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May Movie: Faster Pussycat KILL KILL!

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Looks like FPKK is the pick for May.

This movie has it all, girls, cars, violence, go-go dances, bad acting and a killer lead actress by the name of Tura Satana. This movie was directed by Beyond the Valley of the Dolls fame, Russ Meyer.

I'm not sure how I stumbled across this movie, I'm thinking it would have been one of the B grade movie documentaries I've watched. I gave it a watch and loved it. Tarantino has cited this movie as one of his inspirations for Death Proof which definitely shows.

If you don't have a channel showing this (or don't sail the seven seas) then you can watch the Youtube upload below:


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John Waters said in his book that this was “The best movie ever made, and possibly better than any movie that will ever be made.”

I don't know if I would go that far, but I liked it. It delivered everything the title promised: sex, violence, speed.. Lots of cleavage and skin, but surprisingly, no graphic nudity. The opening narration:  "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to violence, the word and the act." with the audio waveforms on screen was amazing. It was very light on plot (so light, that just them having lunch at the homestead constitutes a major plot point) The acting was a little cheesy (partly just an artifact of the time period), but the actors all had an undeniably strong screen presence. Especially Tura Satana. Instantly iconic. Snappy dialogue, driving score. I can see how this influenced Tarantino. The only good person was Linda, but I wonder if Varla was keeping her around because she thought she could turn her into a bad girl?

"I never try anything. I just do it. And I don't beat clocks, just people!"

"You're a beautiful animal... and I'm weak, and I want you."

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Editorials Team · Posted

Finally watched it.  I don't think I had seen it, funnily enough.  But you can very clearly see it's inspiration in the world of the Tarantinos (and Roths and Zombies) of the world.

I don't think I need to add it to the collection, but I was entertained.

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Just watched Streets of Fire. Fun movie! I know it was a "Rock'n'roll Fable" but they sure devoted a lot of screen time to the live music performances.

Great cinematography and lots of familiar faces: Diane Lane, Bill Paxton, Willem Dafoe, Rick Moranis! I wish they had shown the climactic fight between Tom and Raven with more wide shots and fewer cuts, but I guess these two weren't really martial artists.  Was there any more to the Final Fight connection beyond the main guy being named Tom Cody, and the bad guy biker gang leader kidnapping his (ex) girlfriend? I also see some parallels to Walter Hill's earlier film The Warriors.

Fun fact: The Torchie's dancer was Jennifer Beale's dance/body double in Flashdance.

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15 hours ago, Reed Rothchild said:

Finally watched it.  I don't think I had seen it, funnily enough.  But you can very clearly see it's inspiration in the world of the Tarantinos (and Roths and Zombies) of the world.

I don't think I need to add it to the collection, but I was entertained.

Probably for the best. It would be expensive if you wanted to add it.

Arrow released a Russ Meyer blu ray collection but it’s OOP now and expensive and the Russ Meyer estate doesn’t seem interested in letting companies release stuff (but they’ll sell you an overpriced DVD version for like $80!)

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Events Team · Posted

This was right up my alley.  60s buxom bad girls in fast cars.  Easy to see the influences in modern film that G-type mentioned.  I also never knew where the "I never try anything" quote came from other than it's sample in White Zombie's Thunder Kiss '65.  I'll definitely return to this movie in the future.


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So many striking curves... gotta love those cars.

Music was really good too.

I'd have to watch it again to really get into it, but I felt like character's motivations didn't always make clear sense.

Also noticed when the partially paralyzed old man got out of the truck to crawl on the ground he was clearly using his legs to propel himself along the ground.

It also seemed to me that the guy who plays Mr. Lahey on Trailer park boys probably based his character's facial mannerisms and manner of speaking on the old man.

Lotta style and even more good one liners that feature some good old-timey slang like referring to money as "bread."  And I laughed pretty good when Varla called the gas station attendant "Squirrel."

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  • 2 weeks later...
Got in under the wire to watch it this month. I'd feel bad enough even if I didn't push it earlier. I tried a couple times before now, but my girl wasn't interested, or I fell asleep since it was late, etc. Glad I've finally seen this low-rent classic, an early touchstone of Corman's career. 

Still wanna see some of the others recommended this month. But I'm happy with my first watch for this club.  Edited by Link
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