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Posts posted by noiseredux

  1. 1 hour ago, Andy_Bogomil said:

    I probably play Super Mario Land more than SMB. Better? Probably not but it's pretty quick and dirty and I don't mind the shooter levels.. mixes it up a bit. The slightly varied bosses are a nice touch too.

    SML is awesome. Though, I'm also the weirdo who thinks that SMB2 (USA) is the best of the  three NES games, so...

    • Like 3
  2. okay, added a bunch of stuff as we're getting ready to do a yard sale soon, so I've had a chance to dig through more stuff. Hoping to get around to adding prices and pics at some point, but for now I'm open to any fair offers or trades. Thanks!

  3. 1 hour ago, MrWunderful said:

    I just opened an online checking account, and now use that for ebay and paypal only. Its linked with my normal checking so I can throw money in or withdrawal really easy. But now my paypal is linked to my buying/selling checking account only, not my normal personal checking So I actually prefer it more. 

    ugh. I'll prob have to do something like this too. I haven't touched ebay since the change was made. Out of curiosity, which online checking did you go with?

  4. added a sealed copy of Kentucky Route Zero (Switch), as I've noticed it doesn't seem to be in print any longer, and I'm not likely to play this copy any time soon.

    I still have more stuff to add, but need to find the time to go through more stuff. Can take pics of any of this stuff upon request.

  5. bump. I haven't been around these parts in a few months as I've been extremely busy. But I do miss you all. So I'm making an effort to check back in. With that, I've done some house cleaning this weekend, and I'm going to start adding more stuff to this list, which I've started to do tonight. 🙂

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, a3quit4s said:

    Bought a few new GBA games and had a lot that I needed to catch up on for the cassette project. 


    these look fantastic. I had intentions of doing this myself, but haven't gotten around to it. (1) where's the best place to find printable art for these? (2) where's the best place to get cheap cassette cases?

    • Like 1
  7. I've used the Joycons in the Splatoon themed "trigger grip", the Pro Controller, and the PowerA wireless... but the Pro is always my favorite. Something so perfectly comfortable with that thing. Perfect weight. Great battery. So good.

    • Like 2
  8. 11 hours ago, fcgamer said:

    With the fish, I'll generally do something quite similar to this recipe, in a pan.


    The fish then flaked apart really easily with just a fork, I'd press down on it gently and it easily broke into nice-sized pieces.

    Recently if I've been making seafood dishes, I've been including dried seaweed in it (those dark specks), it really adds to the flavour I feel.

    awesome, thank you - I think we're gonna add a variation on this to our dinner menu next week!

    • Like 1
  9. 7 hours ago, fcgamer said:

    Supper tonight: Seafood noodles. Big chunks of fish delicately mixed inside a plate of noodles, topped with a secret black bean sauce, which has nutty flavours. 

    A classic garlic pepper sauce then completes the picture, adding yet another intricate layer of flavour to the meal, as well as some necessary heat.

    Edit: These are the same (non instant, Taiwanense-style) noodles that I used for a meal a few posts up. This time I decided not to use any of the included sauce sachets, and just to do my own thing 100%.

    You can see quite the difference between the two, and the taste was also very different.


    my dude, this looks incredible. How did you prepare the fish?

    • Like 1
  10. 27 minutes ago, AstralSoul said:

    I love them all, its one of the few franchises that I was there Day 1 for it and have never stopped being a fan since. 23 years later for NA, 25 years for Japan. Actually I can't even think of one other game franchise I've been around with since launch day of the original.

    That said, I have my preference. Black and White 2 were my favorite, I'm not even sure why, it might've just been the timing of their release but I was heavily into them, I loved the world of Unova, and I loved all the new pokemon from that gen. After 3 gens of recycling a lot of the same Pokemon, playing Black and White was refreshing because it introduced all only new pokemon. And black and White 2 just expanded the world and unlike other "3rd versions" of other gens, BW2 actually was a sequel and played like it. It was the only new version of the same gen that was worth revisiting in my opinion.

    My least favorite goes to Sun and Moon, just because they felt the most forgettable to me. I thought they were okay, but lackluster in comparison to the rest of the series.

    1. Black/White/Black 2/White 2
    2. HeartGold/SoulSilver
    3. Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
    4. FireRed/LeafGreen
    5. AlphaSapphire/OmegaRuby
    6. X/Y
    7. Silver/Gold/Crystal
    8. Let's Go Eevee/Pikachu
    9. Red/Blue/Yellow
    10. Sword/Shield
    11. Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
    12. Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon

    You know I just realized I completely forgot the Let's Go games. If they're your favorite just vote for Red/Blue/Yellow.



    Yellow was my favorite for years, then I played Let's Go and that kind of replaced it. So yeah, I voted Yellow as a placeholder for Let's Go.

    I haven't played every gen, but I've played a lot. My least favorite of the ones I played was Sun, though.

    • Like 2
  11. 13 hours ago, DoctorEncore said:

    I'd wager dollars to donuts that it closes some sort of piracy-related loophole in the software. That's pretty much Nintendo's only motivation for updating anything older than the Switch.

    from what I've seen it's just security update stuff, so yeah. I'm not really surprised - the 3DS continued to get little updates for years as well. And there's still an eShop on both, so there's at least some motivation (income) to keep the devices secure.

    • Like 1
  12. about 6 hours into Bravely Default II and it's kind of a mess. The pacing feels really rough, jobs seems to unlock pretty slowly, and I don't have the same time to devote to grinding that I used to have. I'm probably gonna tough it out for a few more hours and see if my tune changes, but so far I'd place it below the other Bravely games, and its loose brethren (4 Heroes Of Light, Octopath...

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