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Want to build a basic PS3 collection, any game suggestions?

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Hello everyone, title says it all, semi-recently I got a PS3 and after messing with it for a while I've have been thinking about building a small, 20 to 30 titles collection mainly for playing purposes, and seems to be a good time to pick them up relatively cheap (at least AAA titles).

Basically I'm looking for solid titles I might want to play sometime in the future, any genere as long as the game is good, in the end I want to narrow it down to about 30 titles and start actively looking for them.

Uncharted 2
Batman Arkham Asylum/City
Red Dead Redemption
The Last of Us
Mass Effect 2
Street Fighter 4
God of War III
Rock Band 2
Ass Creed 2
Borderlands 2
Demons' Souls
Dark Souls
Fallout 3
Dead Space
The Walking Dead
Tomb Raider
The Wolf Among Us
InFamous 1/2
Mortal Kombat (9)
Brutal Legend
Dragon's Crown
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
The Darkness

There is my curated list of things I played and enjoyed. @Abelardo

Edited by fox
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Ico/Shadow of the Colossus Collection - HD Remaster of two great games, usually sells for under $20
God of War Saga - includes every God of War game except for Ascension and the 2018 game, usually sells for under $20
Any of the Bioshock games, all are pretty cheap
The Orange Box - the PS3 version isn't the best, but it's still a good way to play Portal and Half Life 2
Portal 2
Dirt - amazing Rally game
Motorstorm - fantastic arcade racer and a great game considering it's a launch title
Metal Gear Solid 4
Any of the Metal Gear Solid Collections
3D Dot Game Heroes   

Edited by TDIRunner
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Here's my little collection for the stuff played on the PS3. Something's have been ported to PS4 (Nathan Drake Collection, LoU Remastered, Bioshock Collection, etc...), and some stuff runs better on X360 (Half Life Orange Box, Assassin's Creed 1/2, etc...)


3D For Game Heroes - Console exclusive, must play if you like NES LoZ

Dead Space 2 - LE Edition is cool because it includes Dead Space Extraction from the Wii

Demon Souls - OG, console exclusive

Deus Ex Human Revolution DC - Good game, but not required

Dragon's Crown - awesome PS exclusive, upscaled for PS4 

Eternal Sonata - Beautiful JRPG, extra content over X360 release

Fallout New Vegas - One of my favorites, get the Ultimate Edition for all the DLC

Final Fantasy XIII - It feels weird not to have a FF game for a PS console

Folklore - Console Exclusive, main reason I got a PS3.

God of War Saga - Great value made even better if you can find a copy with the PSP games voucher unused

Heavy Rain - Not for everyone but some of the best PS3 graphics

Journey CE - Another great value, includes Flower and Flow (all 3 made by thatgamecompany)

Just Cause 2 - Open world destruction fun

Ico /Shadow of the Colossus HD - SotC maybe better remade on PS4, but both of these are closer to their original PS2 releases with a fresh coat of paint

LA Noir - Again, not for everyone but I like it

Little Big Planet 2 SE - Includes a bunch of DLC and a great multiplayer/creative sandbox game

Metal Gear Solid Legacy - Getting a little pricey if you get it with the artbook but it includes every mainline game from Metal Gear (MSX) to IV.

Motorstorm - The other reason I got a PS3, the sequels may be better but I like the original.

No No Kuni - Another beautiful JRPG, updated for newer consoles but still great here.

The Puppeteer - Late first party release from the developers who made Ape Escape, LocoRoco, Gravity Rush

Red Dead Redemption - GTA on horses, I like it better than RDR2.

Skate 3 - No better Skating game has been released since

Sonic Genesis Collection - Tons of great games and includes all 4 Phantasy Stars

South Park Stick of Truth - Not a fan of all the humor, but the combat is fun

Super Street Fighter 4 - I'm terrible at it, but it's got lots of characters and my kids like to button mash.

Valkyria Chronicles - Long, beautiful, tough, and has a great story

Not included but I also recommend Killzone Trilogy and Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction.



Edited by Aguy
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Thank you @fox, @TDIRunner & @Aguy, I should be able to compile a list from here, maybe even expand a little beyond the original 20-30 I had in mind.

Yesterday I started talking to a local seller and he has tons of PS3 games and seems motivated to unload them, I basically copy and pasted him your suggestions and he's telling me he should have the majority of these, so time to trade in my spare consoles 🙂 

Folklore and Heavenly Sword are early games I remember playing and enjoying it.

God of War games are a must if you like action games, the first 2 games look amazing on it.

Max Payne 3 is also pretty cool, had a lot of fun with it. Though you can also play it on X360.

If you can handle slowdowns and graphical jank, Drakengard 3 and Nier are really unique games, superb soundtracks. Though Nier will get a remake of sorts for the PS4.

If you like japanese RPG´s, Ar no Surge is a really cool game that blends visual novel and RPG mechanics.

If you are interested in imported games, you could get the physical versions of Resident Evil games, known as Biohazard in Japan. They have english options so you can play without issues. I like that Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil Remake (the first one that was released on Gamecube) have their own releases. Resident Evil Code Veronica got and enhanced port bundled with Resident Evil 4 port for the PS3, I played it and liked the updated lighting engine.


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I bought most of the big names people talked about and some of the ones I was disappointed about were the Borderlands games, I gave up on the uncharted series because the first game was so repetive and boring, and then puppeteer and journey weren't my cup of tea. Also have Last of Us and Heavy Rain that I bought but do not plan on playing.

Ones that turned out good. Demon Souls, Batman Series, Bioshock series (minus 2), Ghostbusters, Dark Souls, Killzone 2, Mass Effect 2, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, and Rainbow Six Las Vegas, Max Payne 3, Doom BFG.

Edited by Californication

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