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Everything posted by dr_orangejuicer

  1. I would guess that's legit. Hard to say without seeing in person, though it could also be hard to say in person too! Some thoughts: - Brand new games can have some manual wear. I've seen manuals with a faint bend that runs vertically through the entire manual in games that I pulled from a factory case myself. - Faint folds/bends at the spine of a Dreamcast manual, generally near the center, are not uncommon in factory sealed games. I've seen it countless times on countless different games. - That weird little bit on one side where the Y-fold is kind of funky does not concern me either. Seen issues like that many times. - There are several different Dreamcast seals. Most Chu Chu Rockets were sealed with a vertical overlapping seam down the back, Shenmue has the more gummy type seal with vent holes, Acclaim titles often had both Y-fold seals and shrink wrapped horizontal seams, etc. I think it's important to remember in sealed game collecting that (1) factories are not perfect, weird anomalies happen and (2) that nobody at the time of production gave any consideration for consistency in how games were sealed. Many games have multiple seals that are still 100% factory sealed. Back to your JGR: the corner wear is maybe a little odd, but I don't see any red flags otherwise so I'd assume it was just...one of those things. I also don't recall ever seeing a convincing reseal of a Dreamcast game, but I've also never had suppliers who tried to dupe me. Does the wrap feel like other first party Y-fold seals, give or take? Source: my experience selling sealed games for over a decade, have handled and sold thousands of Dreamcast games (among others) in that time, most of which I pulled from manufacturer's cases. Could always be wrong though!
  2. I thought Japanese consoles had the same generation indicator that the US models did, but apparently I'm wrong. I did a little digging and found this though: From the above: "You can also get a good clue of NTSC-J revision from serial number alone. The first two numbers of the serial are Manufacturer Code, the third number is the last digit of Manufacture year. (For Example, my va0 is 059; 05 for 'UGO DENSHI' manufacturer and 9 for 1999 date) As well, apparently Sega changed from 'Sega Enterprises' to 'Sega Corporation' shortly before they removed MIL-CD. (Nov 1 2000) So if your dreamcast says "Sega Corporation" under the model no in ANY region, it's very unlikely to read backups. http://dreamcastgaga.blogspot.ca/2013/05/mil-cd-comptability.html?m=1 is the boss who gathered all that info, but it helped me snag a va0 for dirt cheap. Helps a ton if it's a console youre looking at online." This also looked helpful: http://www.racketboy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=21336
  3. Seen these countless times since buying games new in the 90s, def a manufacturing artifact. Have never had an issue with playback.
  4. Cleaning out my CD collection. The vast majority of these are in VG+ shape and the worst should only have moderate wear (give or take a few exceptions). Generally, I bought these new or lightly used and took good care of them. A few damaged jewel cases but most are in pretty good shape. By my count, there are around 84 CDs here. I also found a handful of label compilations that will be included (not part of the 84, not shown in photos). There are a lot of indie rock CDs from 2000-2010 or so, but plenty of other genres are represented as well. My Bloody Valentine, Elliott Smith, Explosions in the Sky, Beth Orton, Yuck, Cursive, Gang Gang Dance, Kronos Quartet, Outkast, Japandroids, Jesu, Rodrigo Y Gabriela, Dizzee Rascal, et al. See photos. $50 + shipping takes the lot. Will probably have a couple more batches of CDs to move in the next week or so as well, should the buyer be interested in similar lots.
  5. Been selling for many years and have always done this manually. I avoid cross-listing on multiple platforms unless I have stock to cover all platforms (with the occasional goof, nobody's perfect). I suppose there might be a tool that a third party has developed that will allow you to have centralized inventory and, with access to your accounts on multiple platforms, could pull inventory as it's sold but that seems...complicated and almost certainly NOT free. I can't imagine it being worthwhile for small-time sellers but I'm something of a luddite so maybe I'm just missing out... I would suggest learning what inventory does better on different platforms and listing strategically. For example: for me, Jaguar games sell VERY poorly on Amazon compared to Ebay. Games that command a premium due to condition also tend to do better on Ebay. I've looked briefly at new selling apps like those you mentioned and have not gotten on board yet. The items I sell are rarely sold there so tracking the occasional Mercari sale (or wherever) just seems like more trouble than it's worth (i.e. I'm now tracking sales, disbursements, AND inventory for an additional platform that generates very few sales relative to the bigger players). This is just how I see things and what works for me, ymmv of course. Hope this helps.
  6. As the title states. Standard composite cable is fine. Ideally I can buy all three from one buyer. Condition should be at least good. Name your price.
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