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Posts posted by noiseredux

  1. I mean, I was born in 1981. It sounds hyperbolic, but "Smells Like Teen Spirit" showed up on MTV one Saturday morning, and pretty much blew my young mind, and within its few minutes pretty much shaped my ears for the rest of my life. So, yeah, 10/10 for me.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, Tabonga said:

    This looks really interesting:

    It can be pre-ordered through Playasia - (don't forget the discount code switchmania for 5% off).  Unfortunately it looks like it won't get over here until shortly after Halloween.

    I still have the demo downloaded on my Wii U... though, i've never played it, haha.

  3. 31 minutes ago, TDIRunner said:

    It's certainly possible, but at this point in my life, I don't have the desire or need to spend lots of time searching for new music that I like.  I drove to Florida last month, which is a 13 hour drive each way.  I listened to a playlist of music that I setup myself.  I never skipped a song or heard the same song twice the entire trip.  There already exists enough music for me to listen to and enjoy for the rest of my life (with a HUGE range of styles and genres).  Taking several hours to listen to the entire catalog of a new group that has a 99% chance of having no music I would enjoy anyway just isn't time well spent for me.  If that means I'm getting old, no problem there. Getting older has never bothered me.  

    yeah, at this point the vast majority of what I listened to is bands that I already loved before 10 years ago.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Gloves said:

    I mean it's not like it's much different from anything else that's come before. Backstreet Boys and Nsync, Spice Girls, we've been here before in our time.

    as far as substance, agreed. I was more saying that I can tell you names of Backstreet, Nsync, and Spice Girls songs. But I can't tell you the name of a BTS song. So if they're the biggest thing in pop music - I must be getting old.

    I do think that Billie Eilish is cool. But so does Dave Grohl. So that doesn't seem to make me any younger and hipper, haha.

  5. most games...? Haha. I was thinking about this actually. Back before I had a little one in the house, I'd dive deep into something like Skyrim or GTA5, and spend 20-30 hrs dicking around and exploring before I even started the story missions. Then I'd play through the actual game, adding another 20-30 hrs playtime. Nowadays, I don't have that kind of time. So even stuff that I love, I don't always see through to the end. Dragon Quest XI comes to mind. That's a game that I absolutely adored, and spent a couple weeks with every night before bed, and yet, I know that when I finally got distracted by another game I was still only like 2/3rds of the way through. I loved every moment with that game and hold it in high regard, but it's still not beaten. It's always in the back of my mind that someday I'll come back to it.

    Maybe a more glaring example is BOTW. I've played that one is spurts since 2017, but I'm still nowhere close to the end. And in a way, I almost don't care if I ever finish it. I love that game, and I have fun w/ it every time I boot it up. But I'm content with it being a sort of sandbox world that I continually revisit even if I don't have an ending to reference.

    • Like 1
  6. my history with N64 is weird. When it came out, my buddy got it and showed me Mario 64. I thought it LOOKED good, but I don't know... we were in high school, and Mario seemed too kid-ish to me. I opted for a PS1 myself. My buddy tried to show me Goldeneye and it didn't click with me at the time. I did love Mario Kart 64, but not enough to want a console myself.

    Over the years, the N64 had a reputation in my mind as "that one Nintendo console I never liked." Then, a couple years ago my brother found a totally trashed N64 console when he was cleaning out someone's basement and offered it to me. I figured, "for free? Sure, I'll check this thing out."

    Since then, I've actually kind of learned to love this stupid beast. Once I got the expansion pak, and popped in Perfect Dark, ran it through HDMI and enabled the in-game widescreen option, I realized that N64 clearly blew away Sony's hardware of the day. And as I've (slowly) dug deeper into the software library, I really think that the N64 is awesome. And it's fun to have this new-to-me library of games to still discover.

    I even proudly wear an N64 t-shirt from time to time, haha.

    • Like 4
  7. 11 hours ago, RegularGuyGamer said:

    I need must play titles guys. Like desert island type recommendations. Even if they're remakes or remaster, even if they're on other consoles. What games are in the library that you'd be pissed if you didn't get to play?

    First thing that popped in my mind, Fire Emblem: Three Houses. I finally played that one last month, and through my 30 or so hours with it, I was legit upset with myself for waiting two years to get around to it.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 26 minutes ago, WhyNotZoidberg said:

    I bought a jobber lot to resell last week and I was able to skim some cream off the top to finally get my hands on Ivy the Kiwii for the Wii, Aliens Infestation DS and Zero Time Dilemma. (I have the 3 Nonary games with this one now).

    If I'm honest I loved 999 and completed everything, I did just one playthrough of Virtue's Last Reward and I only got Zero Time Dilemma to complete the trilogy. The charm of the original was clearly lost in the 2nd title, maybe because the gimmick is less effective the second time around, maybe it's the characters that didn't mesh as well with me I don't know. 

    Vandal Hearts came from a collector-to-collector purchase, it's a favorite of mine and now I own a clean copy. Paid the price on this one but I wanted it. 

    And last but not least, I must be doing something right because my Lynx collection is growing, and here you see a replacement screen lens (mine is cracked) and a BennVenn drop-in LCD screen to make my ol' Model 2 feel new again. Can't wait to do the work on the console and try out a few games with the new brightness.


    ugh, great grab on Aliens Infestation. I borrowed that one from a friend when it came out. Always wish I had bought my own copy, as it's awesome and a bit on the pricey side these days.

    Obscure: The Aftermath is also on my want list.

    • Like 1
  9. personally, I have picked up cheapo bootlegs of expensive games over the years as an alternative. More often, it was for unofficial translations. But I don't consider myself a "collector," really. That is, I collect games to play them. That being said, I've never cared for everdrives/etc. I guess that subconsciously I'd rather have a single cartridge of a single game with a label that says what the game is, even if it's clearly not the real deal. I can't really explain this - I don't post pics of my pickups or anything, so it's certainly not any sort of bragging rights or anything. It's just what I'd prefer if given the option.

    That being said, nowadays I'll just grab a cheaper import copy of an expensive game, and then English-patch it on my Retron 5 rather than buy a bootleg.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, WalterWhiteJr. said:

    same here... but I don't really NEED it right now. Like, if it had some actual performance bumps, it'd be day one purchase for me. But right now, I have a Switch, my wife has a Lite. If she didn't, I'd buy this and give her my Switch. So instead, it's more of a wait until there's some super good deal on one kind of upgrade for me. Can't really justify the purchase, as nice as the new screen and kickstand may be.

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