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Posts posted by bronzeshield

  1. 47 minutes ago, Floating Platforms said:

    Looks like most of the Game Boy challengers I follow beat it in 1.5-2.5 hours, but it took me 4. I might have done it in 3 like you if I didn't waste two attempts learning that continues aren't allowed in the middle of the venom fight...

    I checked my notes and it took me 127 minutes over 3 sessions in a single day, so I guess I'm extremely average! 🙂 I don't remember how I dealt with the Venom fight except a vague recollection that I brute-forced it using extra lives.

    I want to tackle the sequels but both of them seem like more of a hassle than the first, especially #2. I don't mind janky games, but janky games with puzzle elements are harder to swallow.

    • Like 1
  2. 10 hours ago, Floating Platforms said:

    Otherwise, the game is average, but had the potential to be great if there was more polish and a bit more attention paid to those last two levels. Good graphics for a super early GB game, good music. 6 completely different boss fights. Interesting enough levels. But terrible controls and some unfair elements knock it down some notches.

    One thing that hurts it is that the controls are actually given incorrectly in the manual. I don't remember the details, but there's a specific way to trigger the web-swinging reliably, and it doesn't at all match what the manual says.

    I agree that it's about average but could've been great. It's been trashed as "unplayable", "impossibly hard", etc. and that's obviously nonsense -- I beat the game within 3 hours of when I first picked it up.

    • Wow! 1
  3. 2 hours ago, the_wizard_666 said:

    AD&D Dragonstrike is done. [...] Anyway, that marks the final AD&D game I needed for my personal list, and US completion #230 overall.

    Nice! I enjoyed Dragonstrike and it's on my "to beat on Hard" list. Right now I'm at 201 licensed completions, or 205 if you count a few games I haven't beaten on Hard yet, of which Dragonstrike is one (Burai Fighter, Castelian, and Shooting Range are the others). Throw in unlicensed and I reach 219.

    Meanwhile, Sky Kid crashed on me just as I finished Level 24, a bonus level at that, with a decent number of lives in reserve for 25+26. Sigh. 😞

    • Wow! 1
  4. Beating Magical Doropie was the necessary precondition for me to beat Krion Conquest last year. There's a rumor that the localization was based on an earlier version of the ROM, as even if you set aside the issues with no continues and cut content, some stuff in Magical Doropie just works better. Hitboxes feel more natural, item drop rates are better-balanced and more like Mega Man, etc.

    Also the first endboss in Magical Doropie has a reasonable health bar, but becomes a ridiculous damage sponge in KC.

  5. 1 hour ago, the_wizard_666 said:

    Well the first quest of Air Fortress is in the bag.  Hopefully it's smooth sailing from here...hopefully...

    The seventh fortress was actually pretty simple...managed to run through it without issue the first time.  The eighth however, was bloody hell.  It was like level 7 was the calm before the storm that was 8.  The worst part was the absolute perfect timing you needed to get out in time...one of my runs I was a fraction of a second away from the escape pod.  @Dr. Morbis was right though, just stick with it and you'll get through it eventually.  But man, even getting through the first quest feels like an achievement!

    I love that game! Beating it was one of my most memorable gaming experiences as a kid, and I enjoyed replaying it for the annual effort a few years back. There's nothing else in the NES library quite like it, or quite like the feeling of desperately trying to find/reach your escape pod in time.

    This is also pretty awesome:


  6. 19 hours ago, Bearcat-Doug said:

    I did Tennis last year, but the rules say you can beat it on any difficulty if you still want to finish it.

    Oh, I know, but I loathe that game and have a longstanding grudge against it. So I don't just want to beat it on a lower level -- I want to rub its face in the dirt, take away its lunch money, etc.

    And speaking of which, Tennis is now done:



    Beat the first Level 5 opponent 7-5 6-1, and the second one 6-1 6-4. I'm still not 100% sure about the relationship between my controller inputs and the onscreen character's shot selection, but with enough passing shots, it doesn't matter.

    I hate the CPU in this game. Any tennis game where the CPU never hits anything out is fundamentally flawed in a deep way -- there has to be a relationship between shot selection, risk, and court placement that results in errors. At least it double faults or hits volleys into the net sometimes.

  7. 49 minutes ago, Jeevan said:

    put it as a spoiler in the bottom of the games list for ya 😉  

    Awesome! And my bad on the long post, I should've put mine in a spoiler tag. Glad you were able to edit it to clean things up.

    BTW All-Star Tennis '99 is on the main list but should only be on the PAL list -- it was never released in North America.

    EDIT: Same for Anna Kournikova's Smash Court Tennis and Yeh Yeh Tennis. I think Virtual Open Tennis is unreleased?

    • Thanks 1
  8. Awesome to see this!

    (Can we hit up the PAL exclusives too? I've got a list if you need one. Totally understood if you don't want to count them, or only want to do them as one-off bonuses. I've been wanting an excuse to replay Action Man: Destruction X, this time on Hard. It's a shockingly slick little GTA-for-kids game!)

  9. Two near-misses tonight: I won the first match against the CPU on Level 5 of Tennis, 7-6(5) 7-6(3), but lost the rematch. Then I decided to play Sky Kid for the hell of it, and made it to Level 25 for the first time!

    I'll probably give them both another shot in the coming days, unless someone else gets to Tennis first. Sky Kid's on my to-beat list, though.

  10. 10 hours ago, nerdynebraskan said:

    I'd like to ask again about the requirements for Road Runner. I got two opinions last time, but I'm having trouble finding information online. My best understanding is that the game only has four unique levels, which repeat forever at higher difficulties. After the first loop, the stages start having landmines in them.

    That matches what AdamL writes about it. As far as I can tell it looks like either reaching Level 5, or getting top score on the high score table (i.e. over 200k), would be the way to go.

    I can't remember how far I played into it as a kid, but I think I made the double-digits before it became clear this was one of "those" games, like Magmax, Seicross, etc. Annoying that they couldn't just give it an ending!

  11. If you play piano already, it doesn't look too bad. From memory (watching parts of TMR's playthrough) it has some weirdly finicky input handlers but that's really the main obstacle.

    Also if you got together two people who played piano and had one person handle each hand, it'd be fairly trivial. Not sure if the rules would allow that. The game lets you go right to the Habanera so only one piece is needed to beat the game (right?).

    I used to have an incomplete Miracle Piano set but got rid of it, as it didn't have the power cord or a couple other bits and bobs. Have any emulators supported MIDI input to make this doable without needing real hardware?

  12. 6 minutes ago, the_wizard_666 said:

    Likely the unlicensed were sold off because that's where all the money was...aside from SE, which was still pretty affordable, all the expensive games were unlicensed.

    Could be. I'm trying to find what the final bid was on each -- no luck so far, though the main auction looks to have reached $30K. He did describe the licensed set as "every game ever made" for the NES, apparently.

    Meanwhile this was (according to the comments) a "licensed-only" auction in 2008:


  13. I found an example of a collector who sold off his licensed collection in 2007:


    EDIT: Never mind, he sold off his unlicensed games separately. Still interesting that he divided them up, though. I wonder if this auction played a part in defining "all the NES games" as licensed-only in some people's minds?

  14. Just now, Dr. Morbis said:

    As for the "legit" part, I'm starting to wonder if a lot of people aren't collecting unlicensed games because they think they are illegal?!?!

    Naah, I wouldn't think so. I think it's more a perception that unlicensed games aren't as good (which certainly isn't correct, though there are plenty of bad unlicensed games), combined with a feeling that it opens up an endless rabbit hole. On the Famicom side, collecting or even specifying a full set of unlicensed games would be pretty much impossible; maybe people don't realize that it's much more achievable on the NES.

    Also, they tend to be expensive with crappy packaging, which doesn't help. Maybe there's also a Nintendo loyalist angle of "the big N doesn't approve"? I certainly can't relate to that. Like I said, Captain Comic was the first NES game I ever bought in the post-NES era. 🙂

  15. Just now, Dr. Morbis said:

    Yeah, most of us collectors were well aware of the difference between licensed and unlicensed; the difference is that I don't remember every coming across a "licensed-ONLY" collector back then; that is to say: specifically excluding unlicensed games from a "full set" or specifically choosing not to collect them wasn't really a thing...

    Fair enough! It'd be interesting to look back at the newsgroups from the 1990s and see if anyone floated an idea like that. I've never gone after a full set on any Nintendo platform, so the issue's never been on my personal radar...

  16. Just now, Dr. Morbis said:

    I said in an earlier post that if felt like about 2009 when the distinction was first made, and I included a question mark afterward to portray my uncertainty, but it looks like your research supports my claim rather than rebuking it... 😉

    Hey, if that's true then we're on the same page to a degree. I can't dig up much NA stuff before then, though I found a post from you on Digital Press from 2005:


    Beyond that, I can only say that I was well aware of the difference as a kid, though it was more "Huh, most Color Dreams games are crap, guess I shouldn't rent them" than anything else. (A dash of "Huh, Tengen Tetris is really expensive in the BRE Software catalog" too.)

    But the weird stuff Camerica and Color Dreams games expected you to do to make them work definitely screamed "not 100% legit". 😄

  17. 26 minutes ago, the_wizard_666 said:

    But yeah, the idea was for every released game to be represented.  I likely would've added homebrew to the list if the interest was there, and protos weren't released, so wouldn't be on the list unless popular demand dictated that they be added.  And again, at the time, there was no distinction in the community between licensed and unlicensed games, so there wouldn't have even been the thought of excluding them.

    Don't get me wrong: I think including protos, homebrews, etc. as a bonus for fun is a fine idea, and I totally understand limiting the effort to released games. All I'm saying is that deciding to define "every NES game" as "every NES game released during the console's original lifespan" is a choice, not something handed down by Moses on stone tablets. 🙂

    Re: the community making no distinction between licensed and unlicensed in 2010, I joined NA in 2009 but didn't start posting for a while, so I don't remember firsthand. But doesn't this thread suggest otherwise?

    List of members with complete licensed NTSC NES sets

    The first post is from January 2010, though for some reason the replies only begin in May 2011 -- it looks like the thread was restarted somehow. Also there was a thread by Topload_Dogbone titled "How many licensed US NTSC NES games are there?" that dates from April 2009, but I can only find it in the Google Cache of GoCollect.

    I don't know, man...if you're claiming that everyone in the community thought of licensed and unlicensed games as "the same", then if I'm being totally honest, this "no distinction" thing seems like revisionist history to me. I was making that distinction as a kid! But maybe I'm misunderstanding you.

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