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Movie selection format

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@Brickman suggested a new nomination method:

7 hours ago, Brickman said:

Should we make a rule that once you get a movie selection you have to wait until everyone has a go? That way we can get a good spread of movies and everyone feels included.

I personally like seeing a wide variety of suggestions from everyone, and was even inspired to watch Leviathan last month. I will go along with whatever the rest of the group wants to do. Here's a few variations to consider:

  • leave it as it
  • increase the number of movies per month to 2 or 3
  • Brickman's suggestion
  • a signup sheet / rotating host each month (in lieu of voting)

One additional suggestion I would make is that whoever's movie is selected should try to lead the discussion and also share trivia if they have any.

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I’d like to see some sort of rotation, although it doesn’t have to be exactly like I said. You’ve raised some good ideas too so any variation of those would be good.

I just figured with such a small group that it would be good to get a good variety of people’s tastes.

I agree that if you put a movie up for nomination and it gets selected you have to have a small intro about it and maybe some facts about it if you know any or do some quick googling. 

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  • 2 months later...

I'm starting to feel like sitting out from nominating movies is missing out on part of the fun. I think maybe the "cool down" period should be just a couple months.

I have a bunch of movie ideas that I'm eager to share.

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I’m ok either way. I’m finding the format is working well but I do have movies to recommend if we go back to a free for all.

I normally only have time to do one movie, but if everyone else is watching them all then a free for all also works.

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  • 1 month later...
13 hours ago, Tabonga said:

Maybe we could establish some other threads to keep people busy - maybe a top ten list of favorites in a genre open only for one month and the genre could be chosen by one member on a rotating basis.  Not really for watching - although one could do some of them if they wanted. More for discussion of what one has already seen.

I support this! More discussion topics are always welcome.

10 hours ago, Brickman said:

If this was a general movie club then I think including lesser known A titles would be good but I do like that this club is focused mainly on the movies that are so bad they're good and seeing what people could do with a low budget or not so great actors.

Just my 2c. Definitely don't want to get super strict but a few small guidelines wouldn't hurt

I don't think we need to get too hung up on categorization. We all seem to be mostly on the same page about what are B-movies. I don't mind if there's a few outliers that get thrown into the mix now and then.

14 hours ago, Tabonga said:

Maybe we should do things differently.  We could split into two or three groups and the members of each group could suggest one movie each on a rotating basis. 

Everyone could watch whatever interested them and comment.

4 hours ago, Brickman said:

If your movie gets picked you can still nominate a new movie next month (but if someone keeps getting overlooked we let them get a pick just to keep it fair). I call this the Reed rule! 😆

These are my personal top priorities:

  1. Maximize participation
  2. Share the spotlight

Hopefully, by selecting the movie with the most interest/votes, we can achieve first goal. And thus far, we've done a pretty good job in having a variety of a movies with a selection from a different member each month. I have a feeling that the "Reed rule" might just organically happen through voting, since we're all aware of who hasn't had a pick yet.

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1 hour ago, G-type said:

I support this! More discussion topics are always welcome.

I don't think we need to get too hung up on categorization. We all seem to be mostly on the same page about what are B-movies. I don't mind if there's a few outliers that get thrown into the mix now and then.

These are my personal top priorities:

  1. Maximize participation
  2. Share the spotlight

Hopefully, by selecting the movie with the most interest/votes, we can achieve first goal. And thus far, we've done a pretty good job in having a variety of a movies with a selection from a different member each month. I have a feeling that the "Reed rule" might just organically happen through voting, since we're all aware of who hasn't had a pick yet.

 We need to get some other things going beyond one movie a month hampered by a somewhat cumbersome voting model. Once we get through the voting then we all have our say and after maybe another comment or two we wind up twiddling our thumbs until we can start again next month.  I have always been baffled/disappointed by the fact that the clubs never seem to thrive here.

Another thing I like about my model is that there is no voting so it so someone whose movies never get picked doesn't wind up thinking it is because of a popularity contest.



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On 7/26/2024 at 10:01 AM, G-type said:

I'm starting to feel like sitting out from nominating movies is missing out on part of the fun. I think maybe the "cool down" period should be just a couple months.

I have a bunch of movie ideas that I'm eager to share.

 My model builds that in - especially if we go into 3 groups (more if we grow) - so no one is hobbled for being successful.

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