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Posts posted by noiseredux

  1. I think I've approached this game differently than you guys - and differently than any other Zelda game that I've ever played. Which is to say that even though I got it at launch, I still haven't beaten it. Every 6 months or so, I dump some time into it. Sometimes I'm playing with the focus of really advancing things, other times I'm just dicking around, picking  a direction to go explore and just do whatever. It's like a weird leisurely game that I feel like I'll play like this for years, and I almost don't care if I ever beat it. It's like taking a vacation or something.

    • Like 2
  2. 9/10 for me. Top tier Zelda, rubbing elbows with my other series favorites - LTTP and Wind Waker. My only reluctance in giving it the 10 is that it feels too soon for me to properly evaluate within the big picture. It's probably a 10. But I need time. I feel like I need the context of whatever comes next to feel confident in that. It's an incredible game, though, and a truly unique experience within the franchise anyway. And I still seem to revisit it annually even though I've had it since launch.

    • Like 1
  3. I feel like I had heard something along those lines - that they produced too many. But not sure of the source.

    According to Wiki, DQ sold like 1-2M copies in Japan, so producing 9M (or more?) would have REALLY be overestimating demand, though.

    I'd be really interested in a factual deep-dive on DW's arrival in the US and what led to this promotion. Heck, the promotion itself is probably the foundation for why many of us are fans of JRPG's all these years later.

  4. that's a good question. Anecdotal of course, but my copy of DW came from this promotion, and so did anybody's copy that I knew at the time. So not sure.

    I have nothing of value to add to this thread, but this is a great find, and I'll be watching and hoping that somebody knows more about the shirts.

    I love stuff like this. I actually perused the 1997 NP Power Supply Catalog last night, and was wishing that some of that stuff was still available at 1997 prices. The magazine holders for example, or the cheap strategy guides. Though I am suspect that anybody in 97 really did carry their Game Boy around in a NP branded FANNY PACK.

  5. 13 minutes ago, zeppelin03 said:

    It looks great. I've heard people say this would have been perfect on Wii U, but I am glad it's one Switch.  Give me traditional controls so I can look at the great environments on my TV.

    I thought it was on Wii U (Virtual Console), no?

  6. I've been playing Mario + Rabbids this week, and totally adoring it. I originally played it at launch, and thought it was "pretty good," but kind of drifted away from it after a few hours. Now playing it again w/ fresh eyes, I'm completely seeing the brilliance of this one. Highly recommended.

  7. 5/10 for me. Muse has always been "that band that kind of sounds like Radiohead, but not nearly as awesome" for me. I've only heard one of their albums in full, and it was because my wife owned it. Um. I had to google it - it was Absolution. Anyway, I like a handful of songs for sure. That one that was in High Tension, and some of the some stuff from Black Holes & Revelations (was that the album or just the song title? I'm not googling again...). So yeah. They're fine. I tend to like their songs when I hear them, but have no real intention of purposefully listening to them.

  8. 22 hours ago, acromite53 said:

    Anyone have thoughts on Revelations 2?


    Yes, it's awesome. I will say that I *THINK* I prefer the first Revelations, but if you like the first, you'll like the second. It's the same sort of throwback to the earlier gameplay; and it's episodic like the first Revelations.  The real hook in the second game is that you control two characters. This means that you'll either play it solo, and swap between characters (somewhat like RE0), or you can actually co-op it which is excellent. I played it both way - and it's a great game either way. Honestly, I may have only given the edge to the first game because I loved the boat setting so much.

    • Thanks 1
  9. I haven't actually played the original game since 1997, and that was pretty much all multiplayer, so I feel like I can't accurately pick a number.

    But sub-question - I've never been able to clarify if the Wii game is an actual remake of the single player from the original game, or if it was just like one level remade, or what?

  10. 4 minutes ago, Deadeye said:

    I enjoyed it, but it was definitely a once and done kind of game for me.  Beat it, didn't 100% get every item and moon.  Most likely won't be playing it again. 

    I did not enjoy Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle.  I guess I had the wrong impression of it before purchase.  Maybe if I had played Xcom, I would have had a better idea what it was going to be like before hand. I thought it was going to be more like FF tactics, but it was so watered down.  It was boring to me, I played 3/4 through and sold it. 

    I don't think playing XCOM would have helped. In fact, I was initially let down by Mario + Rabbids BECAUSE I wanted it to be Mario XCOM so badly. Instead, it's a much simpler take on the genre. I actually have a better appreciation for M+R now that I've removed that expectation from it.

  11. On 5/29/2020 at 2:59 PM, Bearcat-Doug said:

    Supposedly these aren't bad, but I haven't tried one out personally.


    hey dudes, an update - I got this thing in the mail and... it's surprisingly not bad! To state the obvious, it's NOT a Wavebird. And it's $25. So set your expectations accordingly. But that said, it's got a surprisingly solid build, good weight to it, nice shape. It feels much more, I don't know - legit? - than the other cheapo knockoffs I've tried. If you want a Wavebird, obviously get a Wavebird. But if you want something GOOD for $25, this thing is worth it.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Penguin said:

    I must be one of the few people that enjoys rental games.  My new kick is getting rental boxes and games for the NES to have a setup in my game room that looks like an old video rental store.  I’ve found a few blockbuster case games but most have been from smaller video stores.

    that's awesome - I'd love to see pics.

    Years ago, I was very "CIB or nothing," about my collection. Then I sold a lot of it off, and played a lot of digital stuff. I've been slowly re-collecting over the past few years now. Though, really I collect in the sense that I buy games I want to have to play, and sell/trade ones that I'm not into. So I'm more gamer than collector proper. At any rate, nowadays I'm pretty much about getting the CHEAPEST copy of a game that I want and can get my hands on. So where I used to want games to be complete and look really pretty, I've now taken this weird stance that whatever beat up copy of a game finds its way to me at a price I'm willing to play, now has more of an aesthetic value to me.

    Meaning, whatever condition the game is in, it's MY copy of the game. It's the one that found its way to me. There's maybe even a story behind it, be it a good trade, or awesome yard sale find or whatever. But I digress.

  13. 17 minutes ago, Abelardo said:

     I just can't stand the SP2 era (2006-present).

    I get it WHY you wouldn't. But man. I still do. I mean, I do kind of think of them as two different bands. There's SP and then "SP," which is basically just Billy's solo project, I guess. At any rate, I'd at least say that Oceania was a pretty close return to form (if you haven't heard that one, at least check out "Panopticon," which is a stellar stand-out). Also, Shiny And Oh So Bright from last year was awesome - and *almost* a full on reunion, minus D'Arcy of course.

    Also also, I don't know if this is a hot take or whatever, but I seriously think that the Zwan album is one of the greatest "SP" albums of the post-90's.

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