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Everything posted by Nugfish

  1. If there was ever a horror RTS game, Tiberian Sun would fit the bill. They did such a great job making a creepy atmosphere.
  2. I never went outside of Command & Conquer and Red Alert, but I have easily spent more time playing those than any other series. I remember drawing base layouts during class in elementary school and spending ALOT of nights skirmishing on Red Alert 2: Yuris Revenge throughout high school.
  3. It is a great port. I'm pretty sure the missions are different than the PC, but it's been over 20 years since I played the PC version so can't really remember. The only things I can say negative about this one is there is slowdown when several things are going on at once and you can only have 4 squads instead of 9 on PC.
  4. I'm playing Brunswick Pro Bowling now. I would also like to soft claim Road Rash
  5. I've never tried before but looks fun. I should've pulled the trigger years ago, but the price tag is so stiff. Have you used the mad catz or the other Japanese one?
  6. Haha, I would like that. I forgot how many games I think are fantastic having not played the N64 for the last two years.
  7. What!? I think the 2 fishing games are fantastic! I may, however, have a bias to fishing games. I thoroughly love Blue Marlin NES, BASS Master Classic SNES, and Fisherman's Bait on PS1.
  8. Salute to @KokiriChild for doing pokemon stadium 2! Thanks for the heads up on that. If he doesn't tackle Scooby Doo in the upcoming weeks, I would love to go back through it with the kids.
  9. I finally got my gameroom back @Jeevan. After skimming through the claimed list...Unless somebody is already working on them, I will gladly start with Ready 2 Rumble Round 2 and soft claim Command & Conquer.
  10. My game room is currently a construction zone so everything is in storage, but I will be in this year (hopefully by march). I have already bought some kitsch-bent thumbstick repair kits in preparation. I would love to beat scooby-doo and both fishing games.
  11. I missed this one...I backed maybe 10 board games on Kickstarter last year, but always forget about Gamefound. Looks cool...worker placement is one of my favorite mechanics...
  12. Bumping this thread. Still looking to trade!
  13. Guilty. I ended up trading everything I had in those days.
  14. I've had a good run recently, but yes ALOT of poor condition case/covers. Gamestop stickers have been the cause of ruin for quite a few as well...
  15. Just got this in the mail. No idea what I'm going to do with it, but thought it was cool. *Edit - it is a case of 100 sealed BK xbox games*
  16. Weren't the exhibition discs pack-ins with consoles? If so, that could explain the rarity. Console sales at the end of its life span are minimal.
  17. Ok, here are all the complete duplicates I could find. I also have some loose discs as well, like Gunvalkyrie and The Warriors, though I doubt many people are into loose discs. Looking to trade for any complete xbox games that I don't yet own. My collection is here: https://collection.gamevaluenow.com/share/collection?id=1141
  18. I think I have 50-60 for trade. They are in the back of my storage room, but hoping I can unbury them next week.
  19. Yes, many days spent constantly checking Ebay saved searches. There are a ton for XBOX...Parellel Lines limited Edition was supposed to be kind of common, but still haven't seen one on the market.
  20. I reached 350-400 putting alot of my effort in harder to find variants and that is what broke me on my first go around. No more variant hunting from here on out.
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