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Posts posted by Brickman

  1. 21 minutes ago, Sumez said:

    Alternatively you could try looking inwards, and consider why people might have a reason for saying the things they do, and maybe even try becoming a better person - instead of trying to defend a douchy standpoint which doesn't really benefit you in any way to stand up for anyway.

    Everyone grows and learns as their life goes on. It's perfectly ok to admit that something you laughed at in the past probably wasn't in good taste. No one is judging you for having done so, but if you're gonna go on record as "probably a transphobe", saying bigoted BS like "it's just a joke, lighten up" or "pearl clutchers" in order to defend that sorry gag, people are going to judge you. And you can say that you don't care about that - but maybe you should.

    Truely I'm sorry the line "it's a joke, lighten up" offended you, I didn't realise you took the scene so seriously. But don't preach and state that your opinion of comedy is the only one that is right or matters. If you find it offensive, that's ok no harm in that, but don't talk down to others if they find something funny. You don't own what is and isn't funny to someone and you don't get to lecture me on being transphobic, you know nothing about me, so leave that rubbish out of it.

    • Agree 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, PII said:

    I'll throw "Planet Of The Vampires" back into the ring as we have not been to space yet.

    The second comment down suggests pairing this one up with "Queen Of Blood" which I have to agree would make for a killer double feature.  Just checked and it is on YT as well.  


    That Queen of Blood poster looks awesome! The colours really pop and I've always loved the 60's horror/sci fi style in movie poster of that era.

  3. 44 minutes ago, Tulpa said:

    I'm aware that some get offended by South Park, but it isn't because they're attacking everyone and anyone (they're not.)

    It's people missing the point of their humor.

    I get that, but if you declare something that is funny that punches down at people, you're going to get judged.

    That's ok, I've never cared how people do or don't judge me. For every person that judges me wrongly (that's their opinion) there could just as easily be another three nodding their heads in agreement but don't say anything. I'm not trying to win Internet brownie points. 

  4. 54 minutes ago, Tulpa said:

    I've watched every season, too. I don't find South Park offensive, because they're not punching down in their humor. And virtually every one of those critics got criticism themselves for misplaced anger. Because South Park wasn't actually targeting them. They're not shooting at everyone, they have very specific targets. (I get how it may SEEM they're targeting everyone, but again, that's a very superficial viewing of their show. It doesn't matter how many episodes you've seen, you either get what they're doing or you don't.)

    That's the difference between South Park and what's going on with the gripes about Ace Ventura.

    They are NOT equivalent.

    🤷‍♂️ don't know what else to tell you. People get offended by South Park and feel like it is attacking them or a minority/majority. I don't agree with it but people can have their own opinions.

    People will find Ace Ventura offensive and others will find it funny. People don't really enjoy been told what to not find funny though.

  5. 24 minutes ago, Tulpa said:

    Only if you do a very superficial viewing and don't bother to dig any deeper, which is a trap Parker and Stone often set with their humor. They're not hating on gays or women or minorities, they're poking fun at those who do. 

    There's a line that even South Park won't cross. 

    It's funny how people characterize shows like that as making fun of everything, when that is decidedly NOT the case. 

    I've watched every season, they have probably offended every type of person out there. I'm sure you could search the Internet and find heaps of trans or gay sites raising their pitchforks at South Park. 

    I personally don't find it offensive, I think it's clever how they write their humour and poke fun at things. Sometimes maybe even a little shock humour, but I like that style and love the show. Others might not.

  6. 50 minutes ago, Tulpa said:

    Not to get too deep into this debate, but South Park does not actually make fun of "pretty much everything." They always try to punch up with their humor if you actually pay attention. 

    Yes, Cartman says many offensive and bigoted things. He also gets his ass kicked just about every time he does. The humor isn't what Cartman says but how he gets his comeuppance for being an awful human being. 

    It really does though. It has been labelled racist, sexist, hating on gays etc. Some will find it funny and others will get offended.

    41 minutes ago, G-type said:

    is finding gay panic scenes passé pearl clutching? I just watched Friday two days ago... and while it definitely had some misogyny and racial stereotyping, it never tried to portray that as the "correct viewpoint"

    Not sure? I'm sure there are guys out there that would be disgusted if they found out they were kissing a dude.

  7. 26 minutes ago, Sumez said:

    You're a nice guy, so honestly I'd have expected better from you. 😕 

    It's not a question of "being offended". It doesn't matter if anyone takes offense or not. It's a question of disrespect and an influential piece of media actively supporting widespread issues in society that are already making lives miserable for certain groups of people, due to the discrimination they are facing in their daily lives - and moving further down that road when we should be working towards the opposite.
    Whether I'm the target audience is irrelevant. Even if the joke was funny, it would still be detestable.


    Because it's the same god damn thing. It's one single parameter from being exactly what happened. If you gotta defend the one angle, you'd have to take the same stance on the other. And if you can't, you're gonna have to explain really damn well why you think it makes a difference.

    You’re talking about a movie from the early 90’s and trying to impose your modern ideals on it.

    Comedy is subjective and allowed to push boundaries, be edgy, dumb, slapstick, offensive and the list goes on. You don’t get to dictate what people do and don’t find funny just because you find it offensive. There’s a reason why South Park is still going and still making fun of pretty much everything. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Sumez said:

    We can go down this tangent only if we promise eachother not to get overtly political 🙂

    I don't see how it "not being serious" excuses anything. If it's actively enforcing a demeaning perspective on an already super repressed minority group, it being played as a joke arguably only makes it worse.

    Imagine the same joke, except where Ace found out the person he's been making out with was actually black and is equally disgusted by it.
    "Ligten up, it's just a comedy!"

    You could go back and forth with what abouts all day long. That’s not what happened so why bring it up? It’s a joke, there is a fine line between being insulting and making a joke. The comedy isn’t for you and that’s ok, it’s also ok for others to find it funny.

    People are too busy getting offended over everything these days, the simple solution is just to turn it off. You aren’t the target audience for the humour. 

    • Like 1
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  9. Haven’t watched it in a while but went with an 8. Love Jim Carrey’s style, he’s definitely one of those comedians you either enjoy or loathe. 

    3 hours ago, Sumez said:

    That massively transphobic twist at the end felt uncomfortable already then.

    Lighten up, it’s just a comedy it’s not meant to be taken super seriously.

    Also the guy was just pretending to be a woman and stole the identity for his murder plot not actually transgender.

    • Like 1
  10. I re watched this today because I could barely remember it like I said above. Bumped my score up to a 9. Just an incredible film all round. The cinematography is some of the best I've seen with all the neo noir shots.

  11. 1 hour ago, docile tapeworm said:

    The elevator scene and the song at the end ( I still sing “real human being” to my wife who watched it with me all those years ago).


    I had this song constantly on repeat after hearing it in this movie. Killer song. They did a great job selecting songs that fit the vibe of the movie. Nightcall was such a killer song and my favourite.


    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Reed Rothchild said:

    Yeah, TK is David O. Russell, hence the famous fight with Clooney.  But I'd include it in the poll because he has such a prominent role and his direct credits are so slim.

    Plus I bet there's like 2 people here that have seen WTWTA, and I'm one of them.

    I might be the second. Parts of the movie were filmed about 20mins from me 👍

  13. I think 4 sits pretty well with this game. It's a below average shooter and this would be a game near the bottom of the list of shmups you'd be looking at playing if you were getting into the genre.

    We had this on Atari as a kid and even as a kid it would be the least played game for us. River Raid was always my favourite.

  14. I gave this game a go the other night after seeing this thread and a friend reminding me I really need to play it. I put about 4 hours in but these looper games aren't really my thing. It felt like Dead Cells, where you make a little progress and die and do it all over again. I love dungeon crawlers, but I'm more drawn to the Japanese style ones like Shin Megami Tensei or western ones like Diablo and Gauntlet.

    I won't submit a score but I'd probably give it a 5 on this scale. 

    • Like 1
  15. I sold my WoW character that had good raiding gear back in the day. I think it was around $300 back when Burning Crusade was out. Couldn't believe someone would actually pay me for a character.

    I feel like most of those skins are just a form of kids getting into early gambling and trying to make an easy buck. Pretty sad when you think about it. 

  16. Is it just me or did those 4 hours fly? I just finished last night and was thinking to myself that it went so quickly!

    Great episode and it was great to hear the Japanese GBA boxes ranked so high. Imo they're hands down the best cardboard era boxes. They're small, can be rotated various ways for displaying, have killer artwork and as long as you don't treat them too harshly they are rather robust. 

    You guys didn't talk about the Japanese GC boxes. They're pretty cool because they have the smaller case and a cardboard slipcover so you get a bit of both worlds. 

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