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Posts posted by the_wizard_666

  1. 2 hours ago, a3quit4s said:

    I never thought these games would come down to "it's worth so much money I'm scared to open it".

    Not a swipe at OP just amazed at the state of retro gaming as a whole. 

    Edit: selling = grade , keeping on the shelf = box protector and no direct sunlight 

    Oh believe me, I know that feeling.  Again, it's not on the OP or anything.  When I started, I didn't think that I could sell off and buy a house, but it seems we're getting to that point.  Not that I'm gonna (why buy a house if I have nothing to put in it?), but it's crazy to think that my hobby is considered by some to be a form of investment.

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, NESfiend said:

    Just hold down B. I was tapping like crazy first few games. Holding down shoot works fine here. 

    It's not fast enough for me.  Also, my shooting thumb does get a bit sore, but it's more the movement thumb that's an issue.  This old man, he ain't what he used to be 😛

  3. Just now, Richardhead said:

    Giving up already?

    For a bit.  My thumbs aren't built for shooters, and we're not allowed to use turbo, so I gotta rest.  This is why I say I suck at them - I have a hard time actually playing long enough to get good.  Stupid arthritis 😛  Also, I can't give up on something I never thought I'd win 😉

    • Wow! 1
  4. 7 minutes ago, Dr. Morbis said:

    That offer is for someone who I know I am better at with 99% of games.  I ain't stupid 😉

    This is entirely fair.  I also don't dedicate ALL my free time to playing games, as I have other hobbies and interests as well.  But there's a few there that may end up getting me a free lunch or two 😛

  5. 1 hour ago, Dr. Morbis said:

    @Gloves and @the_wizard_666 Bea wants everyone to only make one score post and then edit it when you get a new score so that she doesn't have to wade through 500 posts looking for people's top scores...

    ...and holy shit Gloves, you're already a ringer at this O_o

    Well shit, I missed that part 😛 At least I only got three...I'll just edit the first one from here on out (and leave the rest for posterity's sake 😛 )

  6. 1 hour ago, Strikezone1 said:


    Aren’t a majority of the unlicensed games pretty shitty though? Outside of a few decent at best Camerica games, and a few Tengen games that never got licensed?

    There's around 20 Tengen games that are all at least decent, if not fantastic  Remember, they're basically Atari under a different name, and any games they didn't make were either Sega or Namco licenced properties.  And the Camerica (aka Codemasters, a company that's STILL making games) games were all at least playable, if not outright good...although they're all pretty tough games (I've played almost all of them, and have yet to beat one personally).  I also have beat 3/4 of the Color Dreams library and enjoyed every one...well, except Menace Beach.  AVE also had some decent games.  I honestly think it's just Action 52 that causes issues, but it's easy enough to remove that from the list.  And really, they were removed from contention AFTER the entire list was completed.  Like every unlicensed game was beaten within the year, and yet they got dropped.  That's when I lost interest.  So really, you're not beating the entire list of NES games unless you also include unlicensed games and the PAL exclusive titles.  Anything less is an incomplete list.  Hell, I'd even argue that homebrews should be on the list.  But what do I know, I just started the whole thing.  It's sad because Scary's been the best thing to happen to it, with his statistics and his dedication to the thread, something I could never manage myself, so in that regard he's been fantastic.  I just don't understand why he'd cut a hundred games off the list, especially after they'd already been done.  I'd gladly knock off as many unlicensed games as I could personally if that's what it took...hell, I did most of those Color Dreams games personally.  The real reason for the thread though was never to actually achieve the goal, it was to get people to dust off those unplayed carts that needed a bit of love and have people experience new games, rather than just playing the same handful of games on a regular basis. And if Action 52 is the reason for this happening, because of it's sheer brokenness, why do every other title have to be stricken?  There's already omissions due to redundancies (combo carts, reskins, etc), so why not take off one game (or two, because Cheetahmen II is also pretty damn broken) and let the rest fly.

    TL/DR - I'm out until unlicensed and PAL are reinstated.  Maybe 2022...

  7. 5 hours ago, Dr. Morbis said:

    And as for the gauntlet I threw to Mike, I forgot to add a "must play on a real NES" stipulation, so I guess I'm at his mercy, as far as him playing honestly on an emulator is concerned...

    See, this is why I put it in my signature.  You always put in afterthought "stipulations" that weasel out of it 😛 Of course, if it came down to that, I'd just unpack the boxes, even if it would be a major pain in the arse at this point.

    But naw, there's only maybe 2 or 3 games I have a legit chance of collecting on anyway. And even then, it may depend on the stipulations.

  8. 22940





    Last attempt for the time being...thumbs are starting to cramp up.  I dig this game though!  Never thought I would, but it's a nice mix of simple and complex.  Definitely better than I thought it would be though!

    EDIT: Final run for the day.  A slight improvement, but hopefully I'll improve my shooter skills soon enough.

    EDIT: Didn't have much time today, but I managed to break my high score as well as my longevity streak, making it to level 3.  After taking the picture I played out the game and made it to the third boss.  Progress is being made at least.

    EDIT: Was stagnating for a while, but after watching Dr. Morbis yesterday, I managed to pump my score up a bit...and by a bit I mean almost double.  Got past the 3rd boss with no issues, but level 4 is tough!

  9. 21610


    New personal best 🙂 I'm terrible at it, but I don't mind the game tbh.  Got about half-way through the second level, then boom.  Really gotta watch for the power-down items.  Pretty much avoid everything with a black border...not sure what they all do, but I haven't seen one that was any good.  There's only one backward E, as well as an R (not a negative, but not allowed for the competition either) on level one that I've seen, but there's a ton on level 2.  Don't blow up any ground targets that give power ups unless you have enough time and space to dodge the crap items.

  10. 13 minutes ago, Dr. Morbis said:

    Wow, this is anything but a brainless shooter; you've really gotta stay on your toes.  Anyway, I suck pretty hardcore at this point, so I'm going to need a lot of practice to get better, but here's my inaugural score, having been defeated in Area 2: 34,840.


    That's 3x my best score so far.  I really suck at shooters XD

  11. 3 hours ago, Gulag Joe said:

    I had 2 copies of mk1 for snes, one was played heavily, the other was never played. Both were stored in the same place for the last 20 years. The heavily played game developed stains, the never played copy did not. This is just an experience with this specific game. Maybe the plastic differed between the 2 carts, or maybe it's just a strange coincidence.

    Doesn't MK have a Majesco release?  Check the heavily played copy, I have a feeling it's got "Made in Mexico" somewhere either on the front label or the back one.  They had shite labels, so it wouldn't surprise me if they used shite plastic too 😛

  12. @Gulag JoeI have literally never heard of that happening in over two decades of collecting.  Maybe with specific games using cheap plastic, or consoles for the same reason, but never as a general thing.  Usually yellowing is from either the quality of the plastic, meaning that age is causing it, or simply nicotine from being in the possession of a heavy smoker.  I have no idea where you got the idea that they get like that from playing them.

    • Like 2
  13. 12 minutes ago, Barewooley said:

    I did learn how to open boxes properly using both hands on the sides of the flap (didn’t realize I was doing it incorrectly until I watched a collector on a YouTube channel).  

    Another thing to note is with SNES and N64 boxes.  Namely there is one side that opens with minimal wear, and the other side is not so easy.  With SNES you want to open the right side, with the little purple box by the flap.  On the N64 boxes, you open the red side...basically the same side as the SNES.  I never realized it until a buddy of mine pointed it out to me (he wasn't a collector, he was just anal about keeping his stuff in great shape).

    Also, I used the "play" argument because all of those games you mentioned are actually fun games to play.  Now, if you were talking about Stadium Events... 😛

    • Wow! 1
  14. I'll say this - most of those watchers are either the seller's alts/friends making it look like there's more interest than there is, or they're watching to see if it actually sells.  I'll leave my opinions of CIB grading out of it (otherwise I'd say not to do it ever) and say that it's a decision you'll have to make.  If it's not something you see yourself ever playing again, and you're THAT worried about preserving it's condition, then do it.  But I'll tell you this - as long as you're not frantically flipping pages, you won't damage that manual any more than it already is.  And opening the box, if it's a frequently played game you might cause a bit of creasing or wear over time, but not enough to lower the value of a 7-8/10 condition item.  I could understand if it was 10 out of 10, pristine mint, but you admit it's essentially the low end of decent.  Nothing short of an accidental coffee spill, a child/pet getting to it, or an intentional defacing, will cause enough wear to ruin it.  So my advice is to look at each title and decide if it's something you'll never want to pop into a system again, or if it's something you'll want to pop in from time to time.  Because once it's in that slab, it's there for good (unless someone like me were to buy it, because I'd crack the shit out of that case 😛 ).  Ultimately it's your call, but if you're seeing dollar signs because of an eBay listing that's likely only there to grab attention, it's not a great idea.  But if you're collecting as an investment or are content with a pretty shelf piece, by all means, go nuts and protect your investment.

    • Like 5
  15. 7 minutes ago, Krunch said:

    It takes a CF card, the kind that go in cameras, a technological drag in hindsight, theyre pretty crappy and the pins are sensitive.  I think there's some adapter you need to transfer ROMs too although it might just depend on the computer.  I'm damn near the point where I just wanna do a flip n swap to a more modern cart solution... do people still buy Powerpaks?? 🐼

    Yeah, no, don't have any of those sadly.  I have regular SD cards, that's it.  I do have a USB card reader that has a port for them though, so if you happen to find an empty one, you know where I live 🙂

  16. 21 minutes ago, Krunch said:

    Speaking of NES ROMs and all that stuff does any have like a spare card with full NES/FC ROMs on it or a way to make one that goes with the PowerPak?  I would offer some money for someone to help me out either way even if you wanna rip me off a bit lol, I kinda know how to do it but I'm pretty bad and my equipment isnt as good now, can't really be arsed, I just want to have a card with the full basic access.  I play on the computer pretty much when im desperate, it's meh even with a controller but thats just me, but damn I got like almost none of these games 😄

    I don't have a PowerPak, so you'd need to tell me what sort of card it needs.  I have a bunch of brand new SD cards, and I could probably get a torrent with all the ROMs you'd want, but I have no idea what size card is needed for the PowerPak.

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