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Posts posted by Brickman

  1. 3 minutes ago, DefaultGen said:

    Wow, cut hangtab and 9.4! I'm guessing Wata's stance is that it doesn't affect the grade and it just gets noted on the back? On the DefaultGen grading scale you'd top out at like a 6.0 max with a cut hangtab. Part of the box has been physically removed! Imagine trimming the top 1cm from a Star Wars figure card and getting a high grade.


    Wow. If I was a sealed collector this would make me question their grades. How can you have a damaged box score a 9.4? 

    Your comparison to action figure grading is a perfect example. Wouldn’t be acceptable in action figure grading and shouldn’t be in video game grading.

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, LeatherRebel5150 said:

    This is a pattern with them, they did something similar with Psyvariar Delta and made alot of people angry at the time. They like to make preorders open and push back delivery over and over again without any real communication. After they did it last time I decided not to preorder anything from them again. I'm just not confident that they won't just disappear with money one day. Just based on the pattern they have with this, my guess is they use preorders to fund the project and only really start delivering when they reach their goal. 

    TLDR; I don't trust them

    Yeah the more I have dug into them the more it seems that is the case. I’ll give them another day to respond otherwise I’ll just do a chargeback on my credit card.

    I think I’ll just stick to LRG, Super Rare Games and Special Reserve Games. If I miss anything else I’ll just take the hit on eBay.

  3. I have been keeping a list of Asian exclusive physical switch games that support English (or that don't require English) and thought I would share. Let me know if anything is missing. If a game gets an official Western release in physical form I will remove it from this list. A few games listed have a Western release but only offer a download code for some of the games whereas the Asian version has all games on the cart.

    Asian = All common Asian regions involved with video games such as Japan/China/HK/Taiwan, but will include other Asian regions if games are produced there.

    Up to date as of: 7th December 2020

    I am having difficulty with table formatting, so for now I am providing a OneDrive link: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AuabcT4IPPhchHE7WDAew1iBEq9_?e=IJ7e5i

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, MiamiSlice said:

    Yes. No. We must wait longer 😞

    I've requested a refund. I'll just grab it if it ever launches and if that means paying more on ebay I'll just have to live with it. I think I've had it pre ordered for almost a year now and it has never changed and they're very light on the details.

    • Like 1
  5. Did anyone else pre order The Game Paradise: Cruisin Mix Special from readytodispatch? This one has been in production forever. I emailed them for an update but got no response, anyone got info on this release?

    Also, if you missed Moon from Play-Asia it is available again for pre order. Thankfully I had some coins to bring down the price. Can't wait for this one.

  6. 3 hours ago, Nintegageo said:

    Again, just my opinion.. I just am not sure I would count LRG copies as they are just a publishing slut who essentially does prints o games that weren't meant or planned to have a physical copy. I am not saying I don't own any, just that I am not decided on whether or not I would consider them. You can consider them 🙂

    I said it a few pages back but the Switch is going to be one of those sets where no one can agree on what is a full set.

    Some will consider the NA stuff a full set but the system is multi region so that is really a subset and should include exclusive games from the UK. 

    Then you have LRG, in a constantly shifting world more companies will move to online only. I foresee more companies following LRG as we move to digital. So these should count but some won’t think so.

    I’m just focusing on the games I want or think sound interesting so I don’t have to worry about full set restrictions.

    40 minutes ago, DoctorEncore said:

    This library is fast approaching Wii levels of shovelware.

    While everyone has their criteria for what is a good game, I would say the consensus is that this isn’t true. The Switch has an amazing library, I definitely suggest digging deeper than the popular stuff. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. I’m not well informed on comic and baseball card collecting but I would think maybe there are similarities we can look at.

    Besides the key issues like Superman, Batman etc. surely no one is paying say $1000 for an Archie comic or the thousands of other comics released in the 50’s.

    Same with baseball cards, I’m sure a Babe Ruth would still command a high price but I’m guessing the majority of other cards from that era aren’t worth as much.

    That’s what I think will happen to NES games. Key franchises will probably still get good money but the majority of it will drop as people approach retirement.


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  8. 8 hours ago, captmorgandrinker said:

    Take a look at the model train market to get an idea of where video games are heading.

    This was my thought too.

    Unless parents are actively making their children play NES games before they move onto modern games I can’t really see younger kids having any attachment.

    I’m sure stuff like Mario and Zelda will hold up pretty well because Nintendo will keep them relevant, but I can’t see many games holding their value.

    Also, gaming in 30 years will be so different. Probably all cloud based and VR. Will kids even want to look at NES graphics? 

    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, fcgamer said:

    Why the fuck have I been seeing Vietnam brought up billions of times in this club, but not Taiwan?

    Taiwan is not a member of the WHO, they had to fend for themselves. Aside from about 50 (!) cases locally, all the other cases (slightly over 500 by now) have all been "imported", i.e. mostly brought to Taiwan mainly by Taiwanense (either dual citizenship folks or regulars just working / studying abroad) .  There was a situation where one "Taiwanense" hadn't lived in Taiwan for over 30 years, but due to the health care being cheap and excellent here, they contracted the disease and ran back home from their new home of the USA.

    Anyways, fifty flipping cases locally, seven deaths total, no lock downs, etc...

    Yet people always cite Sweden, Vietnam, etc as success stories. Wtf?!? Then given the proximity of Taiwan to China, and once again that WHO thing.

    I don't want to toot the horn of the country I live in, but we are literally number 1. Vietnam can suck a cock in comparison, imo, all things considered.


    I can’t speak for the other countries but Taiwan is constantly mentioned in Australia as the gold standard, along with NZ in the press, politicians and citizens.

    I anticipate next year travel bubbles will be created between Australia and Taiwan. Along with other Asian nations and NZ. I can’t see Europeans and North Americans allowed into our country until at least 2022.

    • Like 2
  10. The same is happening here. I had an item from Amazon say delivered and the tracking said it was in a suburb about an hour away. Amazon gave me a full refund then three weeks later it showed up.

    Also I am just now receiving orders I placed about two months ago and some I’m still waiting on.

    I think it’s just the system is so overwhelmed and flights are cut which adds to the delays. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Tanooki said:

    Descent?  You have a link to this?  I'd like to see what they've pulled off.

    Here is a link to the info about the companion game: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2016/3/15/road-to-legend/

    This is the actual board game: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/products/descent-journeys-in-the-dark-second-edition/

    It’s available on Android, iOS and steam so just search for Road to Legend.

    They also have this for their other game Star Wars: Imperial Assault.

  12. 1 hour ago, Tanooki said:

    I still haven't pulled the trigger on that Switch title, and I've seen it down as low as $15.  Something about the closed nature of the system kind of stops me from buying some games when there are multi-generational releases on the PC through GoG, sometimes Steam instead.  They always cost less, and even if we were discussing a modern console too, are better on there, and little to no expiration date.  I don't have a lot of Switch to PC overlap, didn't on PS3 or PS4 either as my computer would outshine and cost notably less.  See I have CIV on SNES and CIB too, but I put it in a spot to sell it if the offer is right as I have the rare 'Explorers Pack' for PC which has CIV1 (and Colonization) for both DOS and WIN already on there so it's kind of a downgrade to what I can use.

    Yeah that’s about what I paid for it. I mainly got it because I wanted to play Civ on the go, of course now I can’t go anywhere haha. 

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Tanooki said:

    Thanks for the summary Shmup, far better than the usual political grand standing you find some dig into, including here, playing into conspiracy theory level stuff.  Seems like it would be a real eye opener if you didn't bother checking into how those services work and dig to get your attention.

    Ever heard of Adam Ruins Everything on TruTV?  Watch this one, free on netflix.  That one goes well into that social media rabbithole of FB, google and others.

    Adam Ruins the Internet


    Technology is put to the test when Adam examines the surprising facts around smartphones and the real price of most free sites.

    No problem 😃 thought I’d let people know because the description is very light on Netflix and doesn’t sell it very well.

    I haven’t seen Adam Ruins the Internet. I had a look on my Netflix and it looks like we don’t get it over here. I did manage to find the video though so I’ll give it a watch and let you know. Thanks for the recommendation.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Tanooki said:

    Looks fun, but not when you have no one to play it with so that's a hard pass.  Maybe someone can construct an ios/android version for mobile to do with AI and/or other players.

    I've said the same for AD&D as well, still nothing...

    Descent did this with their free game Road to Legend. The AI plays as the dungeon master and you can play as the heroes. It works pretty well and I think now they have a few paid expansions.

  15. 20 minutes ago, Link said:

    So... we were united on that day in the face of tragedy. After that, it was a physical attack by foreigners that we could get revenge on. A lot of us had a problem with that and how it was treated like a warmongering opportunity. Either way, what we did was send people somewhere else to kill and torture.

      Hide contents

    Side note, in 2001 we all united for NYC... in the 2016 primary campaign Ted Cruz disparaged Trump on the basis of “New York values”.

    What we have now is a biological accident and we can’t just send fighter jets to go bomb the Middle East. The only way it can be addressed is by everybody doing their own part, here at home, and change some things about our way of life while this is still going on. Well, surprise, not everybody wants to do that. Some  people were mad about it by week 3 if not earlier. Now we are in week... 27 or something. All along the way the dumb dick in charge has absolutely refused to take any role of leadership and has fomented this reckless attitude about freedom. Even in places where governors and mayors do keep restrictions in place, you’ve got a bunch of jackaninnies flouting recommendations. 

    Now (yesterday) we have this genius DeSantis removing all restrictions in Florida which is the land of old people, beaches, and meth heads. It’s not getting better there, he’s doing it just because. 

    As Quest4Nes predicted in March, lockdowns wouldn’t work because people wouldn’t like them. My response was that we had better do them, and thoroughly, or things would go badly. We disagreed on which side of that the stupidity was, but we were both right. 

    Thanks for the thorough response. It really gives a on grounds view of what is happening there. I can read a 100 articles about the US self imploding over the virus, but I think your post has given me a better picture of what it really is like living there with everything going on.

    I’m not trying to send this into a political debate but do you think if Biden wins it may be possible to get a proper response to the virus?

    • Like 2
  16. 1 hour ago, Tanooki said:

    It works ok on a controller, but not as well as the mouse where you can pull off easily diagonals and other stuff.

    Yeah this was what I was thinking, I guess it isn’t a big issue because it is turned based. I’ll definitely give it a go, it’s been easily 15 years since I played that game.

    I picked up Civ 6 on the switch recently because it was very cheap. I played it on launch without all the expansions so I look forward to playing all the other nations.

  17. 6 minutes ago, Californication said:

    Let me ask you this. Why has Fox News, the most watched news station in the U.S. said that the Corona Virus was fake until a couple weeks ago?

    Not sure because I don’t live there, but what you say about corporations seems to be the consensus that most countries feel is happening over there. I really hope you guys can get back on the right track and come together as a country.

    • Like 1
  18. 21 minutes ago, Californication said:

    Part of the reason the U.S. response is so bad is because the wealthy and corporations are taking the opportunity to empty the treasury and restructure society. They are cool with what is going on, that is why nothing is getting done.

    I won’t claim to be any expert but I don’t doubt this statement.

    I watched a CNBC video today talking about how a lot of businesses are now wanting to get US workers back in the office and Wall Street companies are applying social pressure to get senior managers back. That just left me speechless.

  19. Haha it didn’t 

    7 minutes ago, Estil said:

    You didn't mind marrying a woman who has to rely on you for protection? 😄   At least you didn't end up with her hen pecking (although quite sexy) sister Deborah (though you do get a tiny little surprise bonus in the ending if you pick her)! 😄 

    Haha nah didn’t bother me. I’ll definitely choose someone different next time around 😃

  20. 43 minutes ago, ZeldaFreak said:

    Yup, and it's made me dislike where I live in the world even more than I already did.

    I think the saddest thing this pandemic has shown is which countries value money over life.

    I can’t stand reading how Sweden has been praised for their response. If allowing thousands of elderly to die is a success, then that is pretty cruel.

    Edit: I read in our National Paper that the US death rate is the equivalent of 9/11 happening 67 times. That really blew me away when I read that because the US response was way different to that. They united as a nation over those deaths.

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