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Silly things that you envy


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I was waiting to grab a coffee at the local shop, when I witnessed someone order one of the sandwiches from the shop. I probably wouldn't have thought twice, but my friend actually had a sandwich from the same shop for lunch (I grabbed a pizza elsewhere, we met up at the coffee shop after we both finished other things). Anyway, I was watching the woman prepare the sandwich. Two pieces of toast, yum. Mustard, yuck. Raw tomatoes, eh I can eat them but I prefer them cooked. Pickles, yuck. Lettuce, tolerable yet I feel similarly as I do the raw tomatoes. Egg or meat (I couldn't tell what it was), There was probably an onion or something in there too, also a huge yuck for me.

In the West you might say I'm a picky eater, though I've eaten so much stuff in my life that it's an unfair label to use, some of you "non-picky" eaters wouldn't touch some of the stuff I've eaten over here.

Anyways, it brought me around to this topic.

I envy people who can go to a coffee shop or buy a train sandwich or something and enjoy it, stock. It's silly, though it would be nice sometimes.

So I'm curious about what other little / silly things people might envy. It's the silly things we take for granted, yet might be a huge deal to others. 🙂

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It's a rainy day at my house today, and a bit chilly outside for this time of year.  I told my wife today, "here we are, in our warm home dry, feeling fine.  But have you ever thought that in spite of the rain, snow, sunshine or wind all those animals out there are just going along with their lives and the weather doesn't affect them much." 

We've become creatures of comfort and though this isn't being envious of "people", I was kind of envious of animals and how they can just deal with the exterior world.  We've gone soft in the past 10-20,000 years as a species.  Too soft.

Regardless, you're still not getting me in a tent at night.  I hate the feeling of dew in the air in the morning.

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50 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

I'm envious of people who can fall asleep in any position/situation, and people who can nap without feeling like a groggy mess afterwards.

Interesting point.  I am often quite tired regardless of how much sleep I get, so I can fall asleep rather easily.  However, I cannot nap well.  Those 15 minute power-naps are impossible for me, and I wake up feeling horrible and my attitude is just as bad for the rest of the day.  I avoid them at all cost.

I envy people that can simply nap well.  I usually go to sleep for 1-2 hours if I do nap and though it helps my attitude better than a 15 minute one, I'm still a bit of a jerk to be around if I don't guard myself.

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