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Nosehairs (Atari 2600)



So I've begun making a game for the Atari 2600 about nosehair trimming.  What I'm envisioning is a game where you dodge the nosehair demon, get powerups and periodically going over to the left side of the screen to trim the nosehair so it doesn't get so long that it ends the game. So sort of like Tapper, or, a more obscure reference, Dishaster for the 2600.

Right now I have the nosehair growing, you can guide Mr. Scissors around the screen and can cut the nosehair, but that's about it so far. I plan to follow through to a completed stage, whether it be a 2k or 4k game, unless I get so frustrated I have to give up on it. Right now the most frustrating aspect is keeping the scanlines at a steady 262. (The magic number for an NTSC TV). I played what I have now on my Harmony cart and it works well. Until it's time to dig deeper into the game and work on it some more...


I can control the speed of the nosehair's growth, which is a crucial part of the game: Making it faster as the game progresses.

I decided to start a blog about the various things I program for various consoles. Here is a list of the ones I can make games for: Odyssey2, Atari 2600, Atari 7800, Atari Jaguar, Nintendo Virtual Boy, Nintendo Game Boy, Nintendo Pokemon Mini, Sega Game Gear, Mattel Intellivision, Fairchild Channel F. My Atari 2600 experience was for the longest time (about 10 years) starting in batariBasic, but a couple of years ago, I began learning assembly, which, while it gives me more freedom to do what I want, is a really really difficult thing to learn. Nosehairs is made with assembly.


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