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Ahead of the half-inch of ice we're supposed to get tomorrow here, I have been working on Pokemon Mini stuff. Why? I don't know. I looked at some other Pokemon Mini titles, most notably Psychic Seeds, and I redesigned my game to look more like that.


I am attempting to make a Fast Food Atari 2600-type game for the Pokemon Mini, where the object is to move the mouth around to eat the candy and avoid the pickle. which will decrease your life by 1 if you eat one. The pickle is not in the game yet.

It's too bad I don't live up about just 50 miles north where they're going to get mostly snow. I got some grocery shopping done yesterday in case the power goes out. And I hope to play some more Pokemon Mini in case it does go out, along with some Game Boy stuff as well. Also, we just got our fireplace serviced a few days ago. So we're all set.

So yeah, it's not looking good weatherwise here. Usually we get saved from the bad weather that happens all across the rest of the country. But I guess not this time.


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