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What's in your queue? (Or collecting in the age of limited editions.)

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SInce I don't really fancy paying the scalpers lots of money for games they bought up I have taken to pre-ordering switch games I want.

Currently I have these on pre-order:

Grandia HD Collection
Stardew Valley
Children of  Zodiarcs
Hidden Objects Collection
Chroma Squad
Tiny Metal
Return of the Obar Dinn
Iris Fall
Immortal Realms
Murder by the Numbers

I have two games that have been trapped in Japan since the Japanese post office only recently started shipping to the US again:

Ittle Dew

And I have two things coming from Europe:

Hard West
Kentucky Route Zero



Edited by Tabonga
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Panzer Dragoon and realMyst. They were part of my first LRG order, so I didn't realize they held your inventory until all items were available, otherwise, I would have had realMyst a month or so ago.

In about a week, I plan to have Grandia 1 & 2 Collection added to that list. That's about all for me. Oh, if we count eBay stuff that's bought but being shipped, Friday I bought a copy of rev-1, Ghostbusters 2 for the Game Boy. I think that puts me at about 39 Game Boy cart variants remaining for the set.

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