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Posts posted by Calan87

  1. 4 minutes ago, jonebone said:

    Blackout curtains work pretty good.

    I intentionally had my game room built in the basement without windows when designing my house.  The builder said "It could get kinda dark in there, you sure" but I confirmed.  I have enough lighted signs in there that it isn't a problem... and I also don't want any UV sunlight potentially fading any of the games. 

    When I built my game shelf, I built it to fit behind the projector screen perfectly (100" wide) so I could pull the screen down and hide the games from the sun. That was before I knew the projector wouldn't be strong enough to see when sunlight was present. 

  2. 12 minutes ago, MiamiSlice said:

    Yeah, I'm about to drop the first few worms. The first: I love having these for series because that's what I like to collect, but if it's done then I ask that some attempts be made to balance the sizes of the series. Collecting every Mario game ever made would be a lot to ask, but having Mario Tennis or Mario Party as a series would be really cool. Same goes for Pokemon, do you count all the spinoff games, just the main line of each generation? What about remakes like HeartGold/SoulSilver?

    The second: you can easily verify a full set for a dead console or series, but what about series that are still being produced? If someone gets verified for Animal Crossing today, do you check with them again when New Horizons comes out to make sure they still have a full series???

    Last one: I didn't like how NA required you have each game in the series using the original release. I was going for a complete Animal Crossing set, but my "new" Nintendo 3DS Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer edition, which comes with the game, doesn't count for Happy Home Designer in the series, even though it's much cooler than just having the Happy Home Designer retail release. Likewise, if I'm going for a complete Metroid Prime series (this wasn't an option on NA but bear with me), I'm guessing my Metroid Prime Trilogy doesn't count toward the 3 main titles, so I'd have to pick up a standalone copy of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption? Just some food for thought. 

    This is too much worms for this stage of the game. 🤣

  3. So I am getting ready to start putting things up on the wall of my game room and one of the things that is bugging me is my window. I don't know what the hell to put in front of it as far as curtains go. So lets hear/see it guys! What do you have to cover your windows?! I NEED IDEAS!!!!

  4. my goodwill sends all their consoles to their DC for the website. caught them slipping one time and someone put a wii out for 10 bucks 😏  but not one time have I seen them put out any cartridge style games. Its only disc they put out. I guess all cartridge go with the systems when they send them.😢

  5. Gah… another leader in the music industry that this place is tearing down because you don't have an ear for her type of music. There is no doubting she took music to a new level and has been behind the scenes helping other artists in their career. music came a long way because of her. yall should be ashamed of the trash yall are saying! specifically looking at you  @captmorgandrinker !!! 

  6. I love my gamestop and would sincerely be heart broke if it closed. Im in a small town (about 30k pop) and the gamestop there have super nice people that I can have a conversation with for an hour about the games we're playing at that moment. But with the growing speculation of GS going down I still have 2 preorders im wishing would stop getting moved back. I don't buy A LOT from them but when they have the buy 2 get 2 or something like it, im in there the whole time its going on.

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