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Everything posted by RogerBidon

  1. You got it. V1 runs on NROM boards, because it was my first homebrew and there was enough to learn without worrying about bank-switching. V2 runs on UNROM512, but the mapper may change one day. Don't ask why, I cannot say that it is because I want to port to a still non-existing internet-enabled mapper. It would sound crazy.
  2. Wow thanks for the kind words! I get some sleep, then I will (re)post the last three technical highlights. That's the ones that begin the journey of developping Super Tilt Bro. version 2
  3. Did you notice that all Nintendo systems coming after the N64 have their own version of Super Smash Bros? It is a shame that this (wonderful) experience is not ported to earlier systems! Super Tilt Bro. for NES is my humble attempt at filling this void. It adapts this fun and nervous gameplay to the NES and its eight buttons controller. You can freely download the ROM, play in a browser or hack the source. It now has an ONLINE mode! Short story: Wi-Fi chipset in the cart. Long story: here. To find an online opponent, join the discord. Kickstarter for the cart is comming soon Here is the (old and dated) trailer: In this topic there will be different kinds of updates: Technical highlights: small articles about technical challenges of developing Super Tilt Bro. and how they are solved. Patch notes: when the game receives an update, details are available right here. News: Less often, I may announce something big (like a new physical edition)
  4. RogerBidon to your service! I am a hobbyist homebrewer that tends to write lengthy articles about nerdiests parts of its development. Oh, and I have a cute zombie as an avatar
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