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Posts posted by TDIRunner

  1. My youngest son was asking me about VR and what it was like.  When I showed the goggles to him, he noticed all of the other video game controllers I keep in the same bin.  I have two bins that sort of act as "bulk" video game controller storage that doesn't fit in the drawers with my normal controllers.  One bin has all PlayStation stuff (VR goggles, PS1 dual flight stick, PS1 arcade stick, ect.).  The other bin has Nintendo stuff (ROB, Super Scope Six, NES running pad, and DK bongos).  

    My son was really interested in the DK bongos and wanted to know what they were for.  I showed him DK Konga 1 & 2 and DK Jungle Beat.  He fell in love with all of those games and has been playing them almost every day for almost a week now.  He isn't very good at the Konga games, but he is getting pretty far in Jungle Beat almost completely on his own.  

    Both of my kinds love video games, but they play almost entirely modern stuff on the Switch or PC.  But it's pretty awesome when they find something that they can enjoy from one of the older consoles.  My 7 year old has used my GameCube more in the past week than I have in the past year.  

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  2. 2 hours ago, Andy_Bogomil said:

    I like this movie for the occasional watch and think it's worth revisiting just for the Arnie quotes. It's a really strange movie to me though... it's like an action, rom-com, kids movie but the end is pretty violent and seems out of place - never really figured out who was the target audience for this one. It was the 80s into the 90s, so probably overthinking it.

    The intro is also pretty violent, but most people forget about that part or miss it if you catch it on TV about 15 minutes in.  However, the violent intro is important to establish Arnold's character as a hard ass who is really out of place in a Kindergarten classroom setting.

  3. I died 246 times in AVGN I Deluxe and 330 times in AVGN II Deluxe.  I'm sure there are other games with more deaths, but I can't think of many others I've played that keep track.  

  4. 3 minutes ago, Tulpa said:

    Plus, Americans use the metric system in tons of things. Soda bottles, firearms, nutrition info. We could change over without too much fuss, we just ... don't.

    Correct.  I've never understood the misconception that Americans don't know how to use the metric system.  The vast majority understand it just fine.  It's just a matter of how much they use it in their every day lives.  Most, including myself, would have no issue switching over.  


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  5. 1 hour ago, fcgamer said:

    Moving to Taiwan, I had to switch units to metric. Since we used meters in track and running sports, distance is easy. We use liters for soda, again easy. Grams was never an issue either.

    The hardest bits are speed and temperature. I just learned the systems independently, I don't need to know that 26C is almost 79F, rather I just know what a 26 feels like compared to a 35 or a 16 and I'm good. No need to switch between them.

    Almost the same for me (converting to metric, not moving to Taiwan).  I was a long distance runner for many years, so distance is easy for me.  Same with volume due to drinks and automobile engines.  However, for me, speed has never been a problem since I watch a lot of European auto racing.  For me, the two that I struggle with are weight and temperature.  I understand how to do the math to convert, but since I don't use Celsius or grams in my every day life, I don't have a good basis for comparison to use off the top of my head.

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  6. GTA V is the only GTA game in the main numbered series that I wasn't able to get into.  It seems like an ok game, but I never understood the level of praise it received compared to anything else.  It always felt like the game was considered a level above all other video games, and I just don't see that.  

  7. 5 minutes ago, Gloves said:

    His video titles (like basically anyone else on the platform) are certainly a bit click-baity. But yes - this is purely looking at the graded game market.

    I hate click-bait titles, but it's part of the game.  The content creators know that their followers are going to watch their videos regardless. So they need to create titles that are good at attracting new viewers and a click bait title along with a good thumbnail is the best way to do it.  Most of the channels I follow do something similar, so I've learned to just ignore it and enjoy the video.  Hoovies Garage is another one.  I love that channel, but I absolutely hate the video titles.  

  8. I always remember this because it was one of the first video game references I ever remembered in a movie that wasn't meant for kids.  Near the end of the movie Breakdown (1997 with Kurt Russell), there is a scene where a kid is playing Doom on a TV.  No worries if you aren't interested in adding this to your list, but the movie is very entertaining and fun to watch, so I highly recommend it for anyone looking for an enjoyable thriller movie.  


    Here is a clip from the film showing the game.  I wouldn't watch it for more than a few seconds if you want to avoid spoilers.  


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  9. Sometimes I play games for the challenge.  Sometimes I do it because it's easy and relaxing.  I just finished playing through Captain Toad Treasure Tracker.  That is a relatively easy game to complete (meaning finish each level).  However, it's fairly challenging to complete all of the collectables and bonus objectives.  With this game, I decided to go for the challenging part and I ended up completing that except for the final two levels that I'm still working on.  For this game, I wasn't interested in an "easy mode."

    However, sometimes I want to play through a long game and I don't want the challenge.  Since Super Mario RPG is a longer RPG, I would be less interested in the challenge, and more interested in the story and moving through the game.  I don't know yet if I will need the "easy mode" in Mario RPG, but if I find myself losing a lot and having to go back and play through the same areas over and over again, I will select Breezy and not think twice about it.  

    I like having the option.  Sometimes I pick it and sometimes I don't.  

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  10. As mentioned in a different thread, I've been playing through Captain Toad Treasure Tracker.  I've technically beaten the main part of the game, and I'm now working on "100%ing" it.  For all three chapters, the bonus chapter, and the DLC chapter, I've completed ever level, found all gems, and completed every bonus objective except for the two mummy levels.  Those are pretty tricky, and long, but I'll give them another try tonight.  

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  11. There are a lot of things about modern consoles that I enjoy.

    • Wireless controllers.  Whatever controller I'm currently using just sits on my end table ready to go for the next round with no cables running across the floor while I'm not playing.  (I don't care about cables when I'm playing)
    • Being able to turn the system on from the couch without touching the system.
    • The general concept of "auto-save" is a great feature
    • I'm not ready to give up my original consoles, but the fact that more and more retro stuff is available to play on modern consoles is great

    Of course, there is also a long list of things I don't like about modern consoles.  I'm certainly not ready to give up the old stuff yet, but I get enough enjoyment out of modern consoles to acknowledge they belong in my setup.  

  12. After Tears of the Kingdom, I've been looking for something that I could play for a short while until I get Super Mario Wonder.  I ended up going back to Captain Toad Treasure Tracker.  I started it a while back, but I didn't really grab me at the time.  I gave it a second try and I'm really enjoying it this time.  It's a super simple game.  If all you want to do is complete the levels, it's almost too easy.  However, the extra gems to collect, and the special objectives add a little bit of a challenge (especially in the later levels).  I find the game to be a good stress reliever.  I'm about 20 levels into chapter 3 which means I'm almost finished with the game.  I don't move onto the next level until I have completed everything (start, gems, and objectives).  So I'm trying to "100%" the game.  There is also some bonus content that I will look at after I finish chapter 3.  

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