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Everything posted by Jeevan

  1. honestly, my eating habits have changed and I get to try new things I wouldn't normally try as well. upon changing eating habits, I also discovered new dishes, and cauliflower crusts and things of that nature. granted, a big ole slice of meat lovers with normal crust is just damned delicious, but my palate is just fine with cauliflower Buffalo chicken, or cauliflower spinach and white sauce. hell, I have been making up for lost time in the curry department making curry a main lunch dish on my days off when I'm not busy and forget to eat . either way, it's about motivation and self control/discipline. Ya 5 slices of pizza is amazing, but i am content with 1 or 2 nowadays.
  2. 100% I'm there as there have been plenty of days I didn't want to do it, but did anyway. Motivation definitely has peaks and valleys. been there plenty already haha.
  3. true. Working out and becoming active has become a part of the routine for me. I also helped myself by eating "normal" portions instead of eating whatever, whenever. I started off with my boss telling me he wanted to get healthy, same boss who was in hospital for a month in a coma cuz of covid, almost died, woke up Christmas morning that year. Anyway, he told me about an app he was using to keep track of his eating etc. I dled the app, started tracking and exercising and just cut back portions to not overeat and now I feel full on a normal portion and I'm good. sometimes you can splurge, but do it in moderation just like everything else. All in all, I have lost like 62lbs and feel so much better. It really does help to have someone to talk to as well because you can keep yourselves motivated, and sometimes you need a pick me up from someone going through the same thing as you. Keep at it and you will get there, whoever needed to hear that. never in my life did I think I would be somewhat healthy again, and was getting depressed about it, but here I am with a little motivation from my boss, who has lost over 70lbs btw, we keep each other going and it has worked. I have even refused some of the best pizza here in indiana because I have got my head in the game!!!!
  4. beat pikmin 4 then come back . I'm gonna beat the last of mission impossible, them play pikmin 4 kuz I'm close enough I should be good to beat it. I was gonna play last night, but got distracted watching something else.
  5. I started in March btw, dropped all that weight and hitting a wall a bit, but plan on changing a thing or two up, gonna see if I can hit my 95lb mark by February or so.....
  6. I've lost over 60 lbs, mainly to diet changing, u ain't getting pictures either unless you visit my jeeves only fans page! freeloaders
  7. i believe, but will have to check, @arnpoly won his first race. I am 2-1 right now. just won my second race. went 1-1 yesterday with a nice first race win and second race loss by 17mins. to the top seeded player in the group.
  8. 1-4 have randomizers 1 is the most popular! probably for the simplicity.
  9. it has happened to me a lot, or at least before i learned all the strats that i have in my arsenal
  10. the seed is random and everyone plays the same seed, the only thing that can differ is the rng and the name of the person making diff. stats appear, just like in the real dragon warrior 1. So if we all chose the same name, the same stats appear. There is a list of names, mainly letters, that you can choose from, mine is J for Jeevan, others choose Z or d. The first to beat a the seed wins, etc. it doesn't lol, the breakout level is what is important and how you choose to get there, fairy water and torches can be used for 100% guaranteed hits, so sometimes that helps. also, the sword or armor can be in the throne room, you just have to figure your way out of it!
  11. VGS Members, come support your two VGS Reps at the Summer 2023 Tourney! You can watch either of us on twitch on July 21, 2023 at 10:00 PM EST. We would both appreciate your support! Channel links: @arnpoly https://www.twitch.tv/arnpoly Jeevan https://www.twitch.tv/jeevantoo
  12. you lucked out and get a free win......man after that race tonight my brain is fried, hopefully that will be all the bad rng i have
  13. ya, controls are garbage too . played the first 1.9 missions. will finish up monday or sometime when i get the chance, should be an easy clear!
  14. Happy Birthday @neodolphino @platformagnostic! Hope you have a good day!
  15. whut? do i need to change settings or something?
  16. whut? I will next year? It was a super fun game, except the controls.....the tank movement sucks What release was it that did away with that, @ikk said gamecube maybe?
  17. dang, well we should definitely get a ruling from @Splain on what is required and good job on the finish!!!!
  18. @Reed Rothchild +1 RE2 done, first time i beat the game!
  19. It's glorious, watch a video Watch my twitch, watch sunday just to check it out
  20. you just want an easy win . I literally started this year, about 2 or 3 months ago now. just did race 41......didn't do horrible, but ya know, mapping haha. Anyway, good luck and i hope to see you there
  21. Hey guys, Just wanted to let you all know that the summer tourney for DWR is kicking off Sunday on their twitch channel. They will be streaming asynchronous seeds and announcing the groups. Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/dwrandomizer Don't know if anyone wants to watch or not, but yours truly and @arnpoly are racing in the tourney. If you wanna get into it feel free to visit https://dwrandomizer.com/ and also visit their discord. Never in my life would I have thought I would be racing a randomizer, but here I am. It is a good time! Any questions feel free to ask or join the discord from the website above!!!!
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