No joke.

Anyway, despite some gripes and room for improvement this was still a decently fun game and I'm happy to finally have experienced the whole Valis series. This game may have felt a bit unnecessary and tacked on since the original story was finished after the first three games, but at least it's not the awful monstrosity that is the hentai reboot of this series.

Super Valis IV.jpg

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45 minutes ago, Andykin Skysk8r said:

Just finished Hagane. It kinda reminds me of Megaman X in that its super fun, difficult, and has a cool new jump function that you have to use so much it makes your thumb hurt.

I just popped in my copy to play through then read that you already completed it. It's a pretty fun game


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On 11/12/2019 at 6:42 PM, Gaia Gensouki said:

I wanted to ask what exactly the clearance condition for F-Zero is. It only says "Complete all Cups". Are there only the three default ones? And what about the difficulty? I have beaten these three both in beginner and standard difficulty so far. Is expert and master necessary as well? I've actually never played F-Zero before, so I'm not quite sure.

Im trying to beat Kings Cup on standard but keep getting crushed. Is there a "magic bullet" to this game or just lots of practice?

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