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MeganJoanne last won the day on February 17 2020

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About MeganJoanne

  • Birthday 07/26/1974

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    Austin, TX

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  1. I tried, still feeling very disconnected out of place and shit, probably just that it's been a bad night. Fuck it, doesn't matter anyway.

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    2. MeganJoanne


      Now, I just have to make sure to remember and not make the same mistakes. Probably will, but in time less often. I can't  remember much words unless I actually see them, then it's like, oh, how come I can't remember that?! You know a word that I struggled with for ages and still find myself sometimes taking moments to remember is "souvent" (often), I have encountered this word hundreds of times and it took me ages to be able to get it without having to look it up anymore.

    3. guillavoie


      The small words that are used all over the place are sometimes the hardest to master in the long run. Obscures nouns, once you check them 4-5 times, you usually remember. But using correctly, fluently and with creativity things like the logical connectors is where the true challenges are.

    4. MeganJoanne


      Bien sûr. I need to go back over and get back to working on my french word lists, like I was doing with some of the video games some time ago, would make it easier to locate what I need when I need to remember than going from one website to another, though sometimes the exploring trying to find the right word(s) to use sometimes gets me finding other useful stuff too. And so much as I would like to type every message in french, it takes me a long time, thus half the night would be gone on one simple paragraph. Bad enough when I would type paragraphs of stuff in topics like I sometimes do, because I spend so much time thinking and rewording, it takes a long time, and that's in english, and that is why when talking to people in real time sometimes find myself hesitant to say anything or stutter too much. But as with everything, it all comes easier with practice, so little bits here and there, and gradually increase usage when comfortable enough.

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