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Everything posted by 3rdStrongestMole

  1. I've graded with Wata and CGC. They are both equally easy to use imo, other than CGCs weird search process for telling them what you're sending in. Only other thing to consider is the litigation Wata is/could potentially be tied up in. That's kind of the big detractor with them rn.
  2. Oh, also, the missing back label was big for me. That looks like a pretty common-place thing with protos from labeled ones I've seen.
  3. Yeah, I am really upset I didnt get it. I was obviously unsure if it was proto, but I was going to crack it open once I got it to take a peak. The label is super odd. Could be weird misprint, and that alone, but dang I really wanted to see. I was hoping someone on here scored it, but I guess not
  4. Top label where it says "shreddin" printed and no back label
  5. Not mine obviously, but so pretty looking https://www.ebay.com/itm/325972596978?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=g3VUVwRHTQe&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=VQ47At4ySIG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  6. Pretty sure it was a proto. Did anyone snag the one off ebay? I bought it off Mercari, they shipped it to the old address I had on file, then it shipped back to sender... Then when they relisted next day, they canceled my sale and I saw it sold on ebay instead. So I'm hoping it was someone on here that got it at least
  7. I'm looking for a box protector for an SNES console. Anyone sell em or have a good place to order from? I actually just need a shit load of box protectors in general.
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