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Posts posted by SilverspoonGaming

  1. I need a place to keep track of my collection inventory.  What is the absolute best, paid or free, that is typically up to date with new releases, and will be around for the next 60+ years and remain reliable?

    I have a stack of PS4 and PS5 games that I cant add to my collection because the site has been shit since it was sold.

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  2. 21 minutes ago, nesmaster14 said:

    Mort Garson had some pretty cool ideas for electronic music in the 60s.  I think he should be up there with Wendy Carlos, but he seemed overlooked for many years.  Mort had a very dynamic style and wasn't afraid to experiment with the medium, making occult-themed albums (under psuedonyms Lucifer and Ataraxia) to covers of contemporary popular music like The Fifth Dimension, to music for plants.  I enjoy putting his music on at times or when the season is right, really captures an atmosphere and echoes his passion for creativity and exploring the boundaries of music.

    Garson at his Moog synthesizer

    His original vinyls finally got a re-pressing in recent years, and I think his Plantasia album got popular on YT, so he's gained a bit more recognition which is cool.  Another neat fact is that he wrote jingles that were broadcast during the moon landing coverage in 1969. 


    That sounds like a Final Fantasy game on SNES.  Its interesting for sure.

  3. 2 hours ago, Abelardo said:

    Wire is an awesome first wave punk band that always seems to be overshadowed by more well known bands like The Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Ramones, etc. Easily top 5 in my book.

    Maybe not top 5 but a lot of modern bands are criminally underrated.

    I just listened to a couple of their songs.  They sound much more like OMD and Depeche Mode than the Clash or Ramones to me.

  4. 2 hours ago, Reed Rothchild said:

    Voted, but not an easy choice against Weezer.  Another fairly underrated band as they do have an enormous cult following compared to Smashing Pumpkins.

  5. 2 minutes ago, arch_8ngel said:

    You think Smashing Pumpkins was "criminally underrated"?  Really? 😛

    Maybe it was regional, but I remember them being thought of as a pretty big deal in the mid-90's.

    Though while I can listen to their occasional older song for nostalgia -- I heard one of their newer releases on the radio and I found Billy's voice to be pretty grating.  Maybe it's just the conversion to being a dad and having to listen to whining/crying kids making it a bit too much to take.

    They are definitely underrated!  When people talk about alternative rock from that time period its always Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Alice in Chains.

  6. Situation: Youre stranded in a log cabin far from anyone with no lines of communication available.  You have electricity, a tv, and a video game console,  and the choice of one of two video games to pass the weekend before Monday hits and you can go back to civilization.  Which of the following two games do you choose to spend your next two days playing?
    LOZ: Ocarina of Time
    LOZ: Majoras Mask
    PS: You have the expansion pack installed in the system.
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