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Beat Every Game Boy Game - 2024 - 123/566

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Took one for the team and knocked off Wheel of Fortune.  I've always loved Wheel of Fortune games, but man, this has to be the single worst version I've ever played.  I could forgive only having one AI opponent if that AI was actually competent.  Who the hell picks Z as their first letter? 😛 Anyway, I think I may be done for the time being.  I'll let @Splain get caught up 😛

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6 hours ago, the_wizard_666 said:

Knocked off Yoshi's Cookie.  So this is another first time win, but I'm not sure if this is truly the ending.  Upon completion of 10-10, and watching the credits, it gave instructions to get a level select to choose levels 11 and beyond.  I'm not sure if any of these have an ending as well, nor do I care enough to bother at the moment.  That said, I certainly didn't beat it from scratch.  I chose level 10 on low speed.  Speed doesn't seem to affect the ending at all, though apparently levels 1 through 9 have a cut scene that plays before advancing to the next level.  I'm inclined to say it's beaten, at least for the purposes of this thread, but does anyone have any info on the later levels, if they have a unique cut scenes too, or if it's just a bonus for people that have otherwise mastered the game?

This is on my personal revisit list to see if there is anything significantly different for getting stage 99-10 on high speed. I would certainly say you can consider this done since there is an ending and credits. I see YouTube videos for people getting 99-10 on NES, but not GB. If it's anything like the NES ending, then it appears to be near identical (but without the cutscene). 10-10 shows mario, yoshi, bowser and peach and 99-10 shows only mario and yoshi with items bouncing around them.  It does look like you can stage select with that code the normal ending gives, so it may not take too much time to explore.

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Editorials Team · Posted
12 hours ago, the_wizard_666 said:

Took one for the team and knocked off Wheel of Fortune.  I've always loved Wheel of Fortune games, but man, this has to be the single worst version I've ever played.  I could forgive only having one AI opponent if that AI was actually competent.  Who the hell picks Z as their first letter? 😛 Anyway, I think I may be done for the time being.  I'll let @Splain get caught up 😛

I love word games, but Wheel of Fortune might be the worst game in the GB library.

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9 hours ago, Floating Platforms said:

Nice work knocking all of these out. I think the count is probably over 60 now? Those wrestling games can be frustrating at times since it seems like every one has different, unintuitive controls.

Honestly, most of those are a half hour or less to knock off.  I just pulled one of the GB binders off my shelf and started pulling short games to play.  I'd actually hoped playing one or two would make me tired enough to sleep.  I still haven't slept though, so it didn't do the trick 😛 The three WWF games I knocked off are all pretty basic.  Controls are actually pretty solid once you know what they actually are 😛  That said, I fired up WWF War Zone as well, since it's the last WWF game I need to beat for my personal list, but I couldn't figure out a damn thing.  Couldn't even tell the two wrestlers apart, nevermind get any offence in, so yeah, I shelved it again 😛 I don't recall WWF Raw being that bad though, just not really inclined to do it just yet 😛

1 hour ago, Splain said:

I love word games, but Wheel of Fortune might be the worst game in the GB library.

I don't think I'd go that far.  But it's a pretty lacklustre port for sure.  It's still playable, but the AI is so damn incompetent that you might as well just play it alone, which kind of defeats the point of playing in the first place.  Given how simple the concept is though, there's really no reason to play it when there's better versions on damn near every other system .

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Well, now WWF Raw is in the books after Razor Ramon won the title tournament.  Man, it seems chronologically, every WWF game just got worse and worse.  You would think it'd be an improvement over King of the Ring, but the sprites look like shit, the overall visuals took a downgrade (though the character portraits improved), and musically it's not nearly as good either...though they may have been there, I never noticed a single theme song playing!  Additionally, having to hold A+B to pin, but only having it work in a specific spot...yeah, that was annoying, not to mention counter-intuitive.  All told, I'd still say it's better than WWF War Zone, but that's just because I could figure out more or less how to play it 😛  All told, I don't think I'll ever have a reason to play it again, aside from maybe knocking off an easy half hour completion for this list in future years.

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19 hours ago, the_wizard_666 said:

Honestly, most of those are a half hour or less to knock off.  I just pulled one of the GB binders off my shelf and started pulling short games to play.  I'd actually hoped playing one or two would make me tired enough to sleep.  I still haven't slept though, so it didn't do the trick 😛 The three WWF games I knocked off are all pretty basic.  Controls are actually pretty solid once you know what they actually are 😛  That said, I fired up WWF War Zone as well, since it's the last WWF game I need to beat for my personal list, but I couldn't figure out a damn thing. 

Maybe my problem is that I've only played King of the Ring, WCW and War Zone so far - all quite different. KotR was super quick, WCW was fine, War Zone is one of only 3 games (of 180) that I've ranked 1/10.  The controls really don't work and I had to find a cheese tactic to make it through.

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4-in-1 Fun Pak is done.  Only bothered with difficulty 1 on all of them, but the AI was decent enough even on level 1 to be a decent matchup.  Unlike Chessmaster, the AI would not succumb to the scholar's mate, so I actually had to put some effort into the chess match.  Checkers was decent enough...the AI would rarely fall into traps, and really needed to be forced into screwing up.  Backgammon actually took me two attempts, though I wonder how much more that has to do with luck than actual skill, as the loss only actually happened because the computer got a timely doubles roll.  As for reversi, it didn't take much effort at all.  I completely screwed up on multiple occasions and still won first try, though the AI probably gets a LOT better by the end of it.  I'd definitely boot it up again to play backgammon, and if you're looking for a competent but not powerhouse chess match, so far I think it's the best playing (and best looking) chess game I've played on the Game Boy.  The other two are actually decent as well, but as I am not really a fan of the games I probably won't go out of my way to play them again 😛

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Caesar's Palace is done.  Jesus fuck that was tough.  It's kind of funny, there's an exploitable pattern to roulette on the NES, but it's truly random on the Game Boy, so it's nowhere near as easy to get it.  The quickest method is the way the speed runners do it, by using the "Caesar" space on the wheel of fortune, but given that you have to land it pretty much frame perfect, it's down to luck whether you can actually execute it.  I ended up playing it a bit safer, dropping my initial money and hoping to get a quick 40K, then just playing 5000 at a time and hoping to trigger it a couple more times.  Took several attempts and more hours than I care to admit, but I managed to hit it enough times to pull it off.  Now to never play that game again 😛

Honestly, I'm wondering if getting the best ending should be required.  Obviously going broke is the worst, and the game shouldn't be counted as a win if you just cash out immediately, but the first ending that requires actually playing gets triggered at $20k.  That may be a better, and more realistic, plan than going for $140k moving forward.

Oh, and my first run glitched on me.  No idea how it happened or why, but I played poker, won a hand and didn't get the payout animation, and then noticed I had the maximum amount of funds for some ungodly reason.  So I technically saw the good ending in about a minute, but decided that wouldn't be right to count it.  I could've saved myself several hours of frustration if I had though 😛

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1 hour ago, the_wizard_666 said:

Honestly, I'm wondering if getting the best ending should be required.  Obviously going broke is the worst, and the game shouldn't be counted as a win if you just cash out immediately, but the first ending that requires actually playing gets triggered at $20k.  That may be a better, and more realistic, plan than going for $140k moving forward.

What's crazy is that the limo may not be the best ending. Someone left a comment on my playthrough video (that somehow auto-erased, or they deleted after?) stating there's an ending at $5 million+ to become the Owner of the casino. How would that ever be possible if there's no workable pattern in roulette or the other wheel?

But yeah, maybe the win condition should be simply leave in a better vehicle than you get for the default cash.

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Mickey's Chase is complete. I remember playing this last year too. Not very difficult, though some of the later levels have some tricky parts. Music is pretty good (Capcom and all). Game is a little short, but long enough IMO. Just a good, fun game.

Edited by MegaMan52
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Battlezone/Super Breakout is done.




Space Invaders is done.



I did Kung Fu Master on easy.



Dropzone is done according to the requirements of the list. There are several "ranks" that depend on your score and 10.000 is just the lowest rank that you can get. Also, strictly speaking the enemies are slightly different in every wave. So maybe one would have to try and see if there is actually something like a real ending or a wave where the game actually repeats itself.



Othello is done. I'm apparently pretty bad at this kind of game and lost over and over again against COM2. So I thought about changing my strategy and maybe trying to get the opponent to run out of time. So I set the time limit to 5 minutes and the difficulty to COM3, because I thought that the higher level CPU would take more time to think about their turns. And initially it worked out quite well. I got the CPU down to the last minute, but by then it made is turns very quickly and the game was over shortly after that. But somehow I managed to still win, and even on my first try. I have no idea why I somehow performed better against a supposedly more difficult AI. Anyway, I'll take it.




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3 hours ago, Floating Platforms said:

What's crazy is that the limo may not be the best ending. Someone left a comment on my playthrough video (that somehow auto-erased, or they deleted after?) stating there's an ending at $5 million+ to become the Owner of the casino. How would that ever be possible if there's no workable pattern in roulette or the other wheel?

But yeah, maybe the win condition should be simply leave in a better vehicle than you get for the default cash.

It's the sports car, not the limo, like with the NES version.  The only thing I saw about the 5 million plus ending was a guy on YouTube who did the required random 5 mill plus number but skipped through the ending.  Plus when my round glitches and I ended with over $65 million I just got the sports car ending, so my guess is that it's an urban legend and not real.

34 minutes ago, Gaia Gensouki said:

Othello is done. I'm apparently pretty bad at this kind of game and lost over and over again against COM2. So I thought about changing my strategy and maybe trying to get the opponent to run out of time. So I set the time limit to 5 minutes and the difficulty to COM3, because I thought that the higher level CPU would take more time to think about their turns. And initially it worked out quite well. I got the CPU down to the last minute, but by then it made is turns very quickly and the game was over shortly after that. But somehow I managed to still win, and even on my first try. I have no idea why I somehow performed better against a supposedly more difficult AI. Anyway, I'll take it.

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Are you sure it isn't like the NES version where you get an actual ending for beating COM4 and advancing to face COM5?

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Editorials Team · Posted
3 minutes ago, the_wizard_666 said:

It's the sports car, not the limo, like with the NES version.  The only thing I saw about the 5 million plus ending was a guy on YouTube who did the required random 5 mill plus number but skipped through the ending.  Plus when my round glitches and I ended with over $65 million I just got the sports car ending, so my guess is that it's an urban legend and not real.

Are you sure it isn't like the NES version where you get an actual ending for beating COM4 and advancing to face COM5?

Oh snap, I didn't know the NES one was like that. I'll try and find out

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@the_wizard_666 I looked at other people playing this on COM4 and it didn't seem like there was another mode?

King of Fighters: Heat of Battle, The is done. I'm not a fighting game guy, but this was pretty easy to get into and played surprisiingly well for a Game Boy game. The graphics were fairly decent too. I played with Mai since she's one of only two characters that I recognize and they even gave her jiggle physics ... on the Game Boy!


R-Type on hard mode to get the good ending.


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2 hours ago, Gaia Gensouki said:

@the_wizard_666 I looked at other people playing this on COM4 and it didn't seem like there was another mode?

It's possible for sure.  That said, the question is still whether or not COM4 gives an ending message similar to how the NES version does.  On the NES, there's no message at all on levels 1 through 3.  Assuming not, then any difficulty should be okay, but if it does, then I'd say COM4 should be the requirement.

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17 minutes ago, Gaia Gensouki said:

@the_wizard_666 I played through it again, but this time against a COM4 who ended up running out of time. There was no different message and also no higher difficulty to unlock.

Well that settles that 🙂 I figured you'd just dig up a video of it, but it's awesome that you managed to actually do it yourself 🙂

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7 hours ago, the_wizard_666 said:

It's the sports car, not the limo, like with the NES version.  The only thing I saw about the 5 million plus ending was a guy on YouTube who did the required random 5 mill plus number but skipped through the ending.  Plus when my round glitches and I ended with over $65 million I just got the sports car ending, so my guess is that it's an urban legend and not real.

ah that's right. bad memory about the limo thing.  I think I saw some weird TAS thing showing the casino owner ending on some system but it was a while ago. I'll see if I can dig it up. I could very well be mistaken and I truly hope it's not real since I'm personally trying for best endings.

In World Bowling progress news - I made it to stage 4 of 6 (Canada) several times tonight, but it definitely plays differently from the first 3 countries and I haven't quite figured out the sweet spots. My overall high score for a game is 257 followed by 249. So, even though this may still take a long time, I think it might be feasible with luck.

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4 in 1 Fun Pak Vol. 2 is done.  While a bit less interesting overall than the first, it is by no means a bad mix.  Aside from Solitaire, I don't think any of the games can be played elsewhere on the system, and all of them are well programmed, with competent AI and everything.  All told, I think both games are worth having around, as they'd make great time killers on a long flight or road trip.  I could see myself playing it again for cribbage and Yahtzee in the future.

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Okay, the New Owner banner is a thing (the TAS moves so fast you have to go frame by frame in this video to see it, but it is there)

From the description - The ending shown in the previous run was found to not be actual best ending, the actual best ending (which is ownership of the Caesars Palace casino) requiring at least $5,963,776 to achieve. The authors do this by getting two absurdly lucrative jackpots in a row at the Slots with some careful RNG manipulation.

So, apparently there is a slot machine that will pay out $5million, but you still need another $1 Million to reach the owner status, so they found the right frame to hit jackpot twice.

Edited by Floating Platforms
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