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Everything posted by WalterWhiteJr.

  1. Wait didn't Deniz go on pawnstars and assign value to games? AKA make up a value?...
  2. The whole thing is just disappointing and its all about money. Who knows if anything will come out of this. At the very least, more people will now be more informed about the relationships of the "players" involved. I am all for disclosure and transparency. People looking to get into this crap for investing purposes just need to be careful.
  3. Curious as to what tv shows people love. Older shows or newer. Any type of genre. Mine are: 1. The Sopranos 2. Breaking Bad 3. The Leftovers
  4. While I respect your points, I do think it is unfair to say that the video "kinda sloppily throws together a whole bunch of things of wildly varying levels of importance and severity...". On the contrary, I thought the video was very well organized and direct. The only way to understand the full picture is by looking at the full picture. And yes, that means looking at several different themes together. That is good journalism and reasoning. Where would we get if we looked at everything in isolation? It does not make much sense.
  5. I’m pretty surprised that is your biggest takeaway lol but okay then.
  6. I do wonder if the recent ridiculous sales really pushed folks to start asking questions and take a deep look into everything. I have said it once and I will continue to believe it, there is NOTHING natural or normal about a Mario 64 going from $20k to $1.56M in 7 months. The COVID effect is real, but it is asinine to point to that as a primary reason. The reality is that people got greedy. Pigs get fat... hogs get slaughtered.
  7. I disagree. All of these actions, if true, meet the legal elements required for a fraud claim. I am specifically referring to the ALLEGED shilling on behalf of HA that the video talks about.
  8. They regulate securities. Enter Rally and fractional share companies...
  9. What is fake though? The SEC filing is fake? The public records of Wata directors? The identity of the owners and operators of Heritage? None of that is fake. Those are facts.
  10. I posted this on facebook in some of the higher end groups that these manipulators frequent and it was removed LOL.
  11. Tis the season. Any interest in doing a cash ($50?) fantasy football league? Jeff typically does one but I do not think that is happening this year. I am happy to put one together with enough interest. Thinking 10-12 people. Thanks, Frank
  12. Same. Action adventure and RPG. Specifically anything Zelda related and SNES era RPGs.
  13. Does anyone else think that this is the greatest 8 bit tune? I cannot stop listening to it lately. It is amazing.
  14. BOTW is amazing. But I personally believe OOT is a better quality game.
  15. Do you want to step outside? LOL. Majoras mask is still on my list of games to play through. It is a sin I know. Every time i sit down to play, life gets in the way.
  16. Ocarina of Time in my opinion. I don't think it is particularly all that close either. Mario 64 is a fun platformer, but for some reason it always fails to hold my attention for more than a few hours. Controls are clunky and some levels are tedious. It is an AMAZING game, no doubt. But it has never really *clicked* for me in the way that it has for others. Zelda OOT is my favorite game of all time, bar none. The game is intoxicating. The music, character development, story line, controls, combat, and emotions. It is in my view, a perfect game. The difficulty curve, time it takes to complete the game, complexity and intricacies of the dungeons, exploration, time travel element. The relationships between the characters is developed through the game. You develop an emotional and personal connection with the game itself, Link and the many wonderful characters in the game. The boss fights are memorable and fun. The game lets you explore and there are many side quests and branching paths that you can explore outside of the main quest. There is no game that holds a candle to Zelda OOT, nor do I think we will ever see one. The depth of OOT blows Mario 64 out of the proverbial water.
  17. I don’t see this as an investment. Never have and never will. I love videogames and I love collecting them. If my collection is worth $5 or $5M, it’s all the same to me. I don’t plan on selling them. I also don’t think that investing in videogames is particularly smart. It’s all based in nostalgia. I’d rather invest in property. You can use property. You can rent it out and create an income rental stream. It just feels really stupid to spend that kind of money on a videogame as an investment. Just my 2 (million) cents.
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