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Vintage Nintendo Display Cabinet Price Check


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Hi Everyone!

I am wondering if anyone can give me a rough estimate on how much my display cabinet might be worth? I am looking to sell it soon. Normally I see ones like this that say "World of Nintendo" at the top but this one just says "Nintendo". I am located in Ontario, Canada, so maybe this is a Canadian version? It does have a model number on it but I have to empty it out first to see it. Something like MES9X if I remember correctly.

It has sliding glass doors on the bottom and top, and has lights at the top as seen in the picture. It has the original four shelves in the top section, there is no shelf in the bottom section as I somehow misplaced it a number of years ago. There is some minor damage to it but nothing too bad. I can take more pictures when I empty it out.

Any info is greatly appreciated, thanks!



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I was thinking $3-$4k USD so I would agree with the above. Might have to take slightly less since your market will be smaller given people gotta come get it. You might ask for more if you want to deliver it yourself to a wider area. People will pay to be lazy

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If you provide better pictures it can give a better idea of its condition. From that picture it looks like there's some damage to the bottom and the bottom left panel is broken off. I'd recommend really getting some good pictures of all sides of the cabinet before posting it for sale. Good luck!

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