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Posts posted by Brickman

  1. Just an FYI, I’m in Japan and have been to a decent amount of game stores including the rip off super potato’s in Tokyo and Osaka and have yet to see this game.

    I think that price might be the going rate now. It definitely is a rather hard game to find and I’m guessing the legitimate copies are mostly in collections now.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Code Monkey said:

    I don't get it, pretending something is worth more than it is isn't a crime. It's also not a crime for me to lie to you about its value.

    I could literally draw up some charts in Microsoft Paint, fabricate some numbers, have my friends corroborate the values and do media interviews about the sky high prices. If you give me or anyone else money based on your zero research, the fault is yours, not mine. It is fully your responsibility for any investment you make based on any information you accept.

    I could tell you Dogecoin is going to be the next official currency of the moon peoples and you better buy it all up. If you actually do that, that's on you. People are acting like it's somehow Deniz's fault that he convinced people to buy things.

    Disclaimer: I have no interest in Wata and do not even collect sealed games. I just can't sit here and read about people saying it's anyone else's fault but their own for a bad investment.

    Side note: I don't see anyone here discussing how the $100,100 Super Mario Bros. sale wasn't even actually a sale. Deniz mentioned in his deposition weeks ago that the game was never sold, the original owner (Bronty) still retains interest in the game and they made up the sale price for hype. I thought that would have more people upset, that was a pretty shit thing to do.

    Wildest take I’ve read in a while. Fraud is illegal. Also giving legitimate financial advice without a finance degree or license is illegal in most countries.

  3. I only saw this movie for the first time last year. It had been on my list forever.

    I was deciding between a 6 and 7 but ultimately went with 7. I think it does sit as quiet a good movie and something I would watch again if someone put it on.

    I don’t know if this movie would ever be made in this day and age. The sex scene alone would cause people to have a heart attack and call rape. The right wingers would complain about a trans gender character and the list goes on.

    I think the story is pretty fun but did have some slow points. I really enjoyed all the songs though. They were all well written and have remained hits for a reason.

    Well worth a watch and I can see why it’s a cult movie. However, if you still haven’t seen it, I don’t think you need to drop everything to see it.

  4. 2 hours ago, Tulpa said:

    Yeah, the bootleg situation kind of scared me off of buying one half a world away. Doesn't help that Recca uses the most common Famicom cart shell and label shapes. 

    I know the OP wanted the original, but you can get NES reproductions for $30 all day long. Some might even be the "Recca Pure" version that lets you play the second quest hard mode and the Zanki Attack mode right from the menu, rather than inputting codes. 

    Yep it’s why I haven’t picked up one. Just too much money to risk from pictures on the internet.

    If you can find someone who bought it 5+ years ago you should be fine but anything in the last few years is risky imo. Unless you know the seller of course.

  5. Just be careful, this game now has some very convincing bootlegs out there and Japanese sellers have been duped as well.

    Due to Famicom carts being harder than NES carts to open you’ll struggle to find someone who will risk taking board pics for you. Try and get a lot of high res pics and pictures of the connectors.

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  6. 6 hours ago, Reed Rothchild said:

    A couple of months back I ran into a local author at Barnes & Noble, promoting his new book.  He was wearing Stephen King and Clive Barker schwag, so we started up a conversation about all things horror.  I ended up buying his book, a horror anthology, and got him to sign it.  Figured I'd support him, and I'm a sucker for short story collections.  The next day he did a promotion at my friend's book store, which was also pretty cool.

    Finally cracked it open, and OH MY FUCKING GOD, it is the most unreadable shit I've ever come across in my life.  Clearly the only editor he had was his wife or girlfriend.  And he's read a lot of books, but I guess he never actually gleaned any writing tips from any of them.  And the publisher?  Googled 'em, and they're just some bullshit vanity shop that dupes talentless hacks into paying them money.

    I feel bad too, cause this dude is all about this thing.  He really thought that he had "made it" and that he was gonna enter the pantheon of great writers.  

    Here is a sample.  This is basically every page.



    I read the picture before reading your post and was wondering why you were reading such an awful book. Then I read your post and it all makes sense 😆

  7. 6 hours ago, Gloves said:

    It's illegal to purchase cheese online?

    Yes it can be very hard for some countries. Australia is very strict on cheese imports.

    When I went to the Netherlands I had to fill out some paperwork when purchasing it so I could bring it back with me. It was so worth it though. Some of the best cheese I’ve ever had.

    I’m with Sumez, this cheese you’re talking about I’ve never seen here either.

    I think I have seen Poutine here once or twice in an American inspired restaurant but I’d be surprised if they’re using these cheese curds you’re referring to unless they were making them by hand themselves or maybe mozarella substitute.

    • Wow! 1
  8. 10 hours ago, Hammerfestus said:

    I forgot to count how many but it’s not a bunch.  Somewhere in the teens maybe 20.  How many of these can really be worth watching to someone not into movies?

    There are a good chunk that are timeless like Spartacus, Ben-Hur, Saving Private Ryan etc.

    But I would say you have to be a bit more into movies to appreciate stuff like Bringing Up Baby, The Apartment, A night at the Opera, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Etc.

    If you struggle with black and white movies then don’t even bother. 

    Having said that, I think everyone should watch those movies because they are great movies. Something like It Happened One Night is still one of my favourite Romcoms ever made.

  9. 3 minutes ago, The Count said:

    It is the American Film Institute, afterall. Though I agree it could use another update. Is there something similar in Australia?

    Ahhh that makes sense now 😆 

    Not that I’m aware of. I think after 30 - 40 you’d be getting to some really average Australian movies then it would just dive.

    6 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

    In the future I could do the IMDb top 100 or something

    Yeah that would be really interesting to see the contrast.

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  10. 68. Quite a few westerns on the list which really isn’t a genre I’m huge into. I’ll get to them all at some point.

    It’s a solid list but I think it needs a bit of an update to bring some more modern movies into it.

    It also doesn’t include foreign movies which is a joke because something like Three Colors trilogy, seven samurai or The Seventh Seal would beat out a lot of these movies.

  11. 50 minutes ago, Reed Rothchild said:

    Yep, you have a good one to look forward.  StarCraft and Warcraft III (and the two expansions) are by far the best Blizzard games imo, not that I've played any of StarCraft II.

    I think there is only 1 expansion for Warcraft 3. StarCraft 2 has two expansions, I’ll probably start StarCraft 2 in 2026 (that feels weird to say but I have to plan these long games in advance).

    3 minutes ago, DefaultGen said:

    Maybe not that much better than Diablo II, but I feel like ARPGs have advanced past D2 and because RTSs are totally dead, SC2 might just be the best one ever.

    I have heard that StarCraft 2 is pretty much peak RTS. I wish the genre would make a comeback but it seems to be a dead one unfortunately.

  12. image.png.baebf077ea2b1e59df976a8dad4acaa0.png 

    PC Master Race 

    Beat 3 games on PC

    Just finished my final PC game for this achievement which was Warcraft 3. I was hoping to get it done before I go away for a month.

    A few months after the release of WoW I jumped in because my friends convinced me I needed to play it. I had played a little of Warcraft 2 but didn’t really know much past the basic plot. I got hooked on WoW and played until the end of Wrath of the Lich King. 

    I finally decided it was time to play Warcraft 3 and I’m glad I did. While this game does obviously borrow a bit from StarCraft, especially with how the races feel, it is also different enough to not feel like a StarCraft fantasy clone.

    The introduction of day/night and upkeep really add a nice dynamic to the game.

    There really isn’t anything I can fault with this game. The scenarios are varied and fun, the story is really deep (and now so many things in WoW make more sense to me) and I like the light RPG elements for your hero.

    Just like StarCraft, I plan to play the expansion next year. Can’t wait!

    • Like 4
  13. 1 hour ago, Sumez said:

    It's a N64 game, it runs at a low framerate even for the already low N64 standard. I don't know what I'd research outside of this. It's how the game is - when did you last try playing it?

    It’s an N64 game, no one is playing an N64 game and expecting some crazy perfect FPS 🤣

    The game runs fine, you make it sound like the game runs like we’re walking through Blight Town the whole game.

    It has a consistent 18-20FPS. That’s good enough and sufficient to beat the game and all the bonus content. I’ve done it on original hardware when it was released and I’m pretty sure others here have too.

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  14. 18 minutes ago, fox said:

    Another Kart Klone

    It’s cool that you can race land, sea, and air.  But everything else about it feels really uninteresting from characters to weapons to tracks.

    Adventure mode is a nice addition, but it is ruined with busy work filler like the silver coins challenge, which rehashes the same content just to pad things out.

    Most kart racers do that. You've beaten 50cc now do 100cc! DKR tries to do something different.

    I personally didn't mind it and found it to be something different, but I can see how some would find it tedious.

  15. 8 hours ago, Mega Tank said:

    User Error GIF by chuber channel

    I don't think I've ever heard anyone call this game "completely unplayable" before. "Completely impossible to control"... if this is truly the case for you, then something must be wrong with your game, set up, or you just need to get good. 😆

    He is definitely smoking something. Never heard that before about this game. Usually it’s the opposite, people saying how smooth it handles.

    7 minutes ago, Gloves said:

    Oh and you're absolutely insane calling this game shovelware lol. It's a top 10 game for the console easily.

    Gloves deflecting these trolls like a pro! 😎

    10 for me but I do know some of that is nostalgia and that’s ok. It’s probably a 9 kind of game but growing up with this game it has additional memories.

    You obviously can’t bring up this game without bringing up MK64 and I do think OptOut did a good summary with his post.

    DKR does have a fun multiplayer though. I know because my friends and me played it for hours and hours just like MK64. Yes MK64 does probably have the slightly better multiplayer but DKR is still enjoyable multiplayer.

    Go play MK64 again and see how bad the fog is on that game and the rubber banding is atrocious. The kart handling is also a lot worse than DKR even with the power slide. I find MK64 single player almost unplayable these days. Whereas DKR still feels great and handles well.

    DKR Adventure mode FTW.

    Parks And Recreation Mic Drop GIF

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  16. 1 hour ago, Philosoraptor said:

    I must be missing something. So many people love Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, but I gave them a 6/10 and 7/10 respectively when I played them in late 2020. I played them both on the PS2, if that makes a difference, but do you see someone who gave those kinds of ratings to the first two enjoying the third?

    Edit* Sorry Reed. Just saw it was @Gloves who played BG3. Although, I'm still interested in hearing about what I may be missing from the first two.

    *What say you, Gloves?

    It really depends what type of RPG's you're into. If JRPG's are more your style then BG is going to be a difficult time. If you like DnD and slow exploration/unraveling story then you will love it. BG 1 & 2 are some of the best RPG's ever made, but if you aren't into their style you will struggle with them big time.

    Also, obviously in some aspects they're dated, which can be a good or bad thing depending on the person.

    You should play NwN if you haven't, I feel that's the game they really got the perfect blend.

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