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Gaia Gensouki

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Everything posted by Gaia Gensouki

  1. Young Indiana Jones Chronicles is done. Another game that is much more difficult and frustrating than I remembered it to be.
  2. Hudson Hawk is done. This game was much better in my memory, where it was kinda stored as "not bad for such a high point value game". But I was pretty much annoyed by it and had to relearn the really awkward controls.
  3. Oh, I see. Sorry that I didn't get it at first. This is just a habit from the NES completions thread, where taking a photo with a name tag like that is highly encouraged, though not absolutely necessary.
  4. I don't see a timestamp and don't quite understand what you mean.
  5. Raid on Bungeling Bay is done. One loop on Mode B, but I was too late to take a picture of when it showed round 2. This game is incredibly difficult, even though one loop is technically short. But I died sooo many times until it finally worked out.
  6. Wow. I've beaten the first game from my comically oversized backlog, i.e. Wurm - Journey to the Center of the Earth for the NES. This game is an absolutely wild mix of different genres similar to Golgo 13. You have side-scrolling tank/shooter levels, vertically scrolling shooter levels, action platformer levels and shooting gallery style levels. But like so often with these games, it's a jack of all trades, but a master of none. This means that these different gameplay styles lack any kind of substance and get very repetitive very quickly. Some of them play very poorly and are borderline crappy. The only saving grace is that you switch so frequently between these gameplay styles that you don't really have time to get bored. Add to this a password feature and unlimited continues to make this game a whole lot more palatable. I have zero interest in replaying the long and difficult slog that is Golgo 13, but this one fares a bit better. The different gameplay segments are linked together by story sequences that are fairly well made. Not on the level of Ninja gaiden, but still quite nice. The game's story starts off as some old sci-fi shlock about allies being abducted by underworld dwellers who start a war and you have to fight them back and find your allies etc. But near the end it actually has an interesting story twist that came as a nice surprise. That being said, this game plays rather poorly and gets old fast. So I would give it a 5/10 on the Reed scale, i.e. "It's okay, but maybe not something you'll go out of your way to play." I would maybe add 0.5 points for the ending and the convenience features, which ultimately results in a 5.5. Wurm - Journey to the Center of the Earth (5.5/10)
  7. Wurm: Journey to the Center of the Earth is done. Also, I found my waifu. lol
  8. World Champ is done. I beat it last december, so it was still fresh on my mind. This time around though I came up with a different strategy that made it much faster to beat. Because before I would do a lot of practice matches that take quite some time and only increase one of your stats by 2 points. So it took forever to get my character strong enough to take on the later challenges. This time, however, I beat the first four fighters of the easiest weight class and then let myself get beaten up by the final and strongest fighter. This reset all the fights, but I kept my stat increases. Because whenever you win a ranking match you get +2 to ALL stats. So this is way faster and easier. Especially since the opponents in the practice matches scale with your character, but the opponent in the ranking matches have fixed stats. So after a short while I could beat every opponent within seconds for some gloriously fast and easy stat gains. Once my boxer was strong enough, I decided to take on all of the ranking matches which by that point was surprisingly easy. The only somewhat challenging fights were the last few of the heavy weight ranking. But I beat the champ by walking backwards while constantly throwing punches. When he got into my range, he would block my attacks. To still hit him I would alternate between pressing back, down and up while constantly mashing the a button to attack. This unleashed a flurry of different kinds of attacks that would constantly hit him.
  9. I did one loop of Sky Shark. This would be among my favorite shmups in the NA library if the visibility of the enemies and their projectiles wasn't so bad.
  10. Wow. I didn't know that. I was even aiming for 100 or more, but I couldn't concentrate anymore in the evening. After a whole day of gaming my brain was mush and my reflexes non-existant.
  11. I wanted to beat them in previous years, but I never knew what the completion criteria for these games were. I also wasn't sure if some of the mini games were going on forever or not. Imagine me clearing those for roughly 30 minutes or so and wondering when it will finally end.
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