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Everything posted by WalterWhiteJr.

  1. Has anyone claimed paper mario or space station silicon? I can do those two.
  2. Yeah good point. It’s pretty interesting that there are such polarizing opinions on it. I’d venture to say that it has developed quite a cult following among retro collectors these days.
  3. I thought it would be fun to start an N64 appreciation thread here on VGS. We had one on NA and I always enjoyed checking in from time to time on that thread. Feel free to post anything N64 related. Stories, pick-ups, random thoughts and pics, prices and rarity of certain titles, etc. The N64 is my favorite console to play and to collect. I was born in January 1992 and inherited an NES, GameBoy and Sega Genesis from my uncle. I began my lifelong videogame journey by starting with some of the all time greats. Super Mario Brothers, The Legend of Zelda, Sonic, etc. When I was 6/7, my parents bought me my very own console, an N64. We set it up in my kitchen (later in the basement) and I instantly fell in love with the classics. Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, Super Mario 64, Super Smash Brothers, etc. Friday nights would be rental night. We had a local rental store in my hometown called One Video Place. There was a Blockbuster in the next town over. I remember always looking forward to renting a movie and an N64 game to play with my friends. [To be continued]. Fast forward many years later and I started to collect again. I went right back to the N64 and it has been a BLAST to collect for. Sure, there is a ton of filler, but the top of the N64 library can go against anything. Some of the greatest games of all time were made on this system. I love the box art style of many games, the colorful consoles and displays. The N64 is the GOAT. PERSONAL TOP 10 FAVORITE N64 GAMES: Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time Tony Hawk's Pro Skater Super Smash Bros Super Mario 64 Mario Kart 64 Goldeneye 007 Banjo Kazooie Perfect Dark Mario Party Chameleon Twist
  4. I gave it a 6. It was entertaining for sure, but I don't think I would ever watch it again.
  5. Anybody else see the irony in the fact that (X) some dope bid a Mario 64 to $1.56M, and (Y) Wata is OMG so concerned about people overreacting to the data and oh my there might not be enough to really draw a legitimate conclusion. You don't want to release the reports because it is not in your financial self-interest to do so. Anyone that thinks otherwise needs to have their head examined.
  6. Lol PSA bought Wata 48 hours after these sales.
  7. Hey all. I recently decided to pursue a full N64 CIB set (again…). If anyone has any nice condition games, I pretty much need nearly all of them. Shoot me a pm. Thanks!
  8. N64 IS THE GOAT. No console is as fun to collect for. Fight me.
  9. No worries. I appreciate you taking the time to address the sales.
  10. Not accusing you of anything or making any claims. I made an observation that of course someone wouldn’t openly admit to shilling. What claims? I don’t think it is unreasonable for people to ask questions when something like this happens. It’s actually healthy. There’s nothing personal. You openly volunteered questions and I asked questions lol.
  11. Some feedback to your points above in brackets. Hey, all the power to you. I don't think it is unreasonable for folks to question the sales. It is nothing personal against you. I actually appreciate you chiming in.
  12. Agreed. 100%. Also side note… opinions by their subjective nature (which all of these are) are not legally libel (libel being written statements and slander being oral statements). The plaintiff would also need to prove (burden on them) that any statements are actually false and that they were injured.
  13. It's as if you literally pulled the exact thoughts going through my head out and articulated them much better than I ever could lol. I think you are spot on. I think the amounts of money in play here are raising some serious eyebrows and folks are taking a deeper look into things. I have always been critical of Wata, Heritage, their relationship and the small circle of sealed *speculators* (they are not collectors, let's be real) that have pushed pushed pushed sales. Things do not add up. I am not trying to sound like a conspiracy theorist here. However, we are now in a situation where there will be uninformed people actually falling for the manipulated sales and believing everything that they see. They will get duped and lose big. These are people that probably cannot afford to take such financial losses. The whole argument to look at comic and art prices etc. is bogus too. Those markets have been established and maturing for years and years. A Super Mario 64 going from $10-15k to $1.6M in 7 months SCREAMS fraud and manipulation. Nearly every person that defends this crap is heavily invested in the sealed market and are speculating. My $0.02. Why do I care so much? Couple reasons. 1. I have a very deep and personal issue with people getting taken advantage of and manipulated. It strikes a chord with me and I am seeing that happen on massive scales. 2. I miss Nintendoage and the special community I found years ago. More than that, I miss when it was about the love for collecting and community. The sale of NA to gocollect and the introduction of Wata were the first dominoes to fall. It hurts me to see it all become about money.
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