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Free Anime series(few movies) added to Youtube via Viz Media


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I just got tipped off to this as it was just added on Youtube.


Full anime tv series of:

Sailor Moon (sub) -239
Naruto -220
Inuyasha -197
Hunter x Hunter -148
Deathnote -37
Mr Osomatsu -50

10 movies too
Accel World
Infinit-T Force
4 Inuyasha movies
Mazinger Z
K Missing Kings
2pts of Tiger & Bunny


I know there are some fans on here and this is largely some peak 90s good stuff here viz owns they offered up with no charge, no subscription service, just click n' go.

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That does sound enticing.  It would be amusing if I popped a disc into my computer, but then could just run that with a plugin over to my phone if I were out or whatever.


Also...another freebie of sorts.  More sub than dub here, lots of stuff other spots just don't stream and largely the site is free too, a few paid gems but not much, so it's an optional subscription site.  Retrocrush, has many apps for all sorts of devices.  retrocrush.tv/

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3 minutes ago, RegularGuyGamer said:

For what it's worth, they have the remake of sailor moon that is panel for panel matched to the manga. 

You talking about this? That's episode 1/238 -- the whole run well translated, original Japanese, solid piece of work.  I've only read the manga and seen the english goofy dub in the 90s when it aired.  I've got ep2 going, it's definitely more mature even if she's still a goofy drip early on.  Given the looming death, choke out, and violence so far I imagine once the others get involved and it ramps up it'll get more nasty.


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15 minutes ago, Tanooki said:

You talking about this? That's episode 1/238 -- the whole run well translated, original Japanese, solid piece of work.  I've only read the manga and seen the english goofy dub in the 90s when it aired.  I've got ep2 going, it's definitely more mature even if she's still a goofy drip early on.  Given the looming death, choke out, and violence so far I imagine once the others get involved and it ramps up it'll get more nasty.


Nah the original anime is *only 200 episodes. It looks like VIZ has Crystal (the manga accurate one) starting at episode 200 instead of categorizing it as its own show.

Sailor moon was actually ahead of the manga a several times so there's a constant disconnect between the original series and the manga. 

I actually liked the original cartoon bc it was something I watched as a kid / teen after school along with dragon ball / DBZ so I never minded the filler and slice of life stuff. But anyone watching the show for the first time should just watch crystal and get the whole series on like 30 episodes and 2 movies. 

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@RegularGuyGamer Like you I enjoy the original cartoon too.  I was in college at that rate, it was the lame news or for 50min~ in the morning I'd watch Pokemon+Sailor Moon, then later Toonami had it again for a short run so I appreciate all that 90s cheese.  I've never seen crystal, planned to and bookmarked it on netflix.  I used to have the 2 SM movies too.  It's an oddity, meant initially for women/girls, but more men went towards it for the subject matter both the grittier original or the goofy value of the dub and I get it.

I'm going through the sub, never tried it before so it's kind of nice seeing what was erased out for fragile white kid eyes due to the clinging mommy brigade who liked to ruin so much TV in the day for people because...think of the children!  I've even considered getting my manga back of the series but it has been re-issued a few times since tokyopop and got more costly.

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Im not gna lie, I really fuck w sailor moon. I watched it as a kid but never really got into it, just in passing before or after the good stuff came on. I think it was last year I put it on before bed and I realized it was a western super hero show built around a campy teen girl and her friends. The first season is actually dope if you can make it through 50 episodes.

Like any show, it kinda loses focus by the end of the series. Some people love the 5th season but I gotta say, I checked out by then. The manga does a way better job dealing w the themes of season 4 & 5 while the cartoon made some odd choices. 

I'd be interested in how the sub changes the dialogue though. It's crazy to think how butchered those 90s anime were.

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9 hours ago, MagusSmurf said:

Sailor Moon seasons:

3 > 5 > 1 > 2 > 4

Only got around to 4 and 5 last year.

Haven't watched Crystal yet. I remember there was a lot of bitching about Crystal's adaptation of the first two manga arcs back when those were recent.

I thought crystal was supposed to be as accurate to the manga as they could get it. The animation style took some getting used to but it works. The issues I think w the first two seasons of crystal is it didn't have any of the campy, goofy anime tropes which the original anime had a ton of. There's not giant headed, pissed off Usagi or anything like that until session 3 which I got past. Crystal seemed more like a super hero saga instead of a Saturday morning cartoon. I think it's worth the watch though, especially season 3 if that's your favorite. 

My order; 1>3>2>5>4

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That is the idea of Crystal, a more condensed yet accurate to the original print version of Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon from Japan, not the localized one.  Maybe it's a weeabo or someone too used to boppy Serena in the US.


Not sure I'd agree with the order of liking of the seasons/stories it had, I think R deserves better. 🙂

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