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  1. I dont collect NTSC but when I do I like to feel apart of this mostly ntsc community, just picked up this bad boy.
  2. i take offence to that statement, but its true :,(
  3. as a PAL collector, i want to say thank you for using your sealed game influencer status to manipulate the sealed PAL market using your fans... I just hope you're not the next target of a karl jobst video
  4. how does a auction house that generates as much money as goldin have so much f'ing problems, i dont get it
  5. Reseal, not even an attempt at using a proper PS1 seal. Hope you didn't pay too much or can return.
  6. I'm defending the op of this topic from flaming, sorry you live in a capatalistic world, I hate it aswell but that's how the world you live in works if you haven't realized it yet. The same people bitter are the ones that don't have games to sell and the opposite are the ones happy they do and can make life changing money Ok boomer... When did self entitled millennial become worse than shit head When did using a term to describe yourself and jokingly using it at other people on a forum that was previously a massive niche become derogatory. I have a massive games collection and have been collecting for 12 years and many people in my personal life have called me a nerd for years and i have embraced it and laughed along side them. Sorry it upsets you and you find it derogatory. I would say butthurt is as intelligent as self entitled millennial considering the run that you fking boomers got. I think the Otaku (actually had to google that word) comment sums up what I'm saying nicely in matter of fact. Sorry my behaviour annoys you, even though I know other members of this forum find your behaviour massively annoying. All your posts have this wierd anti social introverted style and its kind of funny until we keep having to read them more than twice. I mean I annoy you more than something that I'm defending? You had years to buy super fucking cheap games, if you didn't have the money in the passed decade I doubt you're worthy to own them in the next. Hope your bumhole doesn't hurt too much after the goldins auction sales.
  7. Creepy little shit heads, most nerd comeback ever. Glad to see heritage not having a monopoly on the market and goldin doing vga games as well. Sorry it butt hurts you guys for some strange reason though, probably going to be more auctions doing well off games, hope it won't keep you up at night forever. Ps. I'm a PROUD nerd. Some of you are clearly in massive denial.
  8. How come you nerds are so excited to see if goldin doesn't do well when heritage blew you out the water.
  9. whats not worth grading at this point. I'm sure the PAL version will be collectable, I would grade it if it was in good condition.
  10. Who are these people, and where do they get all their money is what I want to know. Are these really just comic book collectors getting into this? If that's the case I didn't know there were so many incredibly rich comic book collectors with money to waste like this.
  11. Zoom into that super Mario bros, multiple holes/rips and scratches, don't know much about wata grading but it's far from mint.
  12. No I'm watching his videos, I actually feel sorry for him, here's a wata unboxing he posted Multiple graded atari ets and assassins creed for 360 that arent even good grades, this is the last guy who should have a channel giving advice to collectors/"investors".
  13. I want to punch this guy in the face. Yes buy the worst game in history for your "portfolio", very good idea.
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