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Posts posted by Gloves

  1. 3 hours ago, Tabonga said:

    There is one thing important about the 80th though - all  of the few survivors who were actually there in Normandy yesterday are  in their very late nineties and over.   (18+56+24 = 98) So for  the 85th they are almost all likely to be gone and for the 90th they will all be gone.  That generation  is fading fast - I do believe I heard the last survivor of the Arizona was interred in the wreck fairly recently.

    Does anyone seriously think the world would have turned out better if Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan had prevailed in WWII???????

    First off, the fact that people are in their 90s does not make the 80th anniversary of a thing significant. Why not the 81st? Or whatever year happens to be the one when the last of them die off? These are all just numbers and attributing significance solely based on being a multiple of 5 is just plum silly.

    Further, you're conflating caring about D-Day with whether someone would prefer an alternate universe in which the allied  forces ultimately failed to come out victorious in WW2 and that's honestly ridiculous. D-Day was not the pivotal be-all-end-all of the war. It certainly sped the victory along but it's failure would not have spelled failure for the entire war, the Nazis were already on their last legs and Russia would have continued marching into Germany regardless. It's a day to remember certainly and respecting those who fought and suffered for freedom is a valid cause, but it's also something that happened 80 years ago. World War 1 is long enough ago that the bulk of people you know couldn't even tell you who fought in it or why, and WW2 will eventually take that same turn just the same as the Trojan War, the Messenian War (and the second), the Punic Wars... the list goes on. War is a constant and history becomes just that - history. We don't have a day to commemorate that we're not all under Hun control, but why not? Cuz time passed. 

  2. 27 minutes ago, Estil said:

    I know Google is really into this whole doodles (is that what it's called) thing to celebrate different people/things/events and I was curious (especially ones of people who most don't know about) to see what it would look like for the 80th anniversary of D-Day (don't forget all those iconic Snoopy strips done to commemorate that day; I just chose the Sunday right before the 50th anniversary as an example) and what really gets my goat is that they "apologized" for not doing so in 2014 (70th anniversary) but then kept omitting D-Day (even on special years like 80th or 75th).  As for who they did honor, I got nothing against her at all...I'm just saying she could've been honored on any day like her birthday.  Or did something really big happen on her birthday I'm overlooking?

    Not related specifically to D-day, I'd say there's nothing at all "special" about an anniversary just because it's a multiple of 5. 50 sure, for the first 100 years, but beyond that I really don't care about the 70th or 80th anniversary specifically of anything, and I don't think people getting hung up on numbers like that is very sensible, personally. 

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  3. 3 minutes ago, spacepup said:

    I suppose that is sort of a separate issue - I'm certainly not personally suggesting every single game should have 100% ambiguous or malleable sexuality with all characters.  The whole 'romancing options' thing is a whole beast on its own.  I simply encourage more representation as a broad general concept and think it has an important and needed place in video games.  How well that is executed in a particular example varies greatly.

    Part of why the romances in Baldur's Gate 3 especially don't interest me in the slightest is how incredibly shallow they are. There's zero representation and no consequence or reward outside of a saucy visual cutscene (we can see boobs and genitals now, my how we've evolved!). In BG3 romance is boiled down to having some sex and/or questioning why you're not banging everybody. The emotional connection is non-existent.

  4. 18 minutes ago, spacepup said:

    Not referring specifically to Bioware, but I've unfortunately seen lots of hate on several different games for having homosexual relationships, *especially* if it involves the main character.  I'm aware of games that have been boycotted for it and review-bombed.

    I know this is getting a bit off-topic, so I hate to derail the themes topic much further (sorry T-Pac), but I do feel it's an important concept and it is unfortunate to me that people will avoid some games for this - it is obviously their choice and prerogative, but it does make me sad and I hope for a time where it really doesn't matter in either direction, the type of relationships presented in video games.

    I've no issue whatsoever with any type of relationship, but one thing I do find a bit annoying is that in Bioware's eyes everyone is bisexual lately. Like I get it, it's a game and they want to let everyone form their own story and if they block off a character from liking you because of your character's gender then some people will be sad, but it's also another somewhat immersion-breaking thing for me when nobody has anything resembling a preference. Dragon Age Veilguard (previously Dreadwolf) has announced that it will have everyone be romanceable and it fills me with disappointment to think it'll be another move backward to Dragon Age 2 logic.

    Dragon Age Inquisition got flak for characters having preferences. Dorian was gay. Solas would only romance female elves. These were character traits. Race is a topic of turmoil for characters in the Dragon Age universe - elves are actively hated by basically everyone, and literally enslaved. Dorian in Inquisition has a very emotionally tense scene where he confronts his father regarding his homosexuality. Removing personal preference diminishes the characters as representations of living beings and turns them into objects. Gay people, bi people, trans people, people of colour, and whatever others I may be glossing over by not including in the list - we all go through personal trials and tribulations in life and whitewashing everyone to bisexuality is dodging the hard conversations that should be had. By "pleasing everyone" we've effectively erased some of the most endearing character arcs available.

  5. Just now, Sumez said:

    Same. It's not like I don't love tits. But that sort of pandering is just embarassing

    I've said it before but I really disliked this aspect of Baldur's Gate 3. I asked a character how they were doing at a party, and how they felt about the recent attack on their people; everything seemed normal about this conversation. The next day my character had a conversation option with him to say "Hey, sorry if I was a bit forward last night" and "God you ARE handsome though, wanna bang?". I don't mind that romances are a thing in games, but I really dislike it when every single character in the game is after my seed likes bees on flowers, it's annoying and extremely immersion breaking. 

    The last time I engaged in anything resembling a sex scene to my recollection was when I got all the trophies on Dragon Age Origins on PS3, one of the trophies was for experiencing every romance.

    It annoyed me in Mass Effect as well. Bro leave me alone I'm trying to save the universe. Quit acting like we're in a relationship when I've shown zero interest.

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  6. A solution for opening that door has been found thanks to SlashTangent on RetroAchievements! The room with the SCU enemy has a hidden door which acts as a shortcut to the beamout point, so you come back through that door from the boss room.

    Per Slash's request the $20 will be going to charity. 🙏

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  7. 1 minute ago, Mega Tank said:

    What would be the requirements to get the $1 Million?

    I'm honestly very relieved to have moved out of that community. Not even going to bore with the details, but let's say @Code Monkeywould have thrown a lawsuit if he put up with a fraction of what we put up with. Just ridiculous nonsense I'm glad we're not dealing with anymore.

    Yeah stuff like "live here and get $1m" is weird cuz often the first thing people might think to do with the $1m is to improve their living situation. If it's "live in this shithole and pay rent for the privilege" then it's weird. "Do so for X time" is like, ok that's just a challenge, and I have a cool mil sitting in the bank paying for my living and I get to move out at the end. If it's "Live here forever" then I could see that being untenable for some.

  8. 21 minutes ago, CT said:

    I meant like the sites date was actually a few years old

    It says"" ©Copyright 2015-2021, Second Dimension R&T, LLC ""at the bottom

    Copyright's ended! Take what you want!

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  9. 1 hour ago, AirVillain said:

    The Ace Ventura thread made me stop at this thread.

    Why do ALL ISSUES get so highly politicized and each political party MUCH be on the extreme end of it?

    Guns, abortion, LGBTQ2+ rights..... it's insane.

    In Pride month, I will say this:

    I think it's terrible that Republicans/Conservatives (in Canada) are taking away rights for gay/trans people.

    It's fucking INSANE. Why does a political party get involved in someones healthcare and lifestyle???? If a person wants to access certain medical care to help them function more comfortable on this earth, WHY IS A POLITICAL PARTY DENYING THEM THAT?

    Also, re: abortions. Why the fuck would a political party get involved and even CARE what someone is doing with their body? (especially considering there's an adoption "issue" where kids need homes, there are children in foster care) How is it possible a political party can put sanctions on medical facilities and stop people from getting medical help? Then going further and saying it's "illegal" to get certain help when you've been raped/incest, etc..... it's fucking crazy.

    And guns.... unfortunately the shootings speaks for themselves. It's fucking sad.

    It's fucking Pride month... just let people be gay, god dammit... a political party should not stop people from getting the care they need or even stop them from being themselves. Leave them alone. 🌈🌈🌈

    I'm not for it, but to answer the "why?" of it:

    The government handles healthcare, and it's paid for by our taxes. People vote on political parties partially with regard to where their tax money will go. Some people feel, thusly, that by the government letting our tax money go toward abortions and similar that our money is going directly to something that those people disagree with (more often than not on account of their personal religious beliefs).

    It's an overly simplistic view and it's actively hurting society, but it's the view many have. I don't like it, so I don't support it, and tax money is MY money so it shouldn't go towards it.

    As ever the root of a lot of issues in the world is organized religion in service of personal greed. You know, like Jesus taught us!

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