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Reed Rothchild

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Posts posted by Reed Rothchild

  1. 2 hours ago, MeganJoanne said:

    Gave a couple of Gameboy games a try.

    Battle of Olympus for Gameboy is terrible. Character now has a floaty jump, enemies behave slightly different, you can be hit back repeatedly until dead, if you strike while an olive or leaf are in front of you they get destroyed (WTF), and enemies take more hits. I could not even make it to Athena because the hoppy hoofed guys kept killing me. Damn shame, ruin a perfectly good classic like that.

    Final Fantasy Adventure, feels like Mystic Quest on the SNES but active battles like Legend of Zelda. Okay except for limitations not just on keys but mattocks and those are used to break walls, problem is guessing which walls are breakable. Sure one could think, well Zelda was like that will the bombs, only with these mattocks, I haven't seen an enemy drop any. Enemies seem to be able to wander anywhere, across river, through solid rock. The music is good thus far from what I heard though and I don't mind the simplicity of the gameplay. Just got the mirror after killing the dragon/hydra boss.

    I'm also playing that right now.  You can swing a sword at walls to hear a sound signifying they can be broken, and I think every dungeon should have a random spawning mob that drops mattocks.

  2. 21 hours ago, Gloves said:

    I had the CD bundle version of Super Robot Taisen but it was one of the first games I sold when I joined NA in 2017. Kiiiiinda regret doing so as I never reeeeally gave the game a proper go, but I will say that I do seem to recall the combat being more fan service than strategy. And I mean that's probably fine for what it is, but I like difficulty in my RPGs if it can be helped.

    I had it and played through it and got rid of it.  Before it spiked in value.

    It's pretty meh.

  3. Myth 4

    Skies of Arcadia 2

    Ikaruga 2

    Devil Survivor 3

    Wind Waker 2

    Ocarina of Time 2

    Killer 7 2

    Blast Corps 2

    Star Fox 64 2

    3D Dot Heroes 2

    Skygunner 2

    Warcraft IV

    Grim Fandango 2

    Flinthook 2

    Darkest Dungeon 2

    Radiant Historia 2

    Vagrant Story 2

    Front Mission 6

    Tactics Ogres 2

    Ogre Battle 3

    Final Fantasy Tactics 2

    Sunset Riders 2


    Some of those have sequels, but they took several steps back.  I want direct sequels.

  4. 218.jpg?w=980&q=75

    Master thread with standings

    Ratings key: 
    10 - One of your very favorite artists of all time.
    9 - Killer fucking band.  Or artist.
    8 - Great sound, great songs, great albums.
    7 - Very good, but not quite great.
    6 - Pretty good.  More than a few songs you like.  You'd entertain the thought of seeing them live if they were in the area.  Or still alive.
    5 - They're okay, but maybe not something you'll go out of your way to listen to.
    4 - Meh.  There may be a song or two, or an album that you dig, but you'd rather listen to other stuff.
    3 - Not very good.  You will more likely than not turn the station if they come on the radio.
    2 - Not your cup of tea at all.  Some people like this, but you are not one of them.
    1 - Horrible in every way.
    0 - In the running for worst artist/musician of all time.  You would rather take a cheese grater to your face than listen to this.



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