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Posts posted by TDIRunner

  1. 6 minutes ago, Californication said:

    I'm in a rough spot. 

    I wish I could help you out, but I can't spend that kind of money on Saturn stuff.  But your collection represents like 99% of the Saturn imports that I would be interested in owning.  You definitely have an awesome collection.  I wish you luck, but keep in mind that selling all together in a lot usually means lower offers.  Good luck with sale. 

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  2. 33 minutes ago, Tulpa said:

    You should have seen the HD-DVD vs Blu-ray arguments. It got so heated it actually resulted in that part of the forum getting shut down and even made a few news outlets. 

    I remember that era, but I wasn't much of a forum guy at the time, so I was never part of any of those types of discussions.  However, I would be interested in reading some of them today because I never understood the HD-DVD vs Blue-Ray debates.  I always considered Blue-Ray as the obvious choice.  At least with the VHS vs Beta debates, I could understand some of the points on both sides of the argument.  But I could never find any reasons to back HD-DVD.  

  3. 2 hours ago, twiztor said:

    @TDIRunner cool pic with all of the cds. i only have a single drawer of them (mostly my collection of stuff i bought in my teenage years that i can't part with yet). Also, is that a box of 45s on the bottom shelf? i like the look of that box.

    That is "The Aeroplane Flies High" box set by the Smashing Pumpkins.  It's a 5 CD box set.  

    This link is just for example.  This is not my set for sale:



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  4. Since the OP was asking for examples of other member's setups, I'll post mine as well.

    Obviously, I don't have much to show, so I'm going to include all physical audio that I own.  This is my setup which includes a basic record player, along with my working cassette deck and 300 disc CD changer.  My setup even includes an old Sony DM Port player that can play iPods.

    My vinyl collection is small, but 100% music I enjoy.  My CD collection is primarily from my younger days when I was big into music.  While I prefer physical media in all forms (audio, movie, video games, etc.), I tend to use my physical audio the least mainly because I mostly listen to music in the car, and digital is just too convenient when I'm on the go. 






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  5. I would argue that vinyl sounds worse than CD or digital, but that it can be more enjoyable because those scratches add feelings of nostalgia.  For me, it's similar to listening to sports games broadcast over AM.  Even though it doesn't sound better than FM, I still enjoy how it sounds and prefer listening to anything talk radio on AM over FM.

  6. I finished Fargo season 5 tonight.



    Overall, I enjoyed the season.  I felt it was better than seasons 3 and 4, but not as awesome as seasons 1 and 2.

    The finale continued a long tradition of Fargo ending the season in a way that I could not predict.  I was extremely surprised how quickly they wrapped things up in episode 10, and I was confused that there was still another 30 minutes and wondered what could possibly happen next.  

    I really enjoyed the suspense of season 5.  It really had me on the edge of my seat through most episodes.  I didn't enjoy that some of the characters were a little to generic and not as well developed as characters from previous seasons.  I also felt that several characters made mistakes that didn't really make sense and only served to move the plot forward.

    I was also disappointed that this season was the first to not reference a character or event from a previous season (unless I missed it).  There was several indirect references to the original Fargo film, and several other Coen Brother's movies, but no direct reference to the movie or others seasons that I could find.  

    But my complaints are definitely nit picks because the season in general was very enjoyable and I hope they approve a season 6.  


    I'm curious what @Brickman thought about the season (if you've finished it).

  7. 1 hour ago, a3quit4s said:

    I’m probably in the minority on this topic especially given this is a video game forum but seriously

    who give a flying ass about this guy and his bullshit. Scores fake or real don’t care lmao

    I cared just enough to follow the story from the beginning.  However, I haven't cared enough to give it much thought outside of watching any of the videos released about the situation.  I also don't care enough to feel emotional about today's announcement.  If I had to say anything, I guess I'm a little confused on how  Billy could consider this a win, but at the same time not surprised.  The story was just interesting enough to hold my attention, but now that it's over, I'm ready to move on.

  8. 20 minutes ago, Gloves said:

    Is there any reason to not just say "Requirement: get any ending but the joke ending"? 

    I'm definitely of the belief that any ending to a game still counts as beating it.  For example, in the original Wario Land, I don't see any reason to require the best ending.  Even if you get the bird house ending (I think that's the worst ending), you've still completed the main part of the game and the final end boss.  That should count in my book. 

    But of course, there can and should be exceptions.  I don't think it's unreasonable to not count the "joke" ending of Wario not getting out of bed.  I also wouldn't count games that end half way through if you are playing on easy (like Magical Chase).  While I'm 100% against games penalizing you for playing on easy, if the developers choose to cut you off at the half way point, then you should have to play on normal to be able to beat the game.  

    These are just my opinions and I'm not overly attached to any of them.  If the general consensus disagrees, the person running the contest, can set the rules as they see fit and I certainly won't lose any sleep over it.  

  9. COLLECT - Imports 100

    I don't have pictures of 100 imports, because with the systems that are region free, I mix the imports in with my US games and pulling each of those out would take some time.  I have a lot PAL Master System that are mixed in with my US games.  I also have several PAL imports mix into my PS4 and Switch collection since they look nearly identical to the US games. 

    However, I track the region of each game when I log it, and I can confirm that I own 159 import games.  The split is 83 import games from Japan and 76 import games from PAL regions.  I also have an assortment of import consoles and accessories (mostly PS1 and PC Engine).  





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