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Everything posted by atlasind

  1. Here are the keys, first come, first serve: JRGNY-XTJDN-FRH8M ZHTZX-W56ZQ-49QH5 D3YF4-N4MZM-KD5RV D52YD-LDYY5-LMQWJ
  2. To this day, I still have the fondest of memories for the absolutely insane amount of time I dumped on the mmbn series. This was the first series that I downloaded the Japanese ROM just to experience the game before it was really available. I still play 5 on the DS (Team Protoman of course) from time to time and I was wondering what the general consensus was on this awesome title? Don't be ashamed if you like Star Force....I won't make fun of you too much.
  3. DISCLAIMER: I'm not trying to sell the game....I'm just excited that I saw the project all the way through. As proof, I'll post some keys in this thread when they get approved by Steam. This was a little project that started out as a dare that I completed during my work's quarantine. I was so bored and there was nothing else to do lol. Let me know what you think! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1370550/Circles_of_Hell
  4. mine would absolutely be that Nintendo is overrated and halo 4 & 5 were really fun.... I'll see myself out now
  5. I seem to recall the yellow leaks f'd everything up. Someone posted a picture of a Marill in a magazine and all of the sudden every kid in America was convinced that "pikablu" was the next evolution of pikachu and was hiding in the middle of the ocean in red/blue. The fact that a picture of a magazine existed convinced me that it was 100% real and I desperately wanted to be the first at my school with it.
  6. LOL cutting the link cable....that's hilarious. Tangentially, even as dumb kids we discovered that if we pulled the cable out at the right time during a trade, the pokemon would duplicate so which made getting starters super easy.
  7. This is really cool. It's kind of trippy seeing it in such high fidelity.
  8. I remember a ton of rumors (read: lies) about Pokemon in those heady, innocent days. For example, my friends and I were convinced that there was something called the Mist Stone that could evolve any pokemon and it caused us to group up on the playground and scour the entire game with the item finder with everyone having designated search areas. We were total losers. What were some of the weirdo rumors you guys heard?
  9. it does feel like a second crunch is coming. The AAA stuff (along with movies and TV) is getting too stale and repetitive probably because they can't extract anymore blood from the stone by working on the graphics pipeline. From the outside it feels like the big studios ditched a lot of the creative design talent. We don't seem to get Will Wrights or Sid Meiers anymore. The indie scene is blossoming but it's difficult to navigate. Then again, with ubiquitous cloud infrastructure becoming super cheap, we may see some revolutionary network based games that don't fall into traditional multiplayer genres but still give a rich, full experience.
  10. I thought I would've had to scroll for days to find someone who said North and South
  11. depends on what you mean by "finish" lol....I play through the main story of almost every game I try but there's only a select few games that I went through and did EVERYTHING I could. Jet Force Gemini and MMBN2 come to mind
  12. it was weird for me....RBY hit at just the right time (around 10 years old) that I was hooked immediately but by the time GSC came around, I pretty much stopped caring. I had younger cousins who liked the show and all that and they were crazy about the gba years but I never got into it. The DS games helped pass time in the military I guess.... now Megaman Battle Network... there's a 10/10 game lol
  13. Hey everyone! I have no idea what I'm doing but somehow I'm at the point where I'm ready to launch my first game! It's a super casual bullet hell that was born 100% out of a dare by a friend to make a game using only a single art asset. GRAVY TRAIN FOR SURE. To be honest, I'm just kind of doing this for the experience so if anyone wants to check it out, I'll be more than happy to drop some keys. This is only a hobby so it's whatever if it ever makes a sale. One thing I do want to collab on for future projects though is sound design. I realized through this whole thing that I may in fact be completely tone deaf lol. Anyone know any good resources for connecting with a sound designer? https://store.steampowered.com/app/1370550/Circles_of_Hell/
  14. Hey everyone! What's up? I randomly decided to become a part time game developer a few weeks ago and I was looking for a community to bounce ideas off of. I was complaining about the rigmarole of reddit to a friend and he recommended this place so I wanted to pop in and look around. Looks good so far! I'm not really looking to make a sale or anything just want to get a feel for what people are into now. The game I have coming down the pipe is a super casual game on Steam and I plan on sticking to the casual challenge seeker type with each release. I'm looking forward to my time here if everything works out.
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