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Posts posted by fsped09

  1. 1 hour ago, ThePhleo said:

    Doesn't hurt as bad as when Burger King removed the Chicken Fries (THANK GOODNESS they've brought them back), but I officially have no reason to go to Taco Bell anymore without the beefy nacho loaded griller. It's the only decent thing on the menu there since it always came out hot.


    Now when will I see a McRib again.

    They only had chicken fries for a limited time in the North East (at least by me). It was a wonderful time. 

  2. 1 hour ago, fcgamer said:

    Saw this one today, while looking out the window at the world that is the fish pond at my workplace.

    Dead turtle floating around in a pond full of large and small fish, smaller fish eager and already starting to pick at his head, tasty dinner I guess?

    Thing is, there's only about two turtles in the pond, and a large number of fish. Think one of the fish somehow farted in the water or something to kill the turtle? I mean, it's common for fish to eat other fish, but to see this guy floating about randomly? Definitely see majority / minority racism here. Fish on turtles. #turtlelivesmatter


    Perhaps he is just sunbathing? 

  3. Just came across this, I couldn't believe my eyes that it was available. 2016-17 me would have jumped on this in a second, but its a tough sell for me at $730. Maybe I'll test my luck on eBay.

    I guess he's got more than one? The one of eBay will sell, so I would assume that he'd removed the one from his site, if he couldn't fill two orders

    Pretty cool item, I would have love to just try this thing out!

  4. On the 12th Anniversary of the NA Stadium Events April Fools Day, its time this guy found a new home. For those of you that don't know, way back in 2008 a NA member jokingly posted that they had found a massive pile of SE carts. The result was this cart. The label was poorly printed, cut, and taped onto the cart. Stadium Events should be a single line. And the Gold label label on the bottom. You can see more details in the video at the bottom.  Would like to get $150 (plus shipping, US only), but I am open to reasonable offers. The fancy stand (from RoseColoredGaming) IS INCLUDED in this sale 🙂 .







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  5. 1 hour ago, m308gunner said:

    Why is there such a thing as the "Corona Virus Challenge"? Is this why we can't have nice things?



    There are likely the same people who were eating Tide-Pods. I did stupid things when I was young too, but we weren't trying to push the envelope and social media wasn't a thing. 

    • Like 3
  6. 3 minutes ago, captmorgandrinker said:

    That's definitely understandable too.

    Any of the carryout places the last few days have had the taped off marks on the floor to keep people properly distanced.    Aside from the Mexican place near me, there's maybe one other person in the lobby besides me when I've gotten carryout.

    I haven't even been out in over a week. NY is taking a beating, my county in particular. Maybe its because we're testing more, but the numbers are really high here. I don't want to run the risk of having it or getting my family sick.

  7. 2 minutes ago, MrWunderful said:

    Call me crazy. 

    7110 people or so have died of this. 

    Dont more people than that die from other viruses everyday? Do any other viruses cause death even?


    7k people from what now 8 billion? What percentage is that, Im not a math guy. Just seems like in the grand scheme of the entire worlds population that isnt all that much. Maybe im missing something though. 

    Imagine we didn't have any medicine to combat the number of people that die from viruses everyday? Imagine that not a single one of the eight billion had any immunity to those viruses. Less than half have recovered. 7k+ dead, is a lot of people, a lot of people QUICKLY at that. (the numbers below are two weeks old).


    1.pngSource: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/coronavirus-diseases-comparing-covid-19-sars-mers-numbers-n1150321 


    Yes out of billions 7k a drop in bucket. But in the US were not equipped for this and have had little experience dealing with these types of issues. Democratic (not democrats) countries can't force citizens to stay inside like the can in a communist country. So don't look at the number, compare to the number of people on the planet and think its not that bad. In the US, we're still on day zero of this. More and more people will get sick and more and more will die based on what we've seen in other countries like Italy, which the US is on par with at the moment (with lag). 


    Source (Site): https://data.europa.eu/euodp/en/data/dataset/covid-19-coronavirus-data


    Its not where we're at now that is scary, its where are we going to be in two, four, six and eight weeks from now. 

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